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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I'll agree on your second point, but disagree on the first.

The people who have a WiiU love it. The people who don't want to get one just never will. It's like the GameCube. Did Nintendo survive? Yes. Did Nintendo make a lot of amazing games for the console despite it not selling nearly as well as the competitors? Also yes.

I have a list of game that I want and am excited for for the WiiU. The same cannot be said about Xbone or PS4 (other than Kingdom Hearts 3)

It's not dying. It's just never going to be super mainstream popular every-grandma-wants-one like the Wii.

Dying refers to the sales. Which is all 3rd parties care about.
fuckin' loved me some hamtaro as a kid
still love me some fuckin' hamtaro
Ham Ham Heartbreak still one of the best Hamster-centered GBA games
still one of my favorite GBA games :/ though i doubt nintendo will even make a reference to something they barely owned
still one of my favorite GBA games :/ though i doubt nintendo will even make a reference to something they barely owned

What about SimCity and Tetris? Owned by EA and Tetris Company respectively. Those are two pretty hard-to-please companies. I mean yeah, they owe their success to Nintendo, but still. Don't count your Cuccos before they attack.
What about SimCity and Tetris? Owned by EA and Tetris Company respectively. Those are two pretty hard-to-please companies. I mean yeah, they owe their success to Nintendo, but still. Don't count your Cuccos before they attack.
wait there was a sim city AT in brawl i completely forgot
yeah and it was useless
at least we got some Shimomura magic on the Tetris theme
wait there was a sim city AT in brawl i completely forgot
It was Will Wright himself, Nintendo-fied.


It's weird to think about.

Brawl has so many games under it, it's amazing. I wonder if Smash 4 can hold up as well. It'll be nice to see the split of console on console and handheld on handheld, though.
The fact there was a Tetris theme in SSBB really blew my fucking mind.
Not one, but BOTH. For Luigi's Mansion. Yeah. Strange but awesome.

It's sorta like how pre-Rare Buyout, James Bond could have been in Smash Bros (and was planned to be in the first, apparently)

You dismiss these as "random" and yet yeah it's not too crazy.

Except for the characters that are totally stupid and crazy like Shanoa from Castlevania. Stop.
I personally think that Simon is a little far reaching for new character material...
The fact there was a Tetris theme in SSBB really blew my fucking mind.
The tetris theme is an old russian folk song, so it's in the public domain; nintendo doesn't need any permissions to use them. IIRC they just called the tracks "mode A" and "mode B" which, since they didn't mention the copyrighted Tetris IP, means they got off scott free.

I personally think that Simon is a little far reaching for new character material...
I don't see why.
He's in a situation nearly identical to megaman's; A third party character that helped shaped nintendo's origins, whose early adventures are nearly inseparable with nintendo consoles, and has a fan following (albeit a smaller one, but still.) And since the roster seems to really love that NEStalgia this time around, and they've already worked with konami before on the rights for snake, I think he's fairly likely as far as 3rd party characters go.

The tracks were actually titled as Tetris: Type A/Tetris: Type B, and it was listed as being courtesy of the Tetris company so they did have to work some sort of deal on that.
It's kinda interesting that they did that for just two songs.
I don't see why.
He's in a situation nearly identical to megaman's; A third party character that helped shaped nintendo's origins, whose early adventures are nearly inseparable with nintendo consoles, and has a fan following (albeit a smaller one, but still.) And since the roster seems to really love that NEStalgia this time around, and they've already worked with konami before on the rights for snake, I think he's fairly likely as far as 3rd party characters go.

Don't get me wrong, he's a pretty significant figure in Nintendo history (I guess), but, pay attention here, IN MY OPINION, he doesn't seem like the kind of character that would be included in smash.

I think one of the big contributing factors to Snake being in was the fact that Brawl went for a more "realistic" theme to it allowing characters who are more realistic get into the game. Hence why we got Snake with the level of detail that he's at and the weapons that he uses. This new smash certainly isn't aimed at that and was expressedly stated by Sakurai that it'd be going back to a more basic form of smashing (thank goodness).

