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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

she should have an ice beam :c
or ice missiles :(
or bitchin' swirly ice missiles :C
Well this was before Prime.
Before Prime she had like, one.
That would still be able to see through a cloaking device, but she also doesn't have an ice beam either.
Nor the speed booster, Power bomb, gravity suit, 2D Metroid Space Jump, etc. Mario doesn't have a squirrel suit. It stinks. Project M has such a great idea with the beam change.
well let's be honest
something like space jump or game accurate screw attack would just make Samus absurd

I fail to see why she can't have power bombs or bitchin' swirly missiles, though
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Is it bad that I suddenly want Diffusion Missiles as TAP Side B (hold)? Like charging your Beam, only with Missiles.
Reviews for Yoshi's New Island are out.

General consensus is that it's not a bad game, but it's nothing really new. It's good, but a tad boring at times. Not a must own, but a decent romp.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything from it, but hey, these reviews are better than what I expected.
The only Smash-Originating items left that might have redesigns are:
  • Barrels and boxes (level/theme specific again?)
  • Beam Sword (Betting on red blade)
  • Food (more dishes?)
  • Party Ball (no idea if it'll change, maybe removed cuz it's a very Japanese thing and this game seems more global)
  • Team Healer (might be removed)
  • Timer (PLEASE be removed)
the beam sword will have a purple blade, obviously
it needs to stand out among all the other beam swords
What's with the weird blue paint all over that rock? And why is the bomb's model so nice looking if zooming in on it to see how nice it looks causes whatever it's sitting on to look like shit?
What's with the weird blue paint all over that rock? And why is the bomb's model so nice looking if zooming in on it to see how nice it looks causes whatever it's sitting on to look like shit?

If I had to take a guess.
It's cause it's easier to add detail to a model when it's just one object than it is to add detail to a model that's an entire stage.
That and item models will get viewed up close in trophies and stuff while stage models most likely won't outside of daily images.
It's the ceramic bowl ripped right from Pikmin 3. You'd NEVER be able to see that close in P3, so yeah, it would look worse.

(behind Dedede)

Honestly a lot of NeoGAF was raising a fuss over that texture and really, who cares? It's a single texture on a breakable platform.
Lucario's about to have a BAD time with that hammer.
In actually-kinda important news, in a live Q&A, someone asked Kojima if Snake will be back in Smash 4.

His answer was "I don't know, but Sakurai has my permission to do so."

So... take that as you may. On the one hand, the dude is a Master Ruseman (Raiden in MGS2, for instance) so trolling isn't out of the question. On the other, I actually think he really doesn't know. Maybe if Sakurai was secretly porting over Snake, waiting for permission (similar to him remixing Beware the Forest Mushrooms in case Square let them use it, which they didn't) then this is good news, but it may be too late if only now is he getting permission.
In actually-kinda important news, in a live Q&A, someone asked Kojima if Snake will be back in Smash 4.

His answer was "I don't know, but Sakurai has my permission to do so."

So... take that as you may. On the one hand, the dude is a Master Ruseman (Raiden in MGS2, for instance) so trolling isn't out of the question. On the other, I actually think he really doesn't know. Maybe if Sakurai was secretly porting over Snake, waiting for permission (similar to him remixing Beware the Forest Mushrooms in case Square let them use it, which they didn't) then this is good news, but it may be too late if only now is he getting permission.

Oh shit. I'm sure Sakurai wants to have Snake return, so now the question is if Snake being in Smash is Kojima's decision, which it probably is not. It's more likely up to Konami who will probably want some obscenely high royalties for their one character.
Now, the big question is: Would Hayter return to voice him?

The new guy was said to have been chosen because the Snake in Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain was older, so the voice wouldn't fit him. Because it would most likely be MGS2/MGS3 Snake, it would make sense for him to come back.
If nothing else there's the possibility of him being DLC in the future.
that or sakurai just went ahead and added him knowing that Hideo would be fine with it
Let's put two and two together here:

1) At E3 they said they had the finalized roster
2) Kojima "doesn't know"
3) How the fuck does that give Snake more than exactly 0% chance of getting in the game?

