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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Well when I said "everyone" it was hyperbole. The only characters I'd definitely want there are Anna, Hector, and Lucius.
His Down-B is already shown to be back in the website pics though. His Side-B isn't, I think.

Also his Up-B is still ExtremeSpeed, but I hope it does damage this time.
Well, for one, it's cool for the people who grew up with pokemon. I'm no genwunner by a long shot, but mewtwo will still always be the coolest legendary. Fuck rayquaza.
Combine that with the fact that he has a realistic chance again due to being a significant pokemon in x/y and a main character in a new movie, and it's not that hard to see where they're coming from.

I grew up with Pokemon and I still love it. I watched the show as a kid, I started collecting and trading cards when they first came out, I've seen all of the movies except the most recent one, pokemon red was my first gbc game, and the list goes on. Hell, I still play Pokemon TCG (I can't wait for the X and Y set to release in Feb. :P) as well as all of the mainstream handheld games. Pokemon pinball is one of my favorite gbc/gba games, and I don't really even like pinball games...

Again, I'm not saying people shouldn't want Mewtwo in the next game and I completely understand why everyone loves him so much. I'm just tired of hearing about it all the time. People have been crying over Mewtwo since Brawl came out when his inclusion/exclusion from the game isn't really a big deal. I almost shit my pants when I was a kid and I found out that he was in Melee. When I found out he wasn't going to be in Brawl I said "ok" and moved on with my life. We lost mewtwo, but got a bunch of other interesting characters worth having.

Also no, Rayquaza is by and far the best Pokemon. And no I don't mean best legendary, I just mean best Pokemon straight up :)

How long has it been since there was a viewtiful joe game?
Plus his powers wouldn't really make for a unique moveset...

Relevancy is only a single factor that influences whether or not a character is deemed worthy to be added to the roster. Sakurai has a large pool of characters to pick from, and each has their own reason for why they could be added. Some are popular, some are iconic, some have a good history, some are simply quirky, etc. It doesn't matter how long it's been since there's been a viewtiful joe game, the point remains that he has and unique image that was born on a Nintendo console. Not only that, but his character would fit well within the universe of smash bros and he has a large set of moves and abilities to pull from.

But I think Wonder Red would be pretty awesome as well. I was just saying that Joe's implementation as a character would be more straightforward and obvious, whereas making Wonder Red into a character is definitely possible although it bit more difficult and problematic.
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Kinda surprised we haven't seen a Pokemon stage yet. Hopefully that gets revealed soon. When I first saw the Miiverse picture, I thought he was in a stage from Pokemon Battle Revolution. Sadly, it was just Pryosphere.
Problem is Joe's third party while W101 is second party. It's still a licensing nightmare either way, but it's probably less for the one that's "owned" by Nintendo.
Problem is Joe's third party while W101 is second party. It's still a licensing nightmare either way, but it's probably less for the one that's "owned" by Nintendo.

This is why Wonder Red makes more sense from a business standpoint, plus he simply has more recent history with Nintendo. I think either of them would make fine characters though, but Wonder Red would definitely be a decent bit more difficult to develop as a character.
Is it just me, or does that tree Lucario's sleeping by look like Whispy Woods?

EDIT: I've been corrected by someone else. Derp. Herp. Why... That could've worked SO WELL.
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that's Villager's tree
(which I still question the usefulness of if stardust from a luma can take it down)
Again, I'm not saying people shouldn't want Mewtwo in the next game and I completely understand why everyone loves him so much. I'm just tired of hearing about it all the time. People have been crying over Mewtwo since Brawl came out when his inclusion/exclusion from the game isn't really a big deal. I almost shit my pants when I was a kid and I found out that he was in Melee. When I found out he wasn't going to be in Brawl I said "ok" and moved on with my life. We lost mewtwo, but got a bunch of other interesting characters worth having.
I'm not about to opt to boycott the game if mewtwo isn't in, but he's certainly a very good and very obvious choice right now that I would be very happy to see.