You won't believe me because I have no empirical evidence ruling out the possibility of Simon and your desires to have him in are so strong that nothing I say would change it. So all I'll say is:

It just doesn't feel right.

Pic of the day.

That item that brings victory one step closer...the Smash Ball! Of course everyone wants it! Come to think of it, I haven't introduced any of the Final Smashes yet... Then again, if I introduced every single one, it'd take over a month's worth of posts.
Then again, if I introduced every single one, it'd take over a month's worth of posts.​

What a tease.
Also kinda funny how Luigi looks high/super chill. "Mkay whatever"
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Just tell me they kept Kirby's final smash the same, where he boils his enemies alive in a hearty stew before sending them to their graves, creating a delicious reminder of what fools they were for crossing him.
Over a month's worth of posts... Well I was going to be all mathematical but it turns out that's not really saying much... Brawl had 35 on the roster and he can fit 20 into a month.

However... He didn't say 2 months... which would be 40. Oh dear, not a very largely increased roster eh? So we got 5 newcomers already, there will definitely be a few cut... but not enough newcomers to make it 40.

That is if we're taking the "over a month" comment to literally mean anywhere between 21 and 40 final smashes (Which it most likely is) and that seems likely. I don't think anyone was expecting more than 40 right?
It just doesn't feel right.
As I said, SSB4 seems to have a lot to do with the NES, similar to the dark/gritty styling of brawl, and Castlevania is one of the last great series from that era left with no representation.
The other thing to remember is that, much like Megaman, the Simon that would get in is this Simon:
It's not gothic post-sotn castlevania, it's not castlevania judgment, it's campy late 80's castlevania. That version of Simon isn't any more grim or serious than Marth, or even Link and Ganondorf really.

Over a month's worth of posts... Well I was going to be all mathematical but it turns out that's not really saying much... Brawl had 35 on the roster and he can fit 20 into a month.

However... He didn't say 2 months... which would be 40. Oh dear, not a very largely increased roster eh? So we got 5 newcomers already, there will definitely be a few cut... but not enough newcomers to make it 40.

That is if we're taking the "over a month" comment to literally mean anywhere between 21 and 40 final smashes (Which it most likely is) and that seems likely. I don't think anyone was expecting more than 40 right?
I think you might be taking this a little too seriously.


The tracks were actually titled as Tetris: Type A/Tetris: Type B, and it was listed as being courtesy of the Tetris company so they did have to work some sort of deal on that.
It's kinda interesting that they did that for just two songs.
Good to know.
Strange to know that they bothered, but good to know.
Wasn't there a pic of the day dedicated to Samus's Zero Laser?

Oh well. Hopefully this means we'll see some changes. Every Mario character sans Yoshi needs a new one actually based off the games. Mario's is too generic (it's a shinku hadouken), Luigi's doesn't make any canonical sense (only weird Brawl sense), Peach's is just strange, Bowser's should be the PimpMobile.
I like Eldritch Horror Luigi
it's a fun interpretation of the character and fits Smash Bros's "not quite canonical" aspect when you think of it from the perspective that it's a kid making shit up
of course they're gonna think of Shinkuu Fireball and Dark One Luigi
plus what would they even have
I think Sakurai's trolling us.
I like Eldritch Horror Luigi
it's a fun interpretation of the character and fits Smash Bros's "not quite canonical" aspect when you think of it from the perspective that it's a kid making shit up
of course they're gonna think of Shinkuu Fireball and Dark One Luigi
plus what would they even have

Mario's had so many goddamn power ups over the years I'm surprised you can't think of anything. Give him a power star and turn him into a ground based Super Sonic, give him a Mega Mushroom and have him stomp on the whole stage, turn him into Metal Mario to give extra reference to Smash history while still remaining true to canon.

