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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

The worst part is he doesn't even follow the turn based roots of Pokemon.
He should be force to stand absolutely still after attacking and wait for the opponent to respond.
Such terrible representation.
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They can be salty about that projectile spam.

Think Peacock salt but on a larger scale.
They can be salty about that projectile spam.

Think Peacock salt but on a larger scale.
I was imagining an actually serious "It should have been Megaman Volnutt", but that works too :P
I've seen more things on MiiVerse asking for Zero than X.

Does no one remember MvC3?

Like, yeah Zero is cool, but you need MEGA MAN to rep MEGA MAN. It's like Smash Bros without Mario.

Still pisses me off
I can understand zero in general, just not as a megaman replacement. That's stupid.
Zero's my favorite video game character, and for some reason I don't care if he got in or not.
Hey! At least Lucario's Aura Sphere doesn't wobble. That always bugged me.
He'll at least be a trophy
I dunno. I still don't think there'll be anything from Mega Man that's not Classic series. That's what Nintendo was known for mostly. 10 out of the 11 mainstream classic games were on Nintendo. 4 out of 9 for X only. X was much more of a Sony-thing it felt like.

Like, it would be really cool, but I don't think we'll get anything beyond Wily, Light, Roll, Protoman, Yellow Devil, Metool, Cut Man, Guts Man and MAYBE Bass and Treble as trophies. Stickers could go all out.
They were 2D visual representation of various things that could have been trophies, but were slightly less significant.
There's not really a point, most of the time they were just official art that you could find by googling the character with a white border.
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I just hope Eggman and Wily actually get some kind of appearance
What if instead of stickers you got 5 random cards like from Kid Icarus

And this time it's reversed: You can buy card packs in America easily, but in Europe they don't exist and you can only get them through tournaments. Also Canada doesn't get screwed over but has an easy time getting them.

That's be perf
B-but Nintendo is doomed unless it modernizes itself.

The game will be FTP (Free to Play) except you'll have one (1) character at the start (Red Fighting Polygon Team) and all other characters will be available through the Chance Lottery (one spin per day) or can be bought in Character Packs (One character in each pack picked at random, could get a dud). Every fight takes up energy that refill once every 25 minutes (but you can refill it with an Energy Pack!) and has simplified controls. All you need is a jump and attack button! No need to "move" anymore!

Finally if you preorder at GameStop you get the exclusive Nintendo Legends DLC pack featuring Mario, Link, Pikachu and Metroid. GameStop: Power to the Players.
B-but Nintendo is doomed unless it modernizes itself.

The game will be FTP (Free to Play) except you'll have one (1) character at the start (Red Fighting Polygon Team) and all other characters will be available through the Chance Lottery (one spin per day) or can be bought in Character Packs (One character in each pack picked at random, could get a dud). Every fight takes up energy that refill once every 25 minutes (but you can refill it with an Energy Pack!) and has simplified controls. All you need is a jump and attack button! No need to "move" anymore!

Finally if you preorder at GameStop you get the exclusive Nintendo Legends DLC pack featuring Mario, Link, Pikachu and Metroid. GameStop: Power to the Players.
I hope it was worth it

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B-but Nintendo is doomed unless it modernizes itself.

The game will be FTP (Free to Play) except you'll have one (1) character at the start (Red Fighting Polygon Team) and all other characters will be available through the Chance Lottery (one spin per day) or can be bought in Character Packs (One character in each pack picked at random, could get a dud). Every fight takes up energy that refill once every 25 minutes (but you can refill it with an Energy Pack!) and has simplified controls. All you need is a jump and attack button! No need to "move" anymore!

Finally if you preorder at GameStop you get the exclusive Nintendo Legends DLC pack featuring Mario, Link, Pikachu and Metroid. GameStop: Power to the Players.

Finally if you preorder at GameStop you get the exclusive Nintendo Legends DLC pack featuring Mario, Link, Pikachu and Metroid. GameStop: Power to the Players.


Baby metroid confirmed, spread the news like wildfire.
I also just realized, if we get a Nintendo Direct this month, I doubt we'll get a new character unless it's Dixie or something.
Since we just got Lucario.
Lucario breaking all the combos.
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im kinda still hoping for Plusle and Minun but they would be highly unlikely as gen 3 is not that relevant any more :(


you've just been todd snap'd son ohhhhh SNAP
did you get boJ an ggled SON
I think a pokemon snap character would be kinda cool and might actually work. Kinda like Frank West. He'd/she'd be very projectile and trap heavy. Add in "fleeing" pokemon and dodging aggressive ones as moves.....the chaos would be beautiful.
I think a pokemon snap character would be kinda cool and might actually work. Kinda like Frank West. He'd/she'd be very projectile and trap heavy. Add in "fleeing" pokemon and dodging aggressive ones as moves.....the chaos would be beautiful.


wot u say m8