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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Seriously though, I think that having SS Link and Zelda, and WW Link and Ganon would've been perfect.

For one thing, Skyward Sword and Wind Waker HD were the two most recent Zelda games, before ALBW obviously. Plus, just look at them. Yes they're using a different style in each game, but the thing is that they both have a cartoony aesthetic to them. I feel that they would look more cohesive side-by-side, which is why I would've preferred it if they had gone that route.

Furthermore, I'm also in that camp that wants Zelda to have her Sheik transformation replaced with a new move, and put Impa in, with Sheik's old moves plus one to replace the Zelda transformation. Why? Well Sheik hasn't been in any recent Zelda games for one. And exactly how many people actively use the tranformation move during a match? It's usually either Zelda or Sheik; one or the other. I don't see the point of keeping it around. But, at this point I doubt it'll happen.
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Furthermore, I'm also in that camp that wants Zelda to have her Sheik transformation replaced with a new move, and put Impa in, with Sheik's old moves plus one to replace the Zelda transformation. Why? Well Sheik hasn't been in any recent Zelda games for one. And exactly how many people actively use the tranformation move during a match? It's usually either Zelda or Sheik; one or the other. I don't see the point of keeping it around. But, at this point I doubt it'll happen.
Pretty much this. I barely ever switched, and even then it kinda made Zelda feel like less of a character and more of two halves.
I'd rather Zelda feel like her own complete thing, other than just using Shiek all the time.

Plus, Impa would be awesome.
Her Skyward Sword design?
Fucking awesome.
Would it be visually striking? Yes.
And it would show off Skyward Sword (alongside Ghirahim if he's in)
Seriously though, I think that having SS Link and Zelda, and WW Link and Ganon would've been perfect.

For one thing, Skyward Sword and Wind Waker HD were the two most recent Zelda games, before ALBW obviously.
You're forgetting Ocarina of Time 3D!
SS Link
WW Zelda + Tetra
OOT Ganondorf
OOT Zelda + Sheik (or standalone SS Impa if we're going crazy)
And there's horseman's arbitrary list of Zelda reps!
Now then, allow me to ruin this entire conversation by snickering at the thought of Link as a steamship each time I read this list!

Any upcoming Game release Anniversaries, then?
Legend of Zelda: February 21st
Contra: February 20th (I guess Bill Rizer is... kind of possible?)
Disney's Aladdin: February 23rd (Finally, Aladdin will be playable!)
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Now to compile everyone's desires, cross-compare all the lists and look at what we HAVEN'T come up with and VOILA! We have what's officially going to be in the game.
Now to compile everyone's desires, cross-compare all the lists and look at what we HAVEN'T come up with and VOILA! We have what's officially going to be in the game.
I desire literally everything to be in SSB4.
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I really wanna see if Sakurai's gonna go the extra troll mile and make Tingle playable.
I'd love to see Tingle playable. Talk about creepy.
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Spear Pillar deconfirmed

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And it still has Lucario in it.
That's 3/5

Anyone else think this is Lucario week?
Or we'll have Lucario in every screen shot this week

Or it is now because people are being such whiny bitches about Lucario?

Either way, Palkia's huge. Love it.
No more Spear Pillar though?
Higher chances of N's Castle baby!
Fuck yes, N's Castle.

If this is not a music choice for it, I just don't know what I'd do.

I'm seriously not gonna be surprised if we get all Pokemon updates this week.
And I'm not gonna be against it either.
Because I can't help but feel this is Sakurai yanking people's chains harder.

But what if he threw a curveball and revealed Mewtwo on friday?
Spear Pillar deconfirmed

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"Pic of the day. Palkia appeared in the Spear Pillar stage of the previous game…but now it's coming out of a Poké Ball?! Here's Palkia's signature move, Spacial Rend!"

Spear Pillar deconfirmed

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Ooooohhh... Palkia looks so gorgeous.
Wait... STILL gen 4 representation? Even after 2 new gens with 100 different legendaries they choose freaking gen 4's Palkia again?

