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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Yeah it's PM.
Says so in the link that was posted last page.
Invest in a messenger pigeon?

Or he could hijack the ship pirate style and drive it straight into Nintendo HQ for answers
wait is smash coming out for 3ds this summer or not
cause it almost summer but everytime I ask gamestop they say winter
and then I'm just like "wah?! but man with subtitles and translator on my 3ds said this summer"
and then they are like "dude seriously I don't know come back tomorrow maybe then I'll know something"
...but they never do
i dunno
maybe you should call them everyday just to make sure
wait is smash coming out for 3ds this summer or not
cause it almost summer but everytime I ask gamestop they say winter
and then I'm just like "wah?! but man with subtitles and translator on my 3ds said this summer"
and then they are like "dude seriously I don't know come back tomorrow maybe then I'll know something"
...but they never do
....are you in Australia? It comes out in winter there (it'll be summer time in the US).


Zelda and Rosalina are Stand users
WFT has Ripple training
what was that hubub about Jonathan Joestar in Smash from earlier again

Anyway, hour and a half Smash Direct
You better make pants for that DDB
We all know we're gonna need more than one pair
what if it's another boxer :D
Imagine this
Ridley revealed playable at E3
He is confirmed to be in the Best Buy demo
People understandably go to play him
game crashes because he literally is too big for the game to handle properly yet.
self fulfilling prophecy gogogo

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Ridley Ridley Ridley
Hopefully he'll be somewhere in those 90 minutes.
Playable maybe
Sakurai: I would like to formlly apologize for intentionally making it unclear whether Ridley was a stage boss or not so I'd like to set things straight. He is not playable and rather the stage boss for Pyrosphere."

But wow! 90 minutes of Smash stuff!? I'm rather curious as to what they could possibly reveal without being stale or going over shit we already know. All I can thinkk of is confirming Dixie, Showing Ridley off as a stage hazard and the exact release date. That's surely only a few minutes, 15 tops. Very excited!
Sakurai: I would like to formlly apologize for intentionally making it unclear whether Ridley was a stage boss or not so I'd like to set things straight. He is not playable and rather the stage boss for Pyrosphere."
*pans to Ridley standing on another stage*
Sakurai: Nah. I'm only kidding.
*pans to Ridley standing on another stage*
Sakurai: Nah. I'm only kidding.
Sakurai: Not only are bosses stage hazards of their own world, you can switch them around at will. Here, Ridley terrorizes the poor denizens of Smashville.
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Sakurai: Not only are bosses stage hazards of their own world, you can switch them around at will. Here, Ridley terrorizes the poor denizens of Smashville.
Sakurai: And how is such a thing possible? Well...
Sakurai: And how is such a thing possible? Well...
Fans at this point would be like "I... don't even know what to believe anymore... You cried wolf too many times, Sakurai" and everybody would be up in shambles.
Wolf? I want Wolf back.
Fans at this point would be like "I... don't even know what to believe anymore... You cried wolf too many times, Sakurai" and everybody would be up in shambles.
You know what? I'd almost like to for him do a constant back-and-forth like this regardless of Ridley's status. The maniacal bitch in me would find the reactions alone worth it.
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A lot of people would definitely lose faith and critics would end him.
When the game industry says "Summer" they really mean the part of September that's still technically in Summer. I wouldn't get my hopes up for an August release, much less July, unless you want to look at the tail-end of things.
After the internet complained about Nintendo being racist for not putting any black characters in Mario Kart, I can't wait to hear their reactions to Smash 4.