Also no, Rayquaza is by and far the best Pokemon. And no I don't mean best legendary, I just mean best Pokemon straight up :)
I will go down right now. I will do it. Mewtwo is the best. Rayquaza doesn't even have a good backstory.
The thing I love about mewtwo, though, is how they told his story. I remember it was probably my third playthrough of pokemon red/blue/yellow when I put two and two together and realized the connection between giovanni, mewtwo, ditto and mew before the first movie came out and my mouth was probably wide open for at least 5 minutes.

But I think Wonder Red would be pretty awesome as well. I was just saying that Joe's implementation as a character would be more straightforward and obvious, whereas making Wonder Red into a character is definitely possible although it bit more difficult and problematic.
This is the biggest reason I would rather have wonder red.
Joe would be a character we've seen a million times before, wonder red could genuinely bring something new or at least interesting.
Geuss we'll see, right?
Don't forget we still have like 8 or so months before the game is released (Hopefully), a lot can be revealed from here and then.
I wouldn't be against Wonder Red or Viewtiful Joe in all honesty.
It would be neat to have Wonder Red be like Olimar on steroids. The WiiU could handle it, but I'm not sure if the 3DS version could handle 99 little troops following one big guy.

Especially if it's 4 Wonder Red's all facing each other.

Also, if you put him on the Blue Team, how would be be Wonder RED. He'd be Wonder BLUE and lord knows how he would object to that. (I actually only played the demo and watched the trailers so I'm only guessing)
I wouldn't be against Wonder Red or Viewtiful Joe in all honesty.
Are you against anyone?
I'm not about to opt to boycott the game if mewtwo isn't in, but he's certainly a very good and very obvious choice right now that I would be very happy to see.

I would actually like to see Mewtwo in the next game and I also believe that he's fairly likely to return on account of his overall popularity and current relevancy, I just wish people could learn to accept choices that the developers make and not complain about not getting their favorite characters added into the game. Deciding whether or not Mewtwo should be added isn't an easy choice to make since there's a lot of other Pokemon that would be awesome to have as well, so I trust in whatever decision they end up making with regards to how Pokemon gets represented in the roster.

I will go down right now. I will do it. Mewtwo is the best. Rayquaza doesn't even have a good backstory.
The thing I love about mewtwo, though, is how they told his story. I remember it was probably my third playthrough of pokemon red/blue/yellow when I put two and two together and realized the connection between giovanni, mewtwo, ditto and mew before the first movie came out and my mouth was probably wide open for at least 5 minutes.

Mewtwo does have a much better story than pretty much every other Pokemon. He also has more character and personality. In fact Rayquaza doesn't even really have much of a story or personality. I just think Rayquaza looks way cooler :)

This is the biggest reason I would rather have wonder red.
Joe would be a character we've seen a million times before, wonder red could genuinely bring something new or at least interesting.

I would also prefer to see Wonder Red over Joe (even though I love Joe to death). I'm just worried that developing his character might be seen as problematic. Making him feel and play like Wonder Red would require a moveset that might prove difficult to co-develop for both the 3DS and Wii U versions.
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He'd be Wonder BLUE and lord knows how he would object to that. (I actually only played the demo and watched the trailers so I'm only guessing)

You guessed correct. Wonder Blue is a complete ass hole :)
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i dunno man
we'd get to play as Wonder Yellow too
and he's kawaii as FUCK
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Still though, I'm hyped as Hell Lucario's back, can't wait to use him.
He'll probably be a starting character this time though.
But then again, we don't know.
The rule on veteran unlockables not being shown seems to be gone
What about that one episode from Megaman?

do you want me to kill you?

Naw, we need Awakening's really stupid looking Ike


Do BOTH OF YOU want me to kill you?


forget ike, replace him with hector

Serious mode: Fire Emblem is another game that should just be made into its own fighting game so we can get everyone.

If there's ONE LESSON i've learned with Castlevania is to NEVER wish such a thing.
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If there's ONE LESSON i've learned with Castlevania is to NEVER wish such a thing.
Let me rephrase that.

