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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Skyloft's a WiiU stage, though. Lumiose and Rainbow Road are 3DS.
his main isn't in, though
but Annie won't be in Smash Bros anytime soon
or ever, probably
I never said his main. I said mine.
your main is probably lame if it isn't Little Mac or Rosa so dw
just join the...(oh shit) Star Punches
She fights in the stars. Your logic is now invalid.
worst city
worst layout
worst shops (fuck you i am fuckin' fabulous)
home of the worst professor
base of the worst villain team
worst city

the gym is okay, though.
In theory it was cool but honestly I've been playing the game non-stop since it came out and I still get lost A LOT in it.

I mean,
that's what the taxis were for.
Like, exploring Lumiose was the best time I had in X and Y.
home of the worst professor

How can you dislike Professor Sexbang

because he's a fucking creep and probably slept his way to his position with how inept he is
if i have to pay money to get around that god forsaken place then there's probably something wrong with the layout

Not that money means ANYTHING in Pokemon but whatever, to each their own I guess.
I never really had a problem trying to find places.

because he's a fucking creep and probably slept his way to his position with how inept he is

Birch starts the game getting chased by a Zigzagoon I feel like there are more inept professors out there.
Birch, you mean.
but yeah

Oak>Rowan>Juniper>Elm=Birch>Everyone Else>Fuckin' Creep Professor
Birch, you mean.
but yeah

Oak>Rowan>Juniper>Elm=Birch>Everyone Else>Fuckin' Creep Professor
What about proffessor Ivy she should be higher for doing what she did to Brock also proffesor Nanba should be lower because all he does is correct people saying his name
i included everyone else didn't i
it doesn't matter where the details are because they'll all fall in that place anyway
I wonder if we'll be able to see the numerous amounts of cafés in this stage. Seriously, a good chunk of Lumiose city was padded with cafés. Well now that there's an X and Y stage I want a playable Gen 6 rep.

When's Hawlucha or a Fairy-type? I'm fine with either or.
This Ruin salt is fucking delicious
Lumiose City is one of my favorite Pokemon Towns.
It's so beautiful, stunning, and incredible. Might take a while to get around, or find things, but it's simply incredible.
I'm so glad it's a stage!

I was hoping for N's Castle, since I doubted we'd get a Gen 6 Stage of all things, but holy shit I accept Lumiose City with open arms.
But there's nothing stopping us from getting multiple Pokemon stages
we already got fairy rat and super mega waifu space life shishigami tree deer
maybe make klefki a pokeball mon and that should be good for fairy

hawlucha is top priority though
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The one thing I hate about lumiose is that there are cafes EVERYWHERE but they failed to give me any reason to go to them. I can't even pay obscene amounts of money to get coffee and a pokemon entry like the non-lumious city cafes, these cafes just have static and boring npcs... Seriously, let me buy a coffee at the very least, I don't know why this cashier is denying me service.
Oh yeah, and the camera fucks up constantly.
The one thing I hate about lumiose is that there are cafes EVERYWHERE but they failed to give me any reason to go to them. I can't even pay obscene amounts of money to get coffee and a pokemon entry like the non-lumious city cafes, these cafes just have static and boring npcs... Seriously, let me buy a coffee at the very least, I don't know why this cashier is denying me service.
Oh yeah, and the camera fucks up constantly.
My friend told me that there actually are that many Cafes in Paris.
IT's either that or the Pokemon designers happened to really really love Cafes.
My friend told me that there actually are that many Cafes in Paris.
IT's either that or the Pokemon designers happened to really really love Cafes.
Except there's a critical difference between pokemon cafes and real cafes.
In real ones you can go in and purchase a coffee and sit down and drink it.
In pokemon ones they're a complete waste of space that has all the assets needed to make you a drink or a sandwich or a croissant but refuse to do anything with them, instead functioning as boring white space masquerading as a place that you can go into and purchase a coffee and sit down and drink it.
yeah Kalos is basically France + parts of Switzerland and Germany

like you will get shit for not looking fashionable and drown in coffee
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it's not that lumiose is boring
it's that it's horribly designed and visually disorienting

i mean, to clarify, i don't mind the stage being in smash bros
i just hate it in pokemon
Except there's a critical difference between pokemon cafes and real cafes.
In real ones you can go in and purchase a coffee and sit down and drink it.
In pokemon ones they're a complete waste of space that has all the assets needed to make you a drink or a sandwich or a croissant but refuse to do anything with them, instead functioning as boring white space masquerading as a place that you can go into and purchase a coffee and sit down and drink it.

Yeah that was my only real problem with the city.
That and in the cafes you could go in and buy coffee you couldn't eat with your pokemon, that was a real wasted opportunity.
why can't I throw hot coffee at people
can that be a new item, sakurai
why can't I throw hot coffee at people
can that be a new item, sakurai

But it has to be accredited to Ace Attorney.
What's left for known stage reveals:
  • Pokemon Console
  • Kirby Console and 3DS
  • Metroid 3DS
  • Star Fox Console and 3DS
  • Donkey Kong Console and 3DS
  • Wii Fit Trainer's 3DS
  • Sonic 3DS
  • Mega Man 3DS
  • Yoshi Console and 3DS
  • Wario Console and 3DS
  • Mother Console and 3DS
  • FZero Console and 3DS

Any guesses?
Another Dimension from RtD and Castle Sectonia from 3DX for Kirby

sector 5 with Nightmare for metroid

something something tiki something something snowmads for DK

I have a feeling Find Mii is gonna be WFT's 3ds stage but that's just mii

something something yarn yoshi something something egg paradise

something something warioware 2 something something from shake it if there's any kind of god

Mt. Itoi for consoles and Tazmily for 3DS? maybe bring Fourside back too as a nostalgia stage
I also want Murasame-jou as a stage but only really if Takamaru gets in
and takamaru better get fuckin' in or i'm
gonna just stick to Rosa and Mac but i'll still be pretty sad
I know this is reaching a liiiiittle too far out there, but it's worth a shot.

I'd like to see a stage for Starfox on the console hinting at a future installment of Starfox. For example, perhaps a new model for the Great Fox in the background or improved Arwings of sorts. I would ba alright with another Lylat cruise type thing if they made a hint at another installment of Starfox. Because as it is now, Starfox is rather irrelevant. It hasn't had any new story since Assault and they really need to introduce a new antagonist. Like I said, it's pretty out there, but it's better than fighting on the Great Fox that doesn't exist anymore.

That being said though, we can likely see another Gen 6 version of Pokemon Stadium because it wasn't obvious enough. Complete with an all new Fairy type transformation with adorable Sylveons and Whimsicotts dancing around and being hella gay. But what also must be included is a Dragon transformation with pokemon in the background that actually become hazards because RAWR I'M A DRAGON!
why can't I throw hot coffee at people
can that be a new item, sakurai
We should just go one step further and make an obese grumpy cat pokemon that complains about having to wake up every morning.
We should just go one step further and make an obese grumpy cat pokemon that complains about having to wake up every morning.


It is my least liked Pokemon, next to Gengar.
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