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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Iad backwards j.lk into ground cr.lk works IIRC (as Furtune).
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i think it's likely their hurtboxes.

It's probably Filia's silly hurtboxes but Double's hurtbox is already a decent chunk above her actual animation. It would look weird for her hutbox to be even higher.
Sorry to change the topic but Robo ground throw canceling doesn't seem right. I feel like I have to cancel super late almost at time of recovery rather than release of the throw. Definitely different than every other throw cancel in the game.
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Sorry to change the topic but Robo ground throw canceling doesn't seem right. I feel like I have to cancel super late almost at time of recovery rather than release of the throw. Definitely different than every other throw cancel in the game.
Oho, you're right, she is unable to cancel during the release part until it's fully over. I'll see if I can fix that, but the beam end part sort of requires her to still be throwing so maybe I can't.

I'm not entirely comfortable living in a world where MMDS can be right.
Goodbye, alexpi, we hardly knew ye!
And we were fine with that.
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Oho, you're right, she is unable to cancel during the release part until it's fully over. I'll see if I can fix that, but the beam end part sort of requires her to still be throwing so maybe I can't.
hmm, only reason I ask is because the super doesn't combo nicely on everyone if I wait for the bounce. Sometimes they don't red bounce high enough to get caught in the laser.
yeah and canceling the grab into either light or medium lazor is also tricky if you want to keep your otg. but it is possible.
The Beowulf patch has been submitted for consoles!
That's why this is no longer the RoboBetawulf Patch Notes, since Beowulf is done. So keep your ears peeled for more updates as soon as we know 'em.

- Today at 10PM EST will be a special edition of Saturday Night Salt, on http://www.twitch.tv/eightysixed to benefit sending Brazilian players to Combo Breaker 2015!. Special t-shirts by Brazilian artists will be on sale for one week only, with proceeds going to the cause!
-Today from approximately 2PM PST until stupid-late will be a fully voiced Chrono Trigger playthrough on http://www.twitch.tv/labzero as part of Shin AT-Proof's farewell festivities. Come join us for the misery! :^)

- More clean frames! Superjump, dash effects, normals, lasers, etc.
- Added air beams. L 45 degrees downward 1 hit, M horizontal 1 hit, H horizontal multi-hit. Can combo after the air H beam in the corner. Limited to one beam per jump, no matter the strength. No, MMDS, double-jumping doesn't give her an extra beam use.
- Recovery of L beam decreased, hitstun increased on L/M, ground beams are not punishable on hit by Argus anymore.
- L/M beams hit up close for 1f, then are fullscreen immediately after that, rather than expanding slowly. This is more of my intended behavior.
- L/M beams push back farther on hit vs air.
- Damage of H beam lowered a teensy bit, recovery increased. You can now pushblock in the middle of H beams.
- j.HP effect now dissipates when it hits the floor. It is always active for at least 3f.
- Ground throw is now special/super cancellable as soon as the beam disappears, thanks MMDS!

can we have mike z's song in the game
H horizontal multi-hit. Can combo after the air H beam in the corner

mmmmmmhhh... okay, but i like to combo from it at midscreen. It's a lot more... erm, Fun.
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Would it be ok for R.Fortune to be able to hella-copter upward on her second jump if she hasn't used the upward direction on her first jump yet? even if she copters on her first jump as long as she didn't use up at all she gets to use up at least once.
Would it be ok for R.Fortune to be able to hella-copter upward on her second jump if she hasn't used the upward direction on her first jump yet? even if she copters on her first jump as long as she didn't use up at all she gets to use up at least once.
No, get out.:PUN:
So playing around with Fukua I noticed that out of all her fireballs that I use in neutral, the one I never use at all is Ground Light fireball. Is it possible to slow down how fast the fireball moves and have it spawn closer? I feel like throwing that fireball out in general is a waste because in beta it takes forever to come back and in retail all her other fireballs have better use. I feel it could be really good as a for her to get in with it.
i didn't know that robots could get the common cold. I hope she gets better soon.

But yeah the addition of her aerial lazors makes her zoning even stronger. and tk-ing light lazor as a semi-mid ranged poke it pretty good.
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So Robo Fortune's air throw leaves you in stage 1 if you jump cancel it, is this intended behaviour?

