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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Noooo, Sakurai. We got our fill of Lucario last week. Noooo.
I'm more salty Marth's Shield Breaker is a stab again.

Come on, that was part of the reason that move was useless in Brawl.
Marth's already got 100 moves that swipe in front of him, he doesn't need another. Plus, the stabbing is more shield breaking than swiping anyways. Especially when you charge that shit up.
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plus i think they made his sword a little longer again
I really really wish he did not give Lucario that move again. That was the worst counter move in Brawl. (Such flimsy timing)

Because if a move doesn't work the way it's supposed to in one game, better scrap the whole thing cause there's no point in trying to fix it?
It's better than his Project M down-B. I don't get why they replaced with with a simple dash that does basically nothing.

For "balance purposes"?
It's the Project M team saying "It has more use when it does nothing"
It's meant to be canceled into to follow up combos, a la Double's step move. Lucario's gimmick there is that he plays like a fighting game character, remember?
Only there's DI and no health bars or supers. Bummer.
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...But Lucario does have supers. Well, technically EX moves but that big aura sphere may as,well be a Shinku Hadoken.

And I meant that Lucario can cancel his moves into stronger moves Marvel style. Standard>Strong>Smash>Special>Super. The dash is a way to link the Smash move into something.

Plus hey! You can bait DI that way too!
I'd be cool if the more Aura he has (ie the more damage he has) the longer the "counter" period lasts.

Also, we've seen almost all of his specials. All we're missing is his Forward Special. While I don't think it will be changed, it would be neat to put a new move over it. Like Metal Claw.
Close Combat would be a cool down throw. Like, he just throws down and pummels the FUCK out of the opponent and it does lots of damage but he gets lowered defenses out of it.
Cool move ideas for his side B:
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Close Combat
  • Metal Claw
  • Power-Up Punch
  • Bone Rush
  • Focus Blast
  • Shadow Claw
  • Blaze Kick
  • Bullet Punch
  • Circle Throw
  • Cross Chop
  • Hi Jump Kick
  • Vacuum Wave
So I decided to read some of those "leaks" on Smash Boards today.
one in particular caught my eye.
Playable E. Gadd.
You know I actually wouldn't be against that since it'd capture Luigi's mansion pretty well.
Plus the dude's awesome
  • Hi Jump Kick
Already taken by C. Falcon's fair.

Rolling kick would be cool though! Like Sonic's fair from Project M, only a forward moving startup. On the ground it's a good approach move but in the air it's a rather risky and generally unrewarding recovery move (Like Falcon's Raptor Boost)
Tackle would be the best.
Taken by Ivysaur's dash. Sakurai actually stated once that it was tackle D: He also said Ivysaur was the worst character he ever designed.
Wow, did not know that.

Well then

False Swipe, it is.
I'm guessing it won't be his trusted kill move ;D
Samus' Bomb needs buffing if every special move is a killing move. I've killed someone with the Screw attack before, so yeah.
Samus' Bomb needs buffing if every special move is a killing move. I've killed someone with the Screw attack before, so yeah.
It was a joke relating to False Swipe's purpose in pokemon... Jeez...
It was a joke relating to False Swipe's purpose in pokemon... Jeez...
Perhaps I got it? Because you just attacked me after a joke attack.

No attacking here. I just thought you were in the pokemon thread at one point leading me to believe you had some kind of knowledge of what False Swipe is.

However, Close Combat would make me happy. Force Palm IS kind of Lucario's thing (Aside from Aura Sphere (But that's mostly Togekiss's thing anyways))
Anyway, back to that leak list.
It's actually kinda sad there's so many leaks.
I mean if yout ake a good look at the "leaks" on the page I leaked earlier, there's tons of dead ones, and a few alive ones.
Even if some are real, guess what?
You're not inclined to believe them since there's so many leaks.
in this day and age it's way too easy to fabricate "leaks", even with "leaked" pictures.
Especially good ones.
No attacking here. I just thought you were in the pokemon thread at one point leading me to believe you had some kind of knowledge of what False Swipe is.

However, Close Combat would make me happy. Force Palm IS kind of Lucario's thing (Aside from Aura Sphere (But that's mostly Togekiss's thing anyways))
Derp, hadn't a clue.
I'd be cool if the more Aura he has (ie the more damage he has) the longer the "counter" period lasts.

Also, we've seen almost all of his specials. All we're missing is his Forward Special. While I don't think it will be changed, it would be neat to put a new move over it. Like Metal Claw.
As long as it's only the counter window that gets larger and not the actual length of the move. I'd prefer that the follow up of the move be made a lot better.

I dunno, though, Anthony Higgs seems like a pretty cool character. He gets the added bonus of only person in a Metroid game that hasn't died helping Samus.
I dunno, though, Anthony Higgs seems like a pretty cool character. He gets the added bonus of only person in a Metroid game that hasn't died helping Samus.
I didn't say it was bad.
I've actully kinda been pushing for Anthony Higgs.
I'd fucking love if he was in Smash Bros 4.
DLC or not.
we need more black men in smash bros
We need A black man in Smash Bros.? What the heck's your issue man? Meta Knight's black behind that mask. It's just the lighting makes him blue.

EDIT: Er, the I dunno was sort of a "Hmmm, I wonder while I wander about wandering as I wonder." sort of post intro.
Seriously though, I hope the news of Anthony Higgs does reach Sakurai.
Shit'd be awesome.
Though again, I think the best chance we'd have is DLC.
The roster was locked around last year