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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Oh my god.
You know what I'd need?
Senator Armstrong Brawler Mii.
at first I thought you meant this Armstrong

but then I was disappoint....
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oh I thought of another pair I could run
Jesus and Buddha
Jesus feels like a sword fighter and Buddha feels like a Brawler
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oh my yhvh I just found a demifiend mii

Using that one for everything now.
Wait, how the hell did I forget that I have a Haggar Mii.
I have to use that as my Brawler.

Also I agree about the stop with the stupid repetitive competitive players jokes.
It's really repetitive and, you know,
really mean-spirited.
Which isn't cool.
All of the custom character stuff actually sounds like a lot of fun. I'm all about custom special moves, equipment, and what-have-you. I was always disappointed that there wasn't an extra multiplayer mode that utilized the sticker customization in Brawl.

The problem I have with customization is two fold:

1. I don't trust Sakurai to balance things properly. Not one bit. He's just not that good at it. He doesn't look at things from a purely competitive standpoint (I'm not saying that he should), and the results are very clear in the previous Smash titles. Obviously he's not the only person that's solely responsible for this, but the vast majority of the details in the decision making are a result of Sakurai's design choices.

2. Regardless of whether or not everything is properly balanced, it's simply too much to take in from a competitive standpoint. It will take years upon years of pure competitive play to gauge the relative effectiveness of individual moves and custom move sets. Some might see this as something that could add longevity to the game, or something that could add a lot of depth to high level competitive play. Both of these viewpoints may very well be true. Regardless, I see it as a potential burden that keeps me from just jumping in and feeling comfortable about my player choices.

I mean, I'm gonna fuckin' play the game no matter what. If people decide to allow customization to be a part of competitive play then hell, I'll spend countless hours experimenting and developing a character that fits my own playstyle and preference. I just prefer the idea of keeping things simple and clean. I'd rather learn a character's ins-and-outs with their given strengths and weakness laid out before me than spend time changing the characters to fit my own personal preference.
Should mention that custom characters are banned in Tekken and Soul Calibur. If it was banned for a legitimately competitive fighting game that's more balanced than Smash was, it's probably gonna be the same case here.

Which sucks because Link's default boomerang is the Gale Boomerang and it's bad.
just play whatever you feel most comfortable with

be a low tier warrior if you have to be

or just ignore custom options if you aren't comfy with them, it's not a big deal or anything
i can almost guarantee you that custom characters will be banned anyway, but we'll see, i suppose
Actually, considering I 100% know I am not going to play or follow competitive play and will just be playing with friends and my sister, I don't even know why I care about competitive play

so yay casual for days
items on
wily castle
all custom movesets
lets go video games
this game apparently
demo impressions say that he's really good
Yeah, the only "bad" characters right now are apparently Zelda and Little Mac (due to the stage selection not favoring him, but Final Destination will be his domain)
Another point against custom movesets in competitive play, I think, is that it looks like you have to unlock every. Single. Move. Let's give ourselves a nice roster estimate of 45 characters. That's over 500 moves to unlock AT RANDOM before you have the full potential for customization. I've played Brawl for thousands of hours and still haven't gotten every sticker, of which there are only 700. Do I think new moves will be as hard to complete? No. But a game where the meta will be developing immediately on release shouldn't and can't really wait the time it inevitably WILL take to get all its players up to speed. I don't think it's a huge insurmountable detriment, but it's something to consider.

Beyond that, yeah, balance is an issue. People already kvetch enough about balance in Smash Bros as it is, and not without reason--note the 4-5 characters (or one character, in Brawl's case) played ad nauseam in top competitive play. I dream of a world where customizable movesets make Link a little bit viable. But I fear one where they just make him even more of a turd.
Considering I got 2-3 moves each Smash Run... run, at least on the 3DS version, it won't take too long. Like, a while, yeah, but not too long. And I'd be surprised if we can't transfer saves from 3DS to WiiU.
Considering I got 2-3 moves each Smash Run... run, at least on the 3DS version, it won't take too long. Like, a while, yeah, but not too long. And I'd be surprised if we can't transfer saves from 3DS to WiiU.

That's still hundreds of Smash Runs (or comparable move-unlocking activities) before you have them all...

And that puts the burden of doing all that on people who want to use custom sets but don't necessarily care that much about Smash Run or side games.
You know what I just thought of in regards to Mii Fighters?

If they gave us a banner maker or something to introduce a newcomer the way they've been doing so far.
this game apparently
demo impressions say that he's really good

Guy deserves it. Also he's one of my mains so good stuff!
Hmm, Zack from FF VII as a Sword Mii, Jonathan Joestar as a Brawler Mii, Mighty No. 9 as a Gunner Mii.

Mii may not be my favorite character, but i'm gonna have so much fun with them.
I need Lisa from DoA in here. I already got Rochelle.
Wait, I forgot Daneeka... this is gonna be a painstaking process.
Actually, considering I 100% know I am not going to play or follow competitive play and will just be playing with friends and my sister, I don't even know why I care about competitive play

so yay casual for days
items on
wily castle
all custom movesets
lets go video games
If you don't care about competitive play, that's cool, just, you know, stop caring about competitive play.
You can't have your cake and eat it too, you either don't care about it or you hate it and feel the need to insult it at any given opportunity.
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But do you have a Daneeka Patrick Mii?
Or or... I'll make a me based on me and fight with it. Whaddya think?