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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Now that i looked at it longer, the floor having a curb at the end instead of just going on makes me think this is a big multi-room house like Luigi's Mansion. Maybe it's a toy house for either Chibi-Robo ot the Nintendogs stage.

EDIT: the current best guesses say it's actually from Tomodachi Collection, a Japan-only 3DS life sim that uses the Miis, making it like the Sims.
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So Sakurai decided to troll us again and not reveal Yoshi. Y'know, I'm glad he's having fun with us and all but if he doesn't ease up on that, he's not gonna have enough time to reveal all of the obvious veteran characters amongst other things. Hell, I've got one guy who thinks we're only getting 5 newcomers at this point.

EDIT: the current best guesses say it's actually from Tomodachi Collection, a Japan-only 3DS life sim that uses the Miis, making it like the Sims.

Well that's a bit of an obscure game to make a stage on if I've ever heard of one. Then again, for all I know it's a hit over in Japan.
Well that's a bit of an obscure game to make a stage on if I've ever heard of one. Then again, for all I know it's a hit over in Japan.

It was ONLY ever released in Japan.
Wikipedia says this:
Famitsu gave Tomodachi Collection a rating of 29 out of 40. It was the best-selling game in Japan during the week of its release, selling about 102,000 units. By September 28, 2009, it had sold 1.15 million copies in total, making it the fourth-best selling game in Japan in the first half of the 2009 fiscal year. At the end of the 2009–2010 fiscal year on March 31, 2010, Nintendo reported that the game had sold 3.2 million units.
Yoshi will be in. Didn't they use the Japanese release date for the other Nintendo games anyways?

Regardless, I'd honestly rather have a new stage than a vet we know is in.

So this brings us up to 14 stages on 3DS, 13 on console, with no rehashes from previous games yet. Awesome!
Yoshi might be saved for the yarn yoshi release (especially since yoshi's new island doesn't seem to be much to celebrate about...)
Didn't they use the Japanese release date for the other Nintendo games anyways?
so what you're saying is
Mac is a secret character in Tropical Freeze
those sneaky devils
I knew this was coming, I honestly knew.
Well, this throws Yoshi out.
Now which two characters are we gonna get?
Yoshi's New Island doesn't even have a set JPN release, I think.
Palutena and Wolf?
I knew this was coming, I honestly knew.
Well, this throws Yoshi out.
Now which two characters are we gonna get?
Yoshi's New Island doesn't even have a set JPN release, I think.
Palutena and Wolf?

Uhh, Yoshi's still in, he's just not being shown off today.
I could say next week, like what happened with Pokemon, isn't out of the question.

As for a newcomer, wait for a direct. But Palutena would be nice.

Also Wolf before Falco? LEL

Gimme ROB, my BROBOT
Y'know, I'm glad he's having fun with us and all but if he doesn't ease up on that, he's not gonna have enough time to reveal all of the obvious veteran characters amongst other things.
You know, he really doesn't have to reveal ANYTHING AT ALL, you know that right?

Good grief.
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You know, he really doesn't have to reveal ANYTHING AT ALL, you know that right?

Good grief.

No but he should've known what he was getting into when he started revealing new characters and stages via the Pic of the Day.

I appreciate all that Sakurai's doing but given the current situation of the WiiU, I can't help but be paranoid over every little detail when it comes to Nintendo.
No but he should've known what he was getting into when he started revealing new characters and stages via the Pic of the Day.

I appreciate all that Sakurai's doing but given the current situation of the WiiU, I can't help but be paranoid over every little detail when it comes to Nintendo.

You realize that the smash dojo, which revealed a lot more info every day than the current system does, didn't even reveal every "obvious veteran" before release. Some are unannounced and left as secret characters.
Yes, but Snake and Sonic aside, we haven't gotten word that any character will be secret this time around.
secret Wonder Red and Bayonetta shhhhhhhhhhhhh
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I think every character should be revealed before the game launches, EXCEPT Jigglypuff.

And yet Jigglypuff would be the very first thing everyone unlocks.

OK, not really.
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Yeah. Link Between Worlds came out in the west before the east also.

It's weird. The only way it could be weirder if Europe got it first (they got it same date as America, which is again strange)

Maybe we're in a backwards universe now, where up is down and boybands play instruments.
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Could be worse, it could come to Australia first.
Ground Zeroes isnt even on a nintendo platform, idk why though I would imagine it would be fine on a wii u
Ground Zeroes isnt even on a nintendo platform, idk why though I would imagine it would be fine on a wii u

I'll tell you why: because every 3rd party dev nowadays thinks graphics matter.
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I'll tell you why: because every 3rd party dev nowadays thinks graphics matter.
but Wii U is the equivalent of Xbox 360 and PS3 graphically, GZ is on the other 2 platforms
I'll tell you why: because every 3rd party dev nowadays thinks graphics matter.

Or because the Wii U is a dying console and the audience on the Wii U is likely not the same that would buy MGS.
Or because the Wii U is a dying console and the audience on the Wii U is likely not the same that would buy MGS.

I'll agree on your second point, but disagree on the first.

The people who have a WiiU love it. The people who don't want to get one just never will. It's like the GameCube. Did Nintendo survive? Yes. Did Nintendo make a lot of amazing games for the console despite it not selling nearly as well as the competitors? Also yes.

I have a list of game that I want and am excited for for the WiiU. The same cannot be said about Xbone or PS4 (other than Kingdom Hearts 3)

It's not dying. It's just never going to be super mainstream popular every-grandma-wants-one like the Wii.
In actual-Smash-and-not-doomed-console-discussion news

I decided to read the Chronicle in Brawl cause fuck it I was bored
And just by reading it I am enlightened to the fact that there's a few characters that could be in due to them being allowed to be used by Nintendo (hence the mention in the chronicle)

  • Mickey Mouse
  • Popeye
  • Snoopy
  • Bomberman (twice)
  • Ken Griffey, Jr
  • Kobe Bryant
  • NOT Mike Tyson
  • Hamtaro
  • The Sims (under SimCity)
  • Final Fantasy characters (listed under Gameboy Advance's Final Fantasy Tactics Advance)

Like, I'm surprised. Nintendo had to go out and get permission to use these names. It's just surprising, you know? You wouldn't expect mention of them in a Smash game.
fuckin' loved me some hamtaro as a kid
still love me some fuckin' hamtaro
Ham Ham Heartbreak still one of the best Hamster-centered GBA games
Wait I thought Nintendo actually owned Hamtaro?
Shogakukan published the series originally
but some of the games were developed and published by Nintendo