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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Today's update is making me laugh my ass off.
It's Mother Brain as an Assist Trophy.
And she's much smaller than how I imagine.

Please please please let this be a jab at the "Too Big" crowd.
Today's update is making me laugh my ass off.
It's Mother Brain as an Assist Trophy.
And she's much smaller than how I imagine.

Please please please let this be a jab at the "Too Big" crowd.


Looks about right to me...
All we need now is King hippo and the egg plant wizard :P
All we need now is King hippo and the egg plant wizard :P
Better than the Tempura Wizard. BAD MEMORIES! I hate getting devoured in games, it scares me.
Oh my God.
If that's what Sakurai was referring to all those months ago I'm going to cry in laughter.

Because it IS attacking Samus.

Though yeah I might've forgotten how big Mother Brain is, guess she just looks smaller without all those pipees and shit.
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Oh my God.
If that's what Sakurai was referring to all those months ago I'm going to cry in laughter.

Because it IS attacking Samus.

Though yeah I might've forgotten how big Mother Brain is, guess she just looks smaller without all those pipees and shit.
That thing has a gender? I've never played a Metriod game so pardon my ignorance.
That thing has a gender? I've never played a Metriod game so pardon my ignorance.
depends if you think you can get this image out of your head (at around 17:55 or even 18:50)
Are we implying that there are going to be stage specific assist trophies? Cause that would be interesting.

Also, I like how in the picture Mario is just standing there going like: Well. You two do that.
Now THAT is an Assist Trophy. Can't wait to see what else he might surprise us w/ AT wise.

As long as King K Rool gets in with this as his command grab final smash I'm happy

Oh please, if he's going to sing anything in this game, it's gotta be this:
I think we're all glossing over the most important factor in today's update.
*smooth jazz plays in the distance*
All we need now is King hippo and the egg plant wizard :P
Edit: On a side note, a captain N costume for fox/falco would be very doable.
Blaster is replaced with an NES one, and change all of his other specials to him pushing buttons on his NES controller belt because that shit does everything.
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Now THAT is an Assist Trophy. Can't wait to see what else he might surprise us w/ AT wise.

Oh please, if he's going to sing anything in this game, it's gotta be this:

Have this play upon him breaking a Smash ball. And everyone has to sit through this whole song with him holding one.

"Come over here and give me a hug" will be what he says upon activation of the command grab. This is where the Diddy rap plays. Also, this smash always one hit KOs Diddy.
Best Assist Ever.

Then Meta Ridley pops up as an Assist.

IT SHOULD BE ON A METALLICA COVER ART or something I don't listen to heavy metal but that still seems pretty metal

What I'm wondering though is if we're gonna now have two reps per series for Assist Trophies now.
Like, Mother Brain is awesome, but so was the Metroid. It worked perfectly and was a great rep for the series.
I do hope that these are additions and not replacements, at least for some of them.
it's be Mother Brain and THE BABY
THE BABY doesn't target samus
meaning that an all samus match confuses the fuck out of the baby and it explodes
rip baby
My predictions

  • Waluigi (will stay)
  • Hammer Bro (removed)
  • Lakitu and Spinies (could see either way, leaning towards leaving)
  • 2 new ones at least (Toad? Mario enemy?)
  • Tingle (Leaning towards staying)
  • At least one new one (Could see Octorok or Ghirahim if not playable)
Star Fox
  • Andross (Will stay, design might change to modern Monkey version)
  • One new one (other member of Star Fox, maybe Pigma. Tricky from Adventures?)
  • Knuckle Joe (could see either way)
  • New (Sir Kibble, Galacta Knight, Zero)
  • Metroid
  • Mother Brain
Animal Crossing
  • Mr. Resetti (best AT, has to stay)
  • New (Nook)
Fire Emblem
  • Lyn (could see removed)
  • New (from FE:A. Gimme Tharja or Gaius or whoever really)
  • Jeff (could see staying)
  • New (Porky, Giygas, Poo)
  • Kat and Anna (could see gone, but would like to see in)
  • Ashley
  • Goroh (super famous, will be back)
  • New (Black Shadow?)
Third Party
  • Shadow (could see him staying, maybe a bit changed)
  • Grey Fox (depends on Snake's reappearance)
  • Mega Man rep (Protomannnnnnn)
Other randoms
  • Barbara (gone)
  • Stary (confirmed back)
  • Devil (gone due to religious references)
  • Dr. Wright (considering they would need to contact EA now with them owning Sim City, he's gone.)
  • Excitebikes (could be back)
  • Helirin (I can honestly see no Japan only ATs just due to Nintendo's global nature)
  • Issac (Replace with new protag from the DS game)
  • Jill (Could see back)
  • Little Mac (Playable? If not, assist)
  • Nintendo (confirmed back)
  • Ray (I want playable really bad, but can understand if he stays assist
  • Saki (Could see gone)

I'm expecting a lot of random ones, too. Like Duck Hunt Ducks (which were gonna be in Melee)
The funny thing is about Brawl's ATs I can definitely see a few of them getting updated to playable. But it's unclear.
We won't know all of them until we get the game in our hands.
Plus, even so, there were a few unlockable Assist Trophies in Brawl, weren't there?
Yeah. Most for a certain number of matches, Shadow and Grey Fox for unlocking Snake and Sonic, and Barbara for getting 20 CDs. I could see that back.
Plus, kinda makes you wonder about DLC too.
It's highly possible characters who were (or already are) Assist Trophies can get bumped to playable. You never know

(Also just for the record, I did some searching and apparently Sakurai found Fallout 3 to have an excellent example of DLC, so who knosw?)
i want resetti to be replaced with Isabelle
so she can just distract everyone with words of encouragement
and everyone will feel bad for hitting her
You know who I want in as an an assist trophy?

Fucking Bear Hugger from Punch Out.

Smash needs Canadian representation.


Only if they get Richard Newman back to voice him.
we'll get Buff Knuckles to promote for Sonic Boom, obviously
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Looks about right to me...

That's badass. The spaghettios I mean.

i just want Diddy to have his Radical Boom Box as a taunt/victory pose
is that too much to ask

Play Project M.
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I'd sooner cut off my hands
Now why is that?