Gen 4 is easily the worst pokemon generation, yet there's sooo much rep in these games for it.
Dude, it's a Poke Ball Pokemon. They pretty much have free reign to do what they want with those. Chill.
Would you rather have mewtwo come out of the pokeball?
Horseman said:

Legend of Zelda: February 21st
Contra: February 20th (I guess Bill Rizer is... kind of possible?)
Disney's Aladdin: February 23rd (Finally, Aladdin will be playable!)

Isn't Kid Icarus' on the 15th too?
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But Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is coming out on the 21st in most parts of the world, as well. We'll either be seeing Diddy show up then, or on the 13th, Japan's DKCTF release date.
Man, that Palkia looks beautiful! I generally feel something of complete apathy towards Gen 4 and all (but maybe two) of its Pokemon, but MAN that is a good Palkia design!
I like Gen 4.

Gen 3, not so much.
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Speaking of Gen 3, I would love to see either Absol or Mega Absol as a Pokeball Pokemon.

If I ever get to see a screenshot with an HD SSB4 Absol, I will have a heart attack.

I wuv Absol so much
I think maybe they tried really hard to make Gen IV iconic, hence why they keep using it.
Anyways, gimme Whiscash pokeball that uses Magnitude or Mud Bomb.
Isn't Kid Icarus' on the 15th too?
Its EU release was the 15th.
Its JP release was December 19th.

I like Gen 4.

Gen 3, not so much.
New Pokemon Tier List by Generation:
Gen 2
Gen 1
Gen 5
Gen 6
Gen 3
Gen 4
(Judged on pokemon designs, not the actual gen's games.)
(Although even if it weren't gen 4 would still be in F tier. Screw gen 4.)
And it still has Lucario in it.
That's 3/5

Anyone else think this is Lucario week?
Or we'll have Lucario in every screen shot this week

Or it is now because people are being such whiny bitches about Lucario?

Either way, Palkia's huge. Love it.
No more Spear Pillar though?
Higher chances of N's Castle baby!

No. Removing older stages has no effect on adding new stages, considering we had pokemon stadium 1 and 2 in Brawl. We're obviously getting some new pokemon-related stage, and N's castle would be great, but this means nothing except that Spear Pillar isn't returning.

Wait... STILL gen 4 representation? Even after 2 new gens with 100 different legendaries they choose freaking gen 4's Palkia again?

Gen 4 is easily the worst pokemon generation, yet there's sooo much rep in these games for it.

You're right, gen 4 is the worst. But that doesn't mean it's undeserving of representation. There will be pokemon from all 6 gens, just like how Melee had from all 2 and Brawl had from all 4. The majority will probably be gen 5 and 6 pokemon though.
frembly remonger that we DID see Xerneas a few months back
so gen 6 is getting SOME kind of representation

of course, we all know that the best representation would be in the form of the best gen 6 pokemon: Hawlucha
with his Tag Team buddy, the best Gen 5 pokemon: Golurk
best gen 6 pokemon: Hawlucha
Gen 6 pokemon better than Hawlucha:

the best Gen 5 pokemon: Golurk
Gen 5 pokemon better than golurk:
Every Legendary Musketeer

I'm sorry ruin, but my lists are objective.
Horseman how does it feel to be so wrong

Golurk is best

This is undeniable fact.
the best part about Golurk is that his name has the same amount of characters as Gundam
meaning you can have awesome stuff like Zeta Golurk and TurnA Golurk

the character limit increase also allowed for the greatest nickname in all of Pokemon, DurantDurant, to be possible

however, the fatal flaw is that is 12 is less than 13, meaning that the next best nickname, HONHONHONedge, is not possible
I wake up to Gen Representation Arguing?

I liked Gen IV, just throwin' that out there.
You're gonna get Gen IV-Gen VI representation, most likely.
Or it could be all over the place, we don't know.
i thought it was only out in europe

It's out worldwide now.


I'm proud to be an American but you are fully allowed to make fun of our Country.
We kinda make it way too easy anyway.

Anyway, back on topic.
Anyone else think we'll get more Pokemon pictures this week?