Like they'll say Doc Louis doesn't count and even though Little Mac is clearly a PoC he's been "whitewashed" by Nintendo, the shitlords
Little Mac is clearly Sicilian
they have black in them
it's cool
After the internet complained about Nintendo being racist for not putting any black characters in Mario Kart, I can't wait to hear their reactions to Smash 4.
Wait, are you fucking SERIOUS?
Most of the characters in Mario Kart aren't even human... whenever someone says that I always point at the Mii icon.
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mmm~ I wouldn't call it racism but can kinda see what they're getting at.

like I personally sometimes I feel...i dunno "excluded" is that the word I'm looking for(?) always playing as white and asian people in video games. And sometime I feel it hard to relate sometimes to the character. When i get to play the black guy in the video game I feel like i'm actually wanted and included in what's going on in the game. Like for example say what you want about sinnoh region but everytime I see Dahlia i get geeked, then gen V with black folks as gym leaders and elite fours i peed my pants in happiness finally when they announced I could be black in pokemon x and y I just creamed my pants in excitment (my pants are pregnant now)

at the end of the day it's still their game and their choice if they put black people in their game. i'm still gonna buy it for lil' mac but that is a thing to put into consideration I suppose
i dunno
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mmm~ I wouldn't call it racism but can kinda see what they're getting at.

like I personally sometimes I feel...i dunno "excluded" is that the word I'm looking for(?) always playing as white and asian people in video games. And sometime I feel it hard to relate sometimes to the character. When i get to play the black guy in the video game I feel like i'm actually wanted and included in what's going on in the game. Like for example say what you want about sinnoh region but everytime I see Dahlia i get geeked, then gen V with black folks as gym leaders and elite fours i peed my pants in happiness finally when they announced I could be black in pokemon x and y I just creamed my pants in excitment (my pants are pregnant now)

at the end of the day it's still their game and their choice if they put black people in their game. i'm still gonna buy it for lil' mac but that is a thing to put into consideration I suppose
i dunno
Pretty much this. Which is why I always pick characters like Rochelle, Louis, Lisa, etc. I do see what they're getting at, but I wouldn't call it racism, most of the roster aren't human.
In case anyone wants to read the article, it's here. He also complains about the lack of Day 1 DLC.

And yes, I will admit that in some cases, the ability to play as characters of color makes sense. For example, games with customizable characters, or ones that take place in a reality close to our own. But Mario Kart? Really?
"Of the 29 drivers, 14 are human (including Toad and Toadette)"

Well. That's a big load of something.

Also, I know more diversity is something we would like to see (Maybe bring back tan Daisy?) but 5 of those 14 humans are baby versions of characters already there. So it's really 7 white characters. Also they didn't count the Mii, who's character sprite used in public was by a darker skinned Mii for Mario Kart 7 and this one.

Diversity is most likely needed, yes, but the article is exaggerating.
Oh yeah, if there's any remaining Third Party characters, we'll get them revealed at E3 too.
Who's ready for Pac-Man to crush your hopes
I'm still hoping for a different 3rd party rep. If he's the only 3rd party left I'd be disappointed, but if one or two of the other ones I want, or at least like more than him, get in as well then Pacman is cool with me.

Heck, I'm still holding out hope for a Wii U exclusive Tales game so I'll have an excuse to play as a Tales protagonist.

My biggest hope is probably Bayonetta. They can definitely make her work especially since
She has a "leotard" under her outfit and she doesnt usually get nude unless it's the finisher for a boss fight, but even then she's stylisticly covered by swirling hair covering her lovely lady bits. Plus there's Wonder Bayonetta in the Wonderful 101
I really do NOT want Pac-Man unless they can get really clever with his move-set. Dude just bugs me.
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If Pac-Man ends up playable, I can only hope it won't be that blue eyed abomination with teeth. I don't want to see Pac-Man in Smash only because I have a feeling it's going to be "that" version of him.
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If Pac-Man ends up playable, I can only hope it won't be that blue eyed abomination with teeth. I don't want to see Pac-Man in Smash only because I have a feeling it's going to be "that" version of him.
???... Do I want to know what you're talking about?
He might be referring to this abomination

I will only accept Pac if he has that walk cycle
or if some hacks the game and makes an Ike climbers of Pacman and names it 2Pac