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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Am I the only person in this universe who doesn't give a rats ass whether or not Mewtwo returns (pun intended)? I mean i guess he's kinda cool...except not really

Sure i was excited to unlock him in Melee and there were a lot of things about him that were awesome, but that excitement ended about five seconds later when I realized he sucked as a character. And yes, I know that his standing in the Melee tiers has nothing to do with why people want him back. I suppose I just don't understand why no one has moved on and accepted that he wasn't included in Brawl.

I'm sure that he would make a good fit in Smash 4, and that he would be revamped quite a bit so that he wouldn't suck as much ass like he did in Melee. I'm just wondering why people are always so butt hurt over the fact that he's not in smash anymore, I really just don't understand why anyone cares...
You seem a little one-sided here. There's some people that enjoy somethings more than others and some people who are passionate about somethings in comparison to others. That's just how things go.

Saying that Mewtwo sucked as a character is rather accurate (he had some serious issues, even though Taj is a fucking god with him) but to say that no one should care is a rather inconsiderate thing to say.
You seem a little one-sided here. There's some people that enjoy somethings more than others and some people who are passionate about somethings in comparison to others. That's just how things go.

Saying that Mewtwo sucked as a character is rather accurate (he had some serious issues, even though Taj is a fucking god with him) but to say that no one should care is a rather inconsiderate thing to say.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't care. In fact I understand that people simply like mewtwo, therefore they would like him back as a character (which is perfectly fine). I myself wouldn't mind seeing him return, even though I don't particularly think he should. I just don't understand why people are so adamant about it. When a character I like gets removed from the game's sequel, I say "Oh well" and I move on.

It's been what, almost 6 years since Brawl was released and people are still upset that Mewtwo isn't represented? If you like him that's fine, I just don't understand why people can't seem to move on. For example, I loved Roy in Melee and for a long time I really enjoyed playing as him. When I found out that he was essentially replaced by Ike in Brawl I didn't go around complaining about it for 6 years, I just said "Oh, okay" and moved on with my life. I trust the developers to make their own decisions with regards to who should and shouldn't be included in the game. They decided, for whatever reason, to include Lucario in Brawl instead of Mewtwo. I'll support whatever decision they make regarding Mewtwo in the upcoming game because I know they have their reasons. I just wish other people could accept those decisions for what they are and just live with what they get, ya know?

Also as a side note, I wouldn't be too surprised if Mewtwo made it back. I do like him as a character and I trust that they would improve upon him in many ways, I just don't give a damn whether or not he actually makes it back on the roster.
I'm pretty happy with the inclusion of Lucario, but I am a little upset they are still using the "buffed when damaged" system for him. I've never really cared for the system of rewarding damage taken, unless it was a trait shared by everyone, like in Persona 4 Arena.

Beyond that, still pretty cool.
I can just see the salt.
Lucario was almost everyone's choice to get cut.

Though, this does make me worry about Mewtwo.

And this almost feels like a troll to everyone who expected Ice Climbers yesterday, it's more or less a random reveal.
Unless it's the anniversary of Lucario's movie?

No but I think it's Brawl's Japanese release date.
Because it's still not Wonder Red, obviously.
Because it's still not Wonder Red, obviously.
Has the discussion of what Wonder Red would actually do ever been brought up?
Because seriously, what would Wonder Red actually do?




he would be red and wonderful, of course
Someone had a good suggestion of not making him playable, but making the entire 101 the multi-man battle feature.

I would be a little upset he isn't playable, but I thought it was kind of clever.
Has the discussion of what Wonder Red would actually do ever been brought up?
Because seriously, what would Wonder Red actually do?

Well there's a pretty hefty set of moves and attacks in W101, of course a lot of them aren't specific to his character and most of them only work with a group of people. Who knows what he would be like, but I'm sure they could make him work.