It should be made into its own fighting game by an acclaimed developer. Like Namco. Or Lab Zero.
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Again, I'm not saying people shouldn't want Mewtwo in the next game and I completely understand why everyone loves him so much. I'm just tired of hearing about it all the time. People have been crying over Mewtwo since Brawl came out when his inclusion/exclusion from the game isn't really a big deal. I almost shit my pants when I was a kid and I found out that he was in Melee. When I found out he wasn't going to be in Brawl I said "ok" and moved on with my life. We lost mewtwo, but got a bunch of other interesting characters worth having.

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. Mewtwo was intended to be in Brawl. Sakurai has gone on record saying the only reason mewtwo wasn't included was because they ran out of time.

Sakurai hates having to leave out characters for no reason, which is one of the sole reasons why Mewtwo is expected back, aside from all the current relevancy he has. Roy, on the other hand, was just a clone. Same with Dr. Mario, Young Link and Pichu. They didn't add much to the cast. Admittedly, Sakurai hasn't completely fixed this since the star fox reps are still pretty similar and Toon Link is still very similar to Link, but they had reasons to be removed. Mewtwo was like no one else.
Let me rephrase that.

It should be made into its own fighting game by an acclaimed developer. Like Namco. Or Lab Zero.

Coming this fall next spring (dammit Konami) sometime in the future,
produced by Lab Zero,
Nintendo presents: Fire Emblem Fighters [Name Not Final]
*everyone gets a scarf*
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Reactions: Lavama and Jutsei
I still think a Pokemon only Smash game would be hype.
Who knows, since they're apparently letting third parties handle their properties now, we might get some cool shit.

Or we could get CD-I Zelda take two.
I still think a Pokemon only Smash game would be hype.
Who knows, since they're apparently letting third parties handle their properties now, we might get some cool shit.

Or we could get CD-I Zelda take two.

Did you already forget about Pokken?
Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. Mewtwo was intended to be in Brawl. Sakurai has gone on record saying the only reason mewtwo wasn't included was because they ran out of time.

Sakurai hates having to leave out characters for no reason, which is one of the sole reasons why Mewtwo is expected back, aside from all the current relevancy he has. Roy, on the other hand, was just a clone. Same with Dr. Mario, Young Link and Pichu. They didn't add much to the cast. Admittedly, Sakurai hasn't completely fixed this since the star fox reps are still pretty similar and Toon Link is still very similar to Link, but they had reasons to be removed. Mewtwo was like no one else.

I'm well aware of this. Nowhere in any of my comments did I imply or say that he was excluded for any particular design related decision. But the fact remains that he wasn't in Brawl, a fact that is mostly a result of Sakurai's decision making process. If having Mewtwo in the game was so important to him then he should have done more to prioritize Mewtwo's character development. Instead, he chose to do otherwise and therefore they didn't have the resources to produce him.

But again, this has nothing to do with what i'm saying. All I'm saying is that people should be able to accept that he wasn't included in the game (regardless of the reason) and simply trust in Sakurai's decision making. If he makes a greater effort to bring Mewtwo back then that would be great, but if he doesn't and Mewtwo ends up being left out again then we should simply trust that Sakurai and the development team have their reasons. They don't make their decisions lightly, so you better believe that if they don't get to develop a character that they wanted in the game then it was the result of a very tough decision.
Coming this fall next spring (dammit Konami) sometime in the future,
produced by Lab Zero,
Nintendo presents: Fire Emblem Fighters [Name Not Final]
*everyone gets a scarf*
Lucius better have the most pretty scarf.
I spent my childhood hating ash (because he's a shit trainer) and making the better choices with my starter.
Blastoise and Venusaur were the real cool guys

plus the best goku character (and fire starter) is Infernape
come at me losers
Well he's not $#17, but be certainly made....unusual/sad choices....at least butterfree got laid =\
so what's today's pic of the day?
oh right