I already said: The game can be lauched with locked characters... a lot of old games has this, even the original SF4. I bet we will have a boss character and a secret character, making the rooster has 18 initial characters without DLC. And this locket characters can be unlocked playing AND by money, like the future DLC ones.
Why the Boss character is not in the 16 original ones? Because to make mystery about the game plot. And a secret one is... secret.
Maybe is easy unlock this ones: only fight against and win... The boss will be easy to do, but everyone remembers the rules to fight Akuma :D
(And always Capcom can launch the game with more locked characters. Locked characters and DLC ones are the same for this games... the difference is the DLC ones are not ready now. Because then became ready, the game will download then and, after that, they became locked characters. If Capcom finish any new character before the launch, they can send with the original package).