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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Sooo... It's like those trophy tussle events in melee? Which btw, I would NOT MIND seeing come back lol.
Melee had the best events
That's because 64 had none, and Brawl's events were half-assed.
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Here's hoping for an event that goes in line with various themes from Wii Fit and Animal Crossing. Like playing as Peach on Smashville, plucking turnips and throwing them at Joan, who is now a playable character.
That was filmed right when Mega Man was announced and both Ghirahim and Mewtwo seemed to "have a chance". While I still want Ghirahim in, at least as an assist trophy, I've gotten over Mewtwo and welcomed my new Ninja Frog Overlord.

"Pic of the day. Here's wire frame Little Mac--re-envisioned from the original Punch-Out!! game. The man that actually drew the pixel art wire frame in the original was none other than Shigeru Miyamoto. He said he drew the pixels for the wire frame on graph paper."
Whoooo! Great way to start the week! More shit we already know!
Whoooo! Great way to start the week! More shit we already know!

I didn't know Miyamoto drew the pixels for the wire frame on graph paper back on the arcade version.
I actually did so I suppose I spoke for myself. Other than who created the art and how, this picture's relevance to Smash is already completely known by us :P
Ness and Lucas are the least cloney clones though. Their normals are COMPLETELY different. Heck, even their specials are way more different than any of the Space Furries or Falcondorf.
Ness and Lucas are the least cloney clones though. Their normals are COMPLETELY different. Heck, even their specials are way more different than any of the Space Furries or Falcondorf.
Always wolf
Wolf is the least cloney clone because he's not even a clone but people call him a clone. He's like a semi-semi clone. It's like when people call lucario a mewtwo clone when they share all of one special and that special has different properties anyway.
Also luigi is kind of notable because he's become less cloney in every installment- in brawl he had all different normals, different final smash, 2 significantly different specials and 2 entirely unique specials.
It's more the principle of it, I guess
Ness and Lucas could have had several different movesets (more indicative of their actual movesets even), but they have more or less similar-looking specials, which makes the clone thing an easier rhyme to spit
Personally, while I don't care for Project M as a whole, I do like that they gave some focus to Lucas's role as a healer and buffer, which I think is a pretty unique and defensive style to embrace for a game like smash
I have to agree with Jutsei on this one when he says that Lucas will either be cut entirely or given a moveset overhaul. I agree because Lucas is a very weak character. By weak I don't mean in the sense that Sakurai says it. Weak as in, his moveset and character design are kinda blah. Ness has a rather iconic moveset, what with all the yo-yos and those aerials that rock some socks. A solid character. Lucas just FEELS like he's falling apart almost. Of course that's my opinion, but that doesn't mean others might share it.

Point is, Lucas, as he is in Brawl, should NOT be returning.
i would be happy if falco was scrapped and Wolf was kept
How about:
Keep the Star Fox characters
Give them different Final Smashes
Everyone's (not) happy!
How about:
Keep the Star Fox characters
Give them different Final Smashes
Everyone's (not) happy!
That was the biggest beef everyone had with them. If they all had different Final Smashes I think people would be a little less critical of how "cloney" they feel. Give Falco a damn Arwing FS! Come on! Even HE has problems with his FS!


It'll act like the Dragoon, only Starfox type shit with lasers, charged lasers and bombs. He'll swoop past maybe a couple times and then to finish, he'll crash into the stage. HOW BADASS WOULD THAT BE?
That was the biggest beef everyone had with them. If they all had different Final Smashes I think people would be a little less critical of how "cloney" they feel. Give Falco a damn Arwing FS! Come on! Even HE has problems with his FS!


It'll act like the Dragoon, only Starfox type shit with lasers, charged lasers and bombs. He'll swoop past maybe a couple times and then to finish, he'll crash into the stage. HOW BADASS WOULD THAT BE?
Honestly I thought the landmaster was a pretty shit idea for any of them. None of them are really landmaster experts. Fox should call in the great fox and/or peppy and slippy, while wolf should use the Wolfen II ship and maybe call in the members of team star wolf.
Yeah if anyone was meant to do serious damage in the Landmaster, it would be Slippy (At least according to the Starfox Assault stats) and he's sadly not in. I wish, but blah, highly unlikely :P
Time for a little unpopular opinion.

I'd rather be wanting more balancing then wanting more characters.
Pic of the day.

Here's Charizard's new special attack, Flare Blitz.

It's a very powerful attack--however, you'll take recoil damage if you make contact. Pretty true to the original game, huh?

Flare Blitz is Charizard's side special move, and Rock Smash is the down special move.


And here's Mega Charizard X. This will appear as Charizard's Final Smash.

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Stuff you already know.
Well turns out it's his Side special (Which I didn't KNOW I just guessed) and that Rock Smash is his new Down B (Unfortunately) and that PROBABLY means he still has the same crappy Upb. Sigh, Sakurai!
You didn't click on the post, the sentence was cut off:

"Pic of the day. Here's Charizard's new special attack, Flare Blitz. It's a very powerful attack--however, you'll take recoil damage if you make contact. Pretty true to the original game, huh? Flare Blitz is Charizard's side special move, and Rock Smash is the down special move."

So, do you not take damage if you miss? Also, Rock Smash is still there, it's just replacing Pokemon Change since you're picking a 1 man team ratio Charizard. :PUN: