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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

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It turns out the Palutena leak was actually using her model from the upcoming Ultra Street Fighter 4 where she will be a guest fighter.
Who knew.
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It turns out the Palutena leak was actually using her model from the upcoming Ultra Street Fighter 4 where she will be a guest fighter.
Who knew.
I dunno. Palutena?
Guys, it's going to be King K. Rool.
It is probably King K. Rool.
It has gotta be King K. Rool.
I'm going to cry if it's Diddy
Let's get backon topic before we go way off track.

But yeah, I think tomorrow we'll get...I dunno, maybe a new 3DS stage?

Guys, it's going to be King K. Rool.
It is probably King K. Rool.
It is gotta be King K. Rool.
I'm going to cry if it's Diddy
Only if it's a Nintendo Direct
I smell a screenshot of Rosalina.

Being thrown into an opponent by Donkey Kong. How is this relevant? Well, he can hurt two people by throwing one mofo into another mofo.
Today's picture is (finally) a picture of The Nintendogs stage
But it made me laugh due to the description

"Pic of the day. A bored-looking dog staring at the TV... Occasionally, the Super Smash Bros series really makes me confused about what I'm creating""

Also, the TV appears to hav echaracters on it, but it's hard to see.
I think it's Ness and Poo, for some reason
I've seen people saying it's ridley.
I've seen people saying it's ridley.
It's too blurry due to the 3DS image, and the fact sun is reflecting off the in-game TV.
But personally, I see Poo, Ness (burnt after teleport), and...Chibi Robo I think?
It's too late for me to see and way too blurry.
I'll probably see what Smash Boards think it is tomorrow at work.
It's too blurry due to a small screen and not enough coffee, get it right.

Also it's like the second image of the Nintendogs stage...
It might just be the same tv effects from animal crossing, I don't think the tv is that significant
The TV says "When's Wonder-Red"
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I honestly don't see it it just looks like pixels arranged to vaguely resemble something of no importance, long story short, smash fans are over looking into things again
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I honestly don't see it it just looks like pixels arranged to vaguely resemble something of no importance, long story short, smash fans are over looking into things again
Do we do anything different?
but remember when the vague pixels in the Brawl trailer revealed Lucario, Ness and Jigglypuff?

Sakurai put those there on purpose.

He's the illuminerty

I need scissors! Harakari! 61!
when pokemon amie: the game... in which you can play with your majestic space deer god
when pokemon amie: the game... in which you can play with your majestic space deer god
Playing with xerneas is great.
You have to feel up his legs until he lets you feel up his more tender bits.
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7 stages

You put too many spaces in between those first two 7s. Also you missed a 7. We will have 777 stages.
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They'll have too much room on the WiiU version to not at least bring back 10 Brawl stages while having 30 new stages. There's just too many possibilities, more than enough space and plenty of time to pull it off. Remember that designing a stage takes a lot less effort than building a character. I mean, look how easy it was for us to make stages (albeit shitty stages).

I can't wait, regardless.
Electroplankton was my favorite new stage in brawl.
Bite me, bitch.


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This and the Pirate Mega Thread thread are awesome.

I hope for more Smash Bros. updates tomorrow. And preferably this Diddy Kong combo:

It plays like DKC2's play style for one player, one Kong follows in the background, free from damage, and can be swapped in. The two Kongs are Diddy and Trixie.

Please Nintendo that'd be cool as Heck.
I saw someone on NeoGAF write a new idea of a Yoshi recovery move. Basically, his up-B is still his egg toss, but where it lands, a new Yoshi is born in it's place. The older one just pops out of existence.

Basically a projectile teleport move.
I saw someone on NeoGAF write a new idea of a Yoshi recovery move. Basically, his up-B is still his egg toss, but where it lands, a new Yoshi is born in it's place. The older one just pops out of existence.

Basically a projectile teleport move.
that would basically make Yoshi really bad when fighting against characters with good reflectors, i.e. mario cape
That's also really broken lol. And what about the times when you just want to sit back and range? No longer an option.
And today's Pic of the Day is...
Lucario's counter.
But hey at least we get a good view of the Smash Circuit.

Plus more reasons for people to whine and bitch about Lucario is never a bad thing.
I live for that kinda salt.
I'm more salty Marth's Shield Breaker is a stab again.

Come on, that was part of the reason that move was useless in Brawl.
I really really wish he did not give Lucario that move again. That was the worst counter move in Brawl. (Such flimsy timing)