Wonder Red would be nice, but on a similar note I think viewtiful joe would be a better fit and would have a much more obvious move-pool to pull from.
So mewtwo got fucked over? That sucks :(

So far, 90% of the cast has returned from Brawl. I've been hoping for more new characters.

Was kinda hoping this pokemon would have been playable instead:
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Actually, today is important to Lucario.
This got announced.






You have no idea how much I want to get this, the Charizard, Pit, Samus and Link figmas to have them Smash together in my cabinet. Grab a Sonic and Snake figure too, why not.
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>People talk for a page about how gorgeous the atrocious skull kid model is
>People talk about how great the very sub-par Ashley model is
>No one talks about how great the Lucario model is, especially in regards to his chest fur which seems like it may be physics enabled which would be the best
I don't understand you people. Your taste in cgi is absolutely terrible.

Am I the only person in this universe who doesn't give a rats ass whether or not Mewtwo returns (pun intended)? I mean i guess he's kinda cool...except not really

Sure i was excited to unlock him in Melee and there were a lot of things about him that were awesome, but that excitement ended about five seconds later when I realized he sucked as a character. And yes, I know that his standing in the Melee tiers has nothing to do with why people want him back. I suppose I just don't understand why no one has moved on and accepted that he wasn't included in Brawl.

I'm sure that he would make a good fit in Smash 4, and that he would be revamped quite a bit so that he wouldn't suck as much ass like he did in Melee. I'm just wondering why people are always so butt hurt over the fact that he's not in smash anymore, I really just don't understand why anyone cares...
Well, for one, it's cool for the people who grew up with pokemon. I'm no genwunner by a long shot, but mewtwo will still always be the coolest legendary. Fuck rayquaza.
Combine that with the fact that he has a realistic chance again due to being a significant pokemon in x/y and a main character in a new movie, and it's not that hard to see where they're coming from.

Wonder Red would be nice, but on a similar note I think viewtiful joe would be a better fit and would have a much more obvious move-pool to pull from.
How long has it been since there was a viewtiful joe game?
Plus his powers wouldn't really make for a unique moveset...

So mewtwo got fucked over? That sucks :(

So far, 90% of the cast has returned from Brawl. I've been hoping for more new characters.

Was kinda hoping this pokemon would have been playable instead:
Pokemon could have their own SSB spin-off with 50+ slots for just pokemon and not go through all of the good options it has.
I mean, just look through the list of pokemon and see if you can't find a ridiculous amount that just ask to be included.
Here, off the top of my head, gen 1 pokemon that could make good ssb characters and have never been a character in them:
Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan (stance team with hitmontop?)
Eeevee (Eeveelution stance change team?)
Moltres/Articuno/Zapdos (another team?)
...and those are just the ones that I could almost instantly think of a full movelist for. You could probably make literally every pokemon into its own character. And that's just gen 1. And it's more than big enough for its own game.
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Oh, I noted how awesome Lucario's 3D model is. I think the difference is this is the first time Skullkid had a model since Majora's Mask and Ashley has never been in 3D. Dude looks like a champ. A warm, fuzzy, possibly metallic champ.
I think all of the black markings on Lucario is some sort of black steel, but that's just me.
Lucario could have the best model in the game but it wouldn't matter since his design is garbage
fuck that dumbass anubis ripoff with shiny dreads and inexplicable spike
he can't even wrestle

why do people even like that thing
Lucario could have the best model in the game but it wouldn't matter since his design is garbage
fuck that dumbass anubis ripoff with shiny dreads and inexplicable spike
he can't even wrestle

why do people even like that thing
The streets are just flowin' with salt tonight
it's just one of those thing that's born when pokemon i don't like very much at all (Charizard, Gardevoir, Lucario, etc) happen to be massively popular
which results in poop like this happening
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Lucario could have the best model in the game but it wouldn't matter since his design is garbage
fuck that dumbass anubis ripoff with shiny dreads and inexplicable spike
he can't even wrestle

why do people even like that thing
....do you really want something with spikes on its chest and hands to grapple with you? That being said, I like his design overall. I just hope they alter his moveset enough to feel even better. He only felt right at higher damages imo and I felt his air attacks were sub par and that his counter wasnt very good. His ground game was super solid though.

