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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Gotta say Prime 1 was the best in terms of gameplay of the three. It just felt fresh and genuine. The other two didn't really feel so to me. Maybe I'm weird.
I'm still playing other M, but I actually like the combat system and 3rd person view. The main issue is that it needed better variety; finishers got a bit repetitive. I'd love to see Team Ninja give it another go.

I cant comment on the story or Samus' personality. My first metroid was Prime3 and Other M was my second, so she came off as feeling human and not whiny to me.

EDIT: The auto targeting too getting used to and wasnt bad, but I'd like to see improvements to it. And I personally didnt have issues pointing the controller at the screen, but felt it wasnt necessary. I understand the director wanted to just use the wiimote, but the nunchuck would've worked great in that game for switching between 3rd and 1st person.

This is basically my opinion, the only problem is I had lotsa issues with pointing the Wiimote at the screen. Using the WiiU's sensor bar helped a bit, maybe my Wii's is just old.
I mean, all of the games are about exploration (except Other M), but there's not a lot of general backtracking except in the Primes, mostly 2 and 3.
I dunno if you're serious or if that's only half joking. Regardless, there's no furriness happening :P It's a human consciousness somehow transferred into a pokemon. While the first game was tear-jerking in terms of story, the second game was the greatest pokemon story I've ever heard. It was freaking awesome. Not sure if you played it all the way through, but it is very boring in the beginning.
Oh I played and beat both of them
couldn't get into the story or the world
partially because I give everything funny names
partially because I can't really take pokemon waxing philosophical about morality and mortality seriously



(Samus is secretly Canadian in the last shot)
I dunno if you're serious or if that's only half joking. Regardless, there's no furriness happening :P It's a human consciousness somehow transferred into a pokemon. While the first game was tear-jerking in terms of story, the second game was the greatest pokemon story I've ever heard. It was freaking awesome. Not sure if you played it all the way through, but it is very boring in the beginning.
Honestly though, as someone who loves traditional roguelikes, there was something odd about the first mystery dungeon for me. Like it was kind of dumbed down.
I might give the series another go one day and try a ds one on an emulator, but the GBA one wasn't that great.
partially because I can't really take pokemon waxing philosophical about morality and mortality seriously
I have trouble believing you take anything seriously. Not that it's a bad thing, some people take everything seriously and they are by far more annoying than the opposite.

Honestly though, as someone who loves traditional roguelikes, there was something odd about the first mystery dungeon for me. Like it was kind of dumbed down.
I might give the series another go one day and try a ds one on an emulator, but the GBA one wasn't that great.
Well for me, what bugged me the most was that it was STILL turn-based. I got over it eventually when I inevitably understood how to exploit that feature :P But I still stand by how it has a better plot than most main pokemon games and SURE AS HELL has better music.

"Pic of the day. MegaMan.EXE! X! Mega Man! Mega Man Star Force! Mega Man Volnutt! The Mega Man legends, united."
Well at least now I know all their names. Didn't know EXE or Star Force.
Yeah, but Mega Man Star Force is treated like a superhero's alter ego, so there needs to be a difference. Plus, since just calling him Mega Man like the games would conflict with MM Classic, so they specify by adding Star Force to the name.

And besides, it's not just Geo, but Omega too, so calling just one by name would ignore the other.
I wonder if the others show up in matching colors during Mega Man's Final Smash if Classic's using a different color. I'm betting what most likely would happen though is that the others just show up in blue regardless of what color Classic is.

Speaking of alternate colors, it would be lovely to seem them in a Pic of the Day.
I like how EXE's buster is on his right arm, just like in his games.
that's a very neat touch
The biggest peev of mine so far in the Smash community is people being unable to realize that Wireframe Mac is NOT an alternate costume in the sense of Wario's alternates and WFT's alternates. It's just a TEXTURE. It's literally a texture just like any other colour.
The biggest peev of mine so far in the Smash community is people being unable to realize that Wireframe Mac is NOT an alternate costume in the sense of Wario's alternates and WFT's alternates. It's just a TEXTURE. It's literally a texture just like any other colour.

Say what?
Aside from Sakurai's translator using a different synonym when describing it I didn't think there was any confirmation on what exactly it is.
I was under the impression that it was an alternate costume.
Exactly, people think it's an alternate costume simply because you can see through Mac in certain areas. You can do that with a normal texture. His skin and shirt's texture has simply been changed to the wireframe texture. The model is precisely the same :P

Unless of course people are referring to different colour palettes when they're talking about "alternate costumes" in which case that's just poor wording.
Yeah, it's just a texture; they took Mac's model, made it wireframe save for the clothes, and made everything else transparent. It's like the difference between the colors that change Spidey's and Deadpool's outfit design and their actual costumes in MVC 3.
I get HOW it was done, and all the technicalities of it, but I'm asking if the game will treat it as an alternate color or an alternate costume and if there was ever any confirmation on which it was.
I get HOW it was done, and all the technicalities of it, but I'm asking if the game will treat it as an alternate color or an alternate costume and if there was ever any confirmation on which it was.
Well, I don't see any need to create a whole new costume for it. Having a whole new costume implies having team colours associated with the costume (Even Wario had a red, blue, green on both) and that would look a little weird for Little Mac's wireframe. Blue, Red, Pink, Purple, along with the already Green.

While it's not a big deal to have all those as extra textures, I feel that just the wireframe texture we got is fine by itself.
Super Smash Bros. Analysis: 3DS Stages (Secrets & Hidden Details)

So I finally caved into my impulses and got a Wii U for this. So why do I feel so dirty?
Well, I don't see any need to create a whole new costume for it. Having a whole new costume implies having team colours associated with the costume (Even Wario had a red, blue, green on both) and that would look a little weird for Little Mac's wireframe. Blue, Red, Pink, Purple, along with the already Green.

While it's not a big deal to have all those as extra textures, I feel that just the wireframe texture we got is fine by itself.

I guess.
I wanna say it's unprecedented for Smash, but I guess Pikachu and Jigglypuff have had more complicated alternate colors.
Though I think having Mac being different colored wireframes makes absolute sense, but whatever.

So I finally caved into my impulses and got a Wii U for this. So why do I feel so dirty?

I did the same thing a couple months ago, but I felt a lot less dirty cause I also got the new Donkey Kong to go with it.
Just grab Pikmin 3, Mario 3D World, and Wonderful 101, you'll feel less dirty.

Well at least I have 3D World lol.
New "Leak" of Green Hill being a retro stage on the 3DS one.

The fact that it's clearly not on a 3DS screen bothers me, so I'm calling fake. Too easy to just install a Brawl mod that adds outlines to the characters, and even stil they don't look very good here.
also kirby doesn't have his new Hammer Flip animation
Just grab Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Mario 3D World, and Wonderful 101, you'll feel less dirty.
Just let me fix that up.
New "Leak" of Green Hill being a retro stage on the 3DS one.

The fact that it's clearly not on a 3DS screen bothers me, so I'm calling fake. Too easy to just install a Brawl mod that adds outlines to the characters, and even stil they don't look very good here.
Along with everything else that's been said, Kirby hasn't been seen with copied abilities at all on SSB4 pictures.
well it certainly isnt the same checkpoint hazard, it looks like the paper food