So...when's Skullgals 2?

Two weeks... tops
Autumn still has rights to the Skullgirls IP tho.@Skullgirls2 I feel like the game has been so successful that L0 should be able to find a person to give them money to make more. But that's just how I feel about it, I don't really have any numbers (but it's one of the top selling games wherever it drops for the week). All I know is that I am buying the PS4 for KH3, Disgaea 5, and SG. I hope they can get something to work. I would feel so much better about buying the PS4 if I had SG2 on it. With Marie, B.Dahlia, Umbrella, and possibly Annie, Minette, Scythana, Isaac, and then maybe an Egret, a Lab 8 person, and a Circus Member.
I can't do both? Cause I do both all the time.
Don't forget blood coffin Filia and Princess Leia Fortune.
I don't know what that means, honestly. All I know is that I've heard Lab0 say a few times that they would be willing to do SG2 if only they had the money to.
*looks at Rabeye's team*
If it were easy then it wouldn't be worth it.
Maybe they got it from Umbrella.I just remembered something that weirded me out. When Eliza killed Marie she was disappointed to find no blood, just more bone. Marie was all dried out as a Skullgirl. Painwheel has Skullgirl blood running through her veins though. If a Skullgirl is bone dry then where does the blood come from?
My guess is that it comes from women who make a wish but hasn't transformed yet like in Filia's or Parasoul's story.
So, as far as it comes with me at least, it's never that I doubt Lab0, it's that I can't envision a character being interesting by looking at the shot of them just standing before seeing them in motion. The more animation I see of a particular character, the more I learn to love that character. Even the first pictures I ever saw of Skullgirls, the one that made me want to check what it was all about, was this:
Zeruel, one of the Angels from Evangelion.
Thank you! back to Eliza related story
I find this an interesting take, for it implies whatever Skullgirls reap, it ends up in Gehenna. In such a case, that might be the Skullheart's objective, (re?)building a world by (and at the cost of) destroying another one.
Old news in that it's been known for a while that Marie, Dahlia and Umbrella need to be made for True Story Mode to happen. New news in that we're getting a solid confirmation that it will not happen. -_-,
Epically out of place in this game. =P
*sigh* You guys either wanna kiss me or kill me. There's never any middle ground is there?
When i first introduced myself to this topic I said i came from the skullgirls encore ps3 gamefaqs
all i know is people were bashing Marie and saying they don't want a playable boss
i supported her all the way but she didn't make it
people wanted B. dalia if i remember she was close to winning
and umbrella everybody knows that she was part of the original cast so that wasn't no surprise
Recently i was looking at a topic about what's Canon in skullgirls I was mindblown on some of the stuff it explain a lot of the lore
Well good for you i got my internet this year i didn't follow there Twitter until this
yea so I'm very in the dark about some of this things I'm trying my best to keep my board alive
and went here to discuss eliza and the lore it's like most of you
guys forgot I'm a new user i just started to get use to being here
1st If I came across as a dick I apologize
2nd I was just answering your questions my way of talking is very proper when I'm serious (which is why I came off as a dick)
3rd and this is not me attacking or anything, but how was I supposed to know you didn't have Internet hell I didn't know you were a new member either but I am glad you understand the beowulf talk needs to move to the beowulf thread