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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

wot u say m8
Hey, there's been a lot of gender swapping lately. Heck they could be making a new pokemon snap where the player can choose gender.
I just hope we get those random ass trophies again, like





I like those trophies though.... its fun looking up the games they're from....
oh wait, I misread what you said. I thought you said you didnt. my bad.
WiiU can have NFC Figures like Skylanders. Kids love those.

do you want me to kill you?
B-but Nintendo is doomed unless it modernizes itself.

The game will be FTP (Free to Play) except you'll have one (1) character at the start (Red Fighting Polygon Team) and all other characters will be available through the Chance Lottery (one spin per day) or can be bought in Character Packs (One character in each pack picked at random, could get a dud). Every fight takes up energy that refill once every 25 minutes (but you can refill it with an Energy Pack!) and has simplified controls. All you need is a jump and attack button! No need to "move" anymore!

Finally if you preorder at GameStop you get the exclusive Nintendo Legends DLC pack featuring Mario, Link, Pikachu and Metroid. GameStop: Power to the Players.

in skylanders' defense, its not a bad game or marketing tool. the figures work great and they look pretty cool too. its pretty much having your action figures in your game.

If Nintendo did this I can see it being a pretty good success among kids and collectors. hell even disney threw its weight in there.
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Just posting this here cause I thought it was really cool.

Someone made a 3D model of Sami from Advance Wars! It looks really well done, surprisingly so. I'd love to see a AW character made into an assist trophy. The one in Brawl was just "okay".
I dunno. I still don't think there'll be anything from Mega Man that's not Classic series. That's what Nintendo was known for mostly. 10 out of the 11 mainstream classic games were on Nintendo. 4 out of 9 for X only. X was much more of a Sony-thing it felt like.

Like, it would be really cool, but I don't think we'll get anything beyond Wily, Light, Roll, Protoman, Yellow Devil, Metool, Cut Man, Guts Man and MAYBE Bass and Treble as trophies. Stickers could go all out.
Well, yeah, but pretty much all the good x's were on the snes.

in skylanders' defense, its not a bad game or marketing tool. the figures work great and they look pretty cool too. its pretty much having your action figures in your game.

If Nintendo did this I can see it being a pretty good success among kids and collectors. hell even disney threw its weight in there.
The problem is that the end cost is ridiculous. After all is said and done, getting all the characters for the game- a "complete" skylanders- would take hundreds of dollars.
Also, disney infinity sucked.
Well, yeah, but pretty much all the good x's were on the snes.

4 and 5 were good. 6 was bad. 7 was terrible. 8 was really good.

And then there's my bby, Command Mission. That game needs more love.

Though sadly, even if we ever do get an X game again, it will never be the same. X's awesome voice actor, the guy who was also Domon from G Gundam, retired from Voice Acting and became a doctor. It really saddens me cause I loved that guys voice.
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Pic of the day. When Lucario shoots out Aura from its hands to fly with ExtremeSpeed, you can control its flight direction. If Lucario's Aura is fully charged, it can fly extremely far, so be careful not to accidentally launch out of the area.
Lucario confirmed Iron Man

edit: oh shit wait he is a steel type
goddamnit Sakurai that's an amazing ass pun and I don't even think it's intentional you cheap drink
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Lucario confirmed for easy gimp.
The problem is that the end cost is ridiculous. After all is said and done, getting all the characters for the game- a "complete" skylanders- would take hundreds of dollars.
Also, disney infinity sucked.
again, I said its a game for collectors and kids who, you know, collect toys.

and disney infinity seemed to sell pretty well and was pretty well received by lots of review articles and sites. (except the 3DS version)
That doesn't look too bad of a size.
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Looks about right, yeah.
I hope they go with that look and not the Other M one.
All thoughts on the game aside, he looked really gross and kinda stupid.
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And make him smaller than Samus. You want Ridley? There you go. "Size is no longer an issue"
You want Ridley?

