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The Official League of Legends Thread!

I haven't been keeping up with patch notes very well, why was DFG completely nixed? I'm a mid-laner so kinda important.
yo, I might just alternate Nami and Taric as my support mains.
Gems, Gems are truly truly truly.... outrageous.
also that stun and health.
I rush for a sunfire cape and just help go to town in team fights.
Gems, Gems are truly truly truly.... outrageous.
also that stun and health.
I rush for a sunfire cape and just help go to town in team fights.
Which is why I play Braum. Because Team Fights. He doesn't have heals, but his Ult is so good in teamfights. Damage. Stuns. Slows.
Aww, Deathfire Grasp has been removed. I've been buying that item since I played Annie and Veigar, because it's really useful for debuffing my enemy before I perform a combo. It's also really good for reducing the cooldowns, as well as adding 120 ability power. I guess I'd just buy a Morellonomicon instead for them.

I've been playing lots of champions like Kalista, Twitch, Lissandra, and Brand, and I've had a fun time playing as them, but I get to main as Zyra, Jinx, and Fiora. Fiora is one of my best melee champions, because I really like on how I can use Blade Waltz to slay my enemy, which is similar to Master Yi's Alpha Strike.
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Gems, Gems are truly truly truly.... outrageous.
also that stun and health.
I rush for a sunfire cape and just help go to town in team fights.
A fellow Gem Knight!
If you feel inclined, play Taric in the top lane against an AD heavy champ. I once had a Fiora ult me for about 1/13 of my health in the late game and just smacked her around with my combo and walked away with full health.

Which is why I play Braum. Because Team Fights. He doesn't have heals, but his Ult is so good in teamfights. Damage. Stuns. Slows.
I have a theory that all my favorite supports are just different versions of Taric who was my main support in S4.
Leona is Taric with more cc
Braum is Taric with a getter disengage and a his ult turned into a single-use time delayed passive.
Which is why I play Braum. Because Team Fights. He doesn't have heals, but his Ult is so good in teamfights. Damage. Stuns. Slows.
yeah but Taric is also great for his stun. Enemy overextended? Stun. Tanky jungler ganking your lane? Stun. Team fight and you want to designate a target? Stun.

Taric is just fun, and I love Braum too, I just like Taric as well.
Today is my "off day" for college classes so I went into placements since being around this thread for a few days warmed me up to playing League again. And, well, League yet again curbstomped me back to not playing it for probably another month.

I was in...Gold 4? Last season?
First match: I got stuck with support so picked Leona with Graves against a Tristana/Blitz. Did fine pre-6 until Graves got hooked under tower. We pushed hard for those levels and Grave still didn't have more cs than Trist. After Grave's first death we really couldn't do anything, every other lane lost and we lost all lane pressure which basically means we're useless as Leona/Graves. I think Sejuani died in her jungle to Hecarim level 2. So yeah lost that one.

Second: Had to go Lissandra top against Malphite, did extremely well early game. I was up 40 CS on him at one point, 75-35, and got one kill without any jungle help. Meanwhile Le'Blanc dies to Yasuo, Yasuo roams bottom, gets kills, etc.
We get an early dragon and afterwards I try and pressure top more but people just get picked off. Malphite comes back like 7 minutes later, is 6-2, has Abyssal and Sheen, 1v1's me, everyone who does damage has 6+ kills, we just get run over.

I hate how I forget how shitty League can get until I go back to play it. =D
you just had some bad players. just be patient. you'll find some good ones eventually.

it's still the early part of the new season.
I really wish "1350 skins that are 975 RP for a few days" were less frequent, because I was really considering Arclight Vel'koz, but now I'm holding off on that because I want Heartseeker Varus and Firecracker Jinx.

Oh well, I guess in the wait for Heartseeker I could spend the leftover RP on skins on sale or champs.
That Jinx skin is a day 0.1 buy for me. I am ready.

Man, I'm really getting tired of getting paired with DC'ers and Cardboard tier players.. I'm currently 3-5 cause of this... I got forced Mid lane cause some numbnut was threatening to go Mid Mundo. I was top pick so I snagged Mid Ahri. I'm not that great still, and he goes top Lee. The whole game he kept talking shit at the team, but we still won. I had a terrible and slow start but near the end I was helping with killed and stuff.

This game...
I've gotta wait for the chinese new year stuff to come back so I can snag that sweet dragonblade riven. missed out last time.
;-; doesn't help that I haven been getting that many hours at work so my feb paychecks are gonna really suck.

That Jinx skin is a day 0.1 buy for me. I am ready.

Man, I'm really getting tired of getting paired with DC'ers and Cardboard tier players..

yo, why not set up some days to play with friends?

I'll be up for it. just let me know what days would work Kit.
I love Elspeth's voice for Tristana.

And to think she would've never got the part if it had not been for her imitation video she did of her.
Me and my Bf's been running Triple Bot Bomb (trist Satchel, Zill Bomb, Time warp, Zil bomb).. It's stupid nasty.

Sad thing is: her Satchel charge is Hybrid. You can build it AD or Ap. While it's normally AP damage, it has the option to turn it around.
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Jayce though
Jayce though
Jayce though!
I like Jayce. really fun champ.
naw Zilla.
Viktor and Jayce super hate each other.
like, they hate each other so much.
Kassadin is due for a VU, Ryze will get a moveset update and VU, and Poppy's still in the pipeline
Apparently they're working on Taric right now.
Is it a mechanic's rework? Because I know Riot has been systematically removing every point-and-click stun in the game and I'd hate for Taric to lose one of his biggest selling points.
sorry for the double post, but I want to take part in Aigey's make an X main contest, and I decided to do Garen, would anyone want to see what I submitted? I just want to see if I made it work.
Is it a mechanic's rework? Because I know Riot has been systematically removing every point-and-click stun in the game and I'd hate for Taric to lose one of his biggest selling points.
If I read correctly, they are changing his kit a bit.
Red Post said:
Over on reddit, Riot Repertoir commented that Taric is pretty far along gameplay wise:
Red Post said:
"Taric is pretty far along in the gameplay design process already. He's my other current project, along with Ryze."

edit: I want.

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