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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Or or... I'll make a me based on me and fight with it. Whaddya think?
Not enough Daneeka.
Not enough Daneeka.
Who wouldn't want a Mii of DanikaaaaAAAAAAAAAAHHH

It's already done. She's on my 3DS, yo. All ready to tear up your face with her giant car.
Pic of the day. Pac-Man's standard special move, Bonus Fruit. As you charge this move, the bonuses will change, and all of them have different characteristics and movement patterns when thrown. The bonuses cycle in the same order as in the original game, and the charge-up period doubles once you cycle beyond the orange.
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I'm pretty happy about Pac-Man's moveset in general. Looks like a lot of fun.

In fact, all of the Smash4 newcomers look pretty interesting. They all seem to offer something very different to the smash formula.
It'll be interesting to see how it works. I thought that the fruit would change with a special and then you throw with another, but it seems almost like a timing-based trick projectile. Neato.

Though I'm worried, cause it showed Pac with Mappy/Galboss/other Namco stuff in his hand in the trailer, and I'm worried that it's just a taunt. I want Mappy to be an attack.

Mostly because this

oh shiftylook, you were so great, but only lasted so short of a time
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All that other stuff's part of the attack, too.

Don't you remember him throwing the Galaxian and the fire hydrant he kicked?
All that other stuff's part of the attack, too.

Don't you remember him throwing the Galaxian and the fire hydrant he kicked?

I think Fire Hydrant is his Down Special. Just a hunch.

As for the Galaxian, fair point.
The Multi-Man enemies are seemingly confirmed from someone watching the 3DS trailer closely.

N64 had the Fighting Polygon Team
Melee had the Fighting Wireframe Team
Brawl had the Fighting Alloy Team
WiiU/3DS has...
v Look at the stock

I think it is Fighting Mii team, not only would Mii having Battlefield be its Classic Mode stage be kind of awkward (especially since the 3DS version in particular has not one but TWO stages to use for it), but Multi-Man has always been on Battlefield, even taking 64 into consideration with it not being a separate mode.

So yeah, we Multi-Mii Battle now.
How many characters are we up to at the moment, and also how many ones returning characters aren't in yet?
Counting each Mii class and PT's 'mons separately, we are up to 35 characters confirmed (9 64 vets, 5 Melee vets, 10 Brawl vets, 11 newcomers), with 14 characters circa Brawl unconfirmed (there's also the 5 characters that jumped ship post-Melee, but this number won't count towards the total). Assuming everyone from Brawl were to immediately come back today, we would be at 49. Factor out certain characters that have actual fear of being cut (Snake, Squirtle and Ivysaur), that would give us 45-46, give or take Ice Climbers.

Now, for some unnecessary bonus credit; If we take our current roster size of 35 and add in the remaining characters from that rumored leak (Shulk, Chrom, Chorus), that would obviously be 38, 52 if we add the remaining Brawl hopefuls, back