Sakurai would've confronted him WAAAAAAAAAY before this.

Hideo's a master troll, almost as good as Sakurai. He's been known for lying before.

OR we could play the exact words game and say that he doesn't know if Sakurai actually decided to put Snake in, as opposed to saying he doesn't know if Sakurai considered it. He could've been in negotiations a while back and hasn't heard since.

I'm going delusional, I just want Snake back
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also yeah
any creator worth their salt has lied and misdirected their fans at some point
If I had to take a guess.
It's cause it's easier to add detail to a model when it's just one object than it is to add detail to a model that's an entire stage.
That and item models will get viewed up close in trophies and stuff while stage models most likely won't outside of daily images.
It just seems like a waste of space to give that much detail to a model that will always look like crap in close-up pictures. They could really easily optimize it by switching out the in-game meshes and textures for something less costly and just showing the nice model in trophies. I guess it's possible that those would look awkward on the high-quality player models, but it's so tiny that I doubt it needs that much detailed; hell, it looks more detailed than donkey kong's face in that picture.

This is true
For the hundredth time, DLC was never confirmed! In fact it was made kind of unlikely from the promise to never make us pay for it, especially in the form of a full new character that involves a lot of copyright laws and possibly royalties! That costs a LOT of money (more than nearly any other character) and without paid dlc they have no way of making it back! See, nintendo mostly depends on brand loyalty- they don't need to put effort into people liking them because they already have an entire army of people who adore them. Companies that release big free dlc patches are mostly looking for brand loyalty and trying to advertise their game, essentially trying to get what Nintendo's got. Nintendo doesn't need that because you already adore smash bros 4- you did from the moment it was announced, before you saw 30 seconds of gameplay footage or a single trailer or a single character on the roster- and you aren't alone, because about 90% of the sales for the game are gonna be people who say "woah new smash bros" or "woah all my favorite nintendo characters in one game" or "WOW SUPER MARIO" and buy it on impulse. Now obviously they have to keep the quality at least adequate or their army of ravenous fans begins to dwindle, but they never have to go above and beyond the call of duty because the net profit difference between a good smash bros game and a fan-fucking-tastic smash bros game is negligible.

if Kojima is just now giving permission
You don't honestly think nintendo is getting the privileges to use these characters from stray statements in a random unrelated interview, do you? If he's being developed, Sakurai contacted Kojima and got permission and jumped through all the legal hoops a long time ago. As for why Kojima "doesn't know" it's either because he signed an NDA or respects Sakurai enough to let him reveal characters for him own damn game (probably both.)
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Or how about a third door: Snake AND Simon are in and both Kojima and Sakurai are watching us to see our reactions.
I really don't mind if Snake stays or go, in all honesty.
I liked playing as him, so I'd welcome him back.

Honestly, he was an okay addition, I didn't use him a lot, but still. I don't think there is a character in Smash I don't like to use actually. Maybe Falco, but I never use him.
Let's put two and two together here:

1) At E3 they said they had the finalized roster
2) Kojima "doesn't know"
3) How the fuck does that give Snake more than exactly 0% chance of getting in the game?

Sakurai would've confronted him WAAAAAAAAAY before this.

Cuz, uh...WFT! Anything is possible! Oh wait, no...DLC! Anything is possible! Um...GOT IT, SAKURAI! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

I know, I'm a dick.
Mad salt. Was Umbrella here?
Mad salt. Was Umbrella here?
I think Peach is abusing using.

Ya know, to get on stage, not like that, you sicko's.
So my dogecoins are on Snake being a character that's left out from Brawls' roster. That gives us a couple others that need to be left behind int he transition to Sm4sh. Who will it be Skullheart?

EDIT: Also I think this is worth some giggles or two. LEAK BINGO

"Pic of the day. Looks like someone's enjoying the bachelor life in this pad."

I wanna say this is Tortimer Island, but i have no real idea what stage this is.
It kind of reminds me of Chibi Robo, for some reason.