It allows for pretty absurdly long max undizzy combos and arguably the best air throw/burst bait 50/50 in the game.

Just thought I'd point it out, haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.
No really put this song in skullgirls

Man i don't know that Shin-AT gentleman but that song makes me laugh quite hard!

As for putting it in the game...i guess the only way would be to put a 'Shin-AT' difficulty level and play the song in the credit if beat in that difficulty!
Has there been a change to manual assist calling in the beta? Its been so long sinc ive used manual assists for anything except normal plinks but i just found that the buffer seems to have been increased tremendously.

Is this a thing?

Because before i could only get out manual assists without an errant normal coming out, like half the time at best... But right now in training mode i can literally mash the manuals 10 times in a row and not get a normal. This kinda seems to make the assist macro defunct... For me at least... or am i completely wrong @Mike_Z
I just noticed something else in addition to the previous R Fort air grab thing.

If you quit a game while the Beowulf crowd sounds are playing, they continue to play over the menus, this seems strange but maybe it's intended behaviour. Not sure of any other extended sounds to try this with to see if it is just this sound or not.
So Robo Fortune's air throw leaves you in stage 1 if you jump cancel it, is this intended behaviour?

It allows for pretty absurdly long max undizzy combos and arguably the best air throw/burst bait 50/50 in the game.

Just thought I'd point it out, haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.
this is true for all airgrabs if I'm not mistaken
this is true for all airgrabs if I'm not mistaken
All other air grabs start out at stage 2. That, and nobody else can jump cancel their air grabs since Robo Fortune is the only character with jump cancels.
this is true for all airgrabs if I'm not mistaken
airgrab xx double jump
j.MP j.HK xx 236HP
j.LK j.MK j.HK xx double jump
j.MK j.HK xx 236HP

This is possible at 100% stun and does 3510 damage meterless.
found a minor graphical glitch with squiglys silver chord. If you go into the charge stance, move forward then move back then release it and whiff the graphic extends behind squigly's head during the real back.


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Was it always possible to dash thru Beowulf ground-roll in the corner?
Example: I'm in the corner and I Light By-pass on the ground, Beowulf ground-tech backwards, I would either dash towards the corner or dash then jump forward. Even though it would seem like Beowulf would get the corner first, I would somehow push him away from the corner.
Was it always possible to dash thru Beowulf ground-roll in the corner?
Example: I'm in the corner and I Light By-pass on the ground, Beowulf ground-tech backwards, I would either dash towards the corner or dash then jump forward. Even though it would seem like Beowulf would get the corner first, I would somehow push him away from the corner.
Some characters can do this to some characters.
- The fall from Valentine's air Savage Bypass on block is correctly counted by the framedata display. Thanks VIVr.

- Recovery of Lv3 is now counterhit state. HAHAHAHAhahahahaaaa. Thanks Skarmand.
- Many more clean frames! Should be everything except crouch idle...!
- Added (head control), QCB+K / 214+K. Only MK does something, for now.
- Added (magnet super), QCT+K / 236+K. Can hold a K button to keep the magnet out for longer. Will only connect vs airborne opponents. The pull does not affect some things, like Painwheel's flight, that it probably should.
- It is now possible to pushblock in the middle of the Lv3/Lv5 super laser beams. Try it at your own risk, though...especially Lv5.
- Fixed weird dragging during super lasers when they hit as OTGs.
- Adjusted hits and damage for super laser Lv3/Lv5:
Lv1 = 30 hits, 3182 dmg, 1650 minimum.
Lv3 = 45 hits, 4361 dmg, 3825 minimum.
Lv5 = 60 hits, 6441 damage, 6060 minimum.
Lv3 and Lv5 scale much less in combos than before.
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um excuse me what is this?

Is this a joke? What did you do to Fukua
But it looked so much cooler before with the color... Now she just looks like a joke (._.) (And yes I get that she's supposed to be a joke but come on)
But it looked so much cooler before with the color... Now she just looks like a joke (._.) (And yes I get that she's supposed to be a joke but come on)

im okay with that.