it's just one of those thing that's born when pokemon i don't like very much at all (Charizard, Gardevoir, Lucario, etc) happen to be massively popular
which results in poop like this happening
Who the S$#% doesnt like charizard? What did you spend your child hood doing? It must not have included watch Ash and his charizard.
Who the S$#% doesnt like charizard? What did you spend your child hood doing? It must not have included watch Ash and his charizard.
I spent my childhood hating ash (because he's a shit trainer) and making the better choices with my starter.
Blastoise and Venusaur were the real cool guys

plus the best goku character (and fire starter) is Infernape
come at me losers
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I spent my childhood hating ash (because he's a shit trainer) and making the better choices with my starter.
Blastoise and Venusaur were the real cool guys

plus the best goku character (and fire starter) is Infernape
come at me losers
Time to lay down the OBJECTIVE FACTS.
Best starters by generation:

Best starters by type:

Best starter:
I'm not surprised not everyone is glad to see Lucario return, I'm still hyped as balls though.

Who suggested a Smash Bros with only Pokemon characters though?
Hang onto that, that's a fucking awesome idea.
jutsei, sakurai could shoot you in the foot and you'd be hyped about it in some way
The only thing that would kill my hype would be if this game has less characters than Brawl.
Unless they remove Falco, but at this point it feels like all of Brawl will be back (maybe minus Snake).
The only thing that would kill my hype would be if this game has less characters than Brawl.
Unless they remove Falco, but at this point it feels like all of Brawl will be back (maybe minus Snake).
Again, I honestly doubt they'd have less characters than Brawl.
Number of factors (SSE, bigger disc, lots of stuff has come out in the past 6 years)

Though Snake is probably the most realistic cut.
If only because licencing and Kojima admitting he wanted him in just cause his nephews loved Smash Bros and wanted Snake in.

But I do hope that Lucario and Ike (possibly) being back does not mean Mewtwo or Chrom's chances go down. Both are ones I want.

But I'll forgive their absence if Ray-01 is added.
Maybe Ridley too but that's your shtick
Or Little Mac
Or Wonder Red
but those are your guys things not mine
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if Ike is back I hope we get Bara Ike from Radiant Dawn
i mean we got FF12 Marth so why not FF10 Ike
God that Ike design is terrible.

But yeah, Snake was a one time thing, more than likely.
As someone on Miiverse (FOR ONCE SAYING SOMETHING SMART) pointed out, it'd be too jarring to see something along the lines of
"Want to know more about Snake? Read about Metal Gear Solid V, coming out on EVERY CONSOLE BUT THE WII U "
Whatever. With my combo of PS3, WiiU and PC, I can basically play any game I want (other than like Halo, and at least until the PS4 takes over).

I was kinda hoping they'd show some new stage stuff in his website-pics, but there's nothing there. Gotta wait for the Neogaf photos.
forget ike, replace him with hector

Serious mode: Fire Emblem is another game that should just be made into its own fighting game so we can get everyone.
Here's an idea for lucario:
What if his mevo... was down B? Would make more sense than a final smash honestly since in-game a mevo isn't your ultimate move, it's literally the first thing you do every match. It wouldn't be a stance, it would just screw with his damage/knockback stats.

Naw, we need Awakening's really stupid looking Ike
Massive unspoilered images, yay!
Also, Priam anyone? Either Ike's replacement or a costume?

forget ike, replace him with hector

Serious mode: Fire Emblem is another game that should just be made into its own fighting game so we can get everyone.
IDK if we need multiple characters of each class though. I mean you could still make a whole game from just the best of each class, it just wouldn't be super ultra massive.
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