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The Mortal Kombat Thread

Ermac was one. I don't know if there were others.

and he might have absorbed Shao Khan's soul considering his dialogue with Scorpion.
Well that was just.
Fatalities aside.
Two fatalities per character confirmed, new -ality will be shown later, and there was this
Ermac said Sub-Zero's soul was corrupted
He replied "Not corrupted, freed"
I actually like his new look. I just hope he won't be like Superman from Injustice with the lasers n shit.

I missed his fatality so I don't know how it looks. How was it?
People are saying Kung Lao's is underwhelming, but what the hell were you expecting from the bits of it we got last week? The hat to explode in the guy's face? Of course he was gonna get his head sliced in two.
yo, Ermac pulling out the rider kicks. I approve.
Ermac Rider Kick.png
Maybe it's just the suit/perspectives shown, but Ermac appears noticeably slim, which makes sense for a being relying on energy rather than muscle.

That would be good. MK9 characters felt too much like one guy wearing different outfits and make up as far as variety of body shapes went.
Maybe it's just the suit/perspectives shown, but Ermac appears noticeably slim, which makes sense for a being relying on energy rather than muscle.

That would be good. MK9 characters felt too much like one guy wearing different outfits and make up as far as variety of body shapes went.
They learned a lot from Injustice
Making giant muscle monsters actually playable for example
Kung Lao vs Reptile is still the best
Kung: "I have no quarrel with you."
Reptile: "I'm going to rip your face off!"
Kung: "I now have a quarrel with you."
Makes me laugh every time.
Any speculation on possible cameo characters? I think it'd be cool if Sweet Tooth made it in, personally.
Filiaa for MKX
I can see how Kung Lao coulda survived. cybernetic neck stuff, shaolin healing magic, he walked it off.

him being in the cast is fine with me.

Only in like one tower mission. He wasn't part of the roster.
oh, my bad. never really did tower but I thought you could unlock him there.
Man, why Double? We could go all out with non-euclidean horrors and put Venus in. I can't be the only one who wants to play as Yog Sothoth in lingerie

Ed just said that mirror match dialogue is great......

I think I once heard that Kano's got a line along the lines of "If I kill you and then I'll be the REAL Kano!"
And there's also this:
Cassie Cage 1: Funny.
Cassie Cage 2: You know what's funny? Your face.
Cassie Cage 1: Dude, you've just insulted yourself...
Speaking of intros this has to be one of my favorites so far.
Reading the comics I expected Kotal to kill Sonya and that would be what would cause her to get her shit together and become a badass special forces agent bent n defeating the forces of Outworld.
But then I remember that intro- that's not the type of conversation you'd have with your Mother's killer...

Frost wasn't dekonfirmed.
Yeah, but she's currently fighting in a death match against Cassie, and we know Cassie makes it into the game.
Pretty ironic fight considering Frost and Sonya's rivalry (a rivalry that did not form in this timeline)
That being said it'd be possible for Frost to survive the fight, I mean I don't see unarmed Cassie tearing her head off or anything... could even be the start of a beautiful Friendship...
it'd be possible for Frost to survive the fight, I mean I don't see unarmed Cassie tearing her head off or anything... could even be the start of a beautiful Friendship...
So I read issue #5...

All in all not really impressed, nothing much going on right now. The damn things are way too short.
That being said, judging based on issue #3 the next issue will focus on Kotal (Yay) as well as Ferra (Yay!) and Torr (YAY!)

I'm starting to wonder when Ermac, Kitana, Kung Lao and Reptile will appear.
Is Goro exclusive as in "no one gets him but those who pre-ordered"?

Because if that's the case, MKX can politely go fuck itself.