You got him

Sorry, but he starts at Level 1. Evolves twice.
Hold your 3DS at a 65 degree angle at night on a full moon with a Ridley NFC figure and Ridley DLC activated at 3:45 AM to evolve him. Good luck.
again, I said its a game for collectors and kids who, you know, collect toys.
I can relate to the experience considering I've played various tcg's for like 5-6 years, but it's still an incredibly abusive model that's meant to suck your wallet dry and leave no survivors (like tcg's.) I find it about 5 degrees of abusiveness below king.com games, and 2-3 degrees of abusiveness above World of Warcraft.

and disney infinity seemed to sell pretty well and was pretty well received by lots of review articles and sites. (except the 3DS version)
It's an incredibly sloppy sandbox game that doesn't seem to understand how to design a sandbox at all. It makes you play a crappy action game to get any pieces with which to build anything, and it makes you build that action game a lot, and even after that it doesn't really give you the tools you need to make what the game is made to make- for example, the game seems to think you can make little mini games or levels within it, but if you do that you'll quickly find out that they don't even offer the tools to add a win condition... and they forgot one of the most important features of a sandbox: a ways to export your creations! There's no online portion where you can browse levels, or even online play; your creations, which are mostly playable customized levels, stay on your console and never leave.
Anyway, rant over, don't play disney infinity.

And make him smaller than Samus. You want Ridley? There you go. "Size is no longer an issue"
Ridley's intro should be dropping down as a massive dragon, like 5 times the size of samus, just before a blue mushroom drops from the sky, hits him, and shrinks him down to playable size.
All I need is some Alfonzo thrown in there are we got ourselves Smash 4 ladies and gentlemen.
I thought the Ridley statue only appeared when Alfonzo was in the match?
Ridley's intro should be dropping down as a massive dragon, like 5 times the size of samus, just before a blue mushroom drops from the sky, hits him, and shrinks him down to playable size.
No no. He comes soaring in, roaring and menacing. The camera makes him appear MASSIVE and then he floats down very pathetically to Samus' side revealing he's half her height.
Any reference or joke at the expense of the "Too Big" meme in the game would make me laugh.

I'm also legitimately surprised one of my friends think no SSE/story mode is a strike against SSB 4.
Like, seriously?
I mean opinions and everything, but not getting Smash Bros 4 because no story mode?
That's lunacy.
Have we talked about entrance animations yet? Do you think some will change, and what will the newcomers have?
I want Villager's intro animation to be coming out his house which promptly disappears
or maybe just a door on nothing
or maybe he pulls himself out of his pocke

Rosalina probably arrives fresh from a launch star, like her reveal movie

Mega is painfully obvious

WFT probably runs in all "HEARD YOU WAS TALKIN' FIT"
Mega Man has his warp in. It's a must.

Villager will get out of a taxi/bus (or house as Ruin puts it)

Wii Fit Trainer will just be on the ground yoga-ing and get up.

Rosalina will fly in Mario Galaxy style
Any reference or joke at the expense of the "Too Big" meme in the game would make me laugh.

I'm also legitimately surprised one of my friends think no SSE/story mode is a strike against SSB 4.
Like, seriously?
I mean opinions and everything, but not getting Smash Bros 4 because no story mode?
That's lunacy.
I would support the reform of SSE if it didn't significantly detract from any other element of the game. I would probably even take it if it meant 1-2 less newcomers, actually, assuming they made it a true crossover story in which you played through each character's world as a level rather than one world that they all happen to coexist in for some reason.
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I just want levels and enemies from the games. The original elements in Smash Bros is my least favorite part, aside from the music. Some original compositions are great.
So guys I thought of a pretty cool stage: Nintendo Land! It seems pretty obvious to me so I think they might actually do this.
The stage would be set in the plaza of Nintendo land with the tower in the background, which might shoot out items or those toy things in the game that could act as platforms every once in a while. It'd probably also have a real-time day/night cycle like Smashville, and have Miis walking around in the background and Monita floating around.
I hope SSB4 gives us another original piece of music as amazing as Fountain of Dreams.
That's hardly original. It's a medley of previous Kirby themes.

So guys I thought of a pretty cool stage: Nintendo Land! It seems pretty obvious to me so I think they might actually do this.
The stage would be set in the plaza of Nintendo land with the tower in the background, which might shoot out items or those toy things in the game that could act as platforms every once in a while. It'd probably also have a real-time day/night cycle like Smashville, and have Miis walking around in the background and Monita floating around.

Yeah, that's one stage I really want in. Add the train in as a hazard and you got an awesome stage.
A stage idea I had was basically the 3DS eshop.
Or the Miiverse.
Or Swapnote.
Something related to online.

Also for character intros, I kind of want Bowser's to change to him hopping out of the Koopa Klown Kar