I haven't played Dream Team, but just from the box art I can make a horde FS more canonical than the stupid dance. The Poltergust as well can be useful, like a combination of ROB and Kirby's FS.
Oh mah gawsh Metal Mario as a Final Smash would be awesome. I wonder why they didn't use the flying cap.
Mario's had so many goddamn power ups over the years I'm surprised you can't think of anything. Give him a power star and turn him into a ground based Super Sonic, give him a Mega Mushroom and have him stomp on the whole stage, turn him into Metal Mario to give extra reference to Smash history while still remaining true to canon.

I haven't played Dream Team, but just from the box art I can make a horde FS more canonical than the stupid dance. The Poltergust as well can be useful, like a combination of ROB and Kirby's FS.
already an item
already an item
already an item

Depends on how much they care to acknowledge the M&L games
i mean i don't see Luigi with any lightning so I guess they aren't
and the poltergust is shit and shouldn't be in smash bros
Dark Lord Luigi is just a fun interpretation of the character and I don't mind it staying as smash bros's interpretation of luigi
y'all just too hung up on canon shit that you can't see the dope stuff that smash is giving
without smash bros we wouldn't have hilariously oblivious Peach

Super Paper Mario is super garbage and should never be mentioned ever again
especially that hideous trash excuse of a final boss
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Super Paper Mario is super garbage and should never be mentioned ever again
especially that hideous trash excuse of a final boss

I normally respect people's opinions but fuck you

Super Paper Mario was a great game in it's own right. It was different but still fun.

Now if you said Sticker Star, yeah. That game blowed. BUT SUPER PAPER MARIO HAS AN AWESOME STORY AND THEMES AND SHIT
SPM had a shitty story
with shitty characters
with shitty writing
with shitty art direction
with shitty music
and shitty gameplay with shitty gimmicks
fuck super paper mario and its OC bullshit
that shit ain't paper mario
that shit ain't even MARIO
that's a fanfic
a shitty fanfic
already an item
already an item
already an item

All those were items and we haven't see any of them returning.
And by Mega Mushroom I meant the giant ones, from the first NSMB that let you plow through the whole level.

Depends on how much they care to acknowledge the M&L games
i mean i don't see Luigi with any lightning so I guess they aren't

Luigi was revealed to advertise Dream Team, how the hell is Smash not acknowledging the series just cause that one attack isn't in the previous games.

and the poltergust is shit and shouldn't be in smash bros
Dark Lord Luigi is just a fun interpretation of the character and I don't mind it staying as smash bros's interpretation of luigi
y'all just too hung up on canon shit that you can't see the dope stuff that smash is giving

That's like, your opinion man.

Super Paper Mario is super garbage and should never be mentioned ever again
especially that hideous trash excuse of a final boss

That's like, your completely wrong opinion man.
SPM had a shitty story
with shitty characters
with shitty writing
with shitty art direction
with shitty music
and shitty gameplay with shitty gimmicks
fuck super paper mario and its OC bullshit
that shit ain't paper mario
that shit ain't even MARIO
that's a fanfic
a shitty fanfic

Smash Bros. makes up weird characterization and story based on nothing presented within canon: You guys don't understand, it's totally genius, you're just hung up on canon.
Super Paper Mario makes up weird characters and story without changing the core characters: What is this fanfiction bullshit.
Someone who makes people pissed at Other M look like they had babies with the game. Willingly.

Good God.
oh no
subspace emissary was garbage too, it just had Peach and she was fun to watch, also delicious words that you're putting in my mouth
SPM is just a garbage story with mario characters tacked on
like you could replace them with generic rpg characters and it wouldn't be any different
The other PM games are at least the regular "save them princess peaches, yo" it's what mario does
not this some ~*~*~*~*~*~tragic~*~*~*~*~*~ fop that wants to kill everyone because he's sad and the his butterfly waifu that couldn't be interesting if she was ripping heads off and shooting lasers
save that shit for other games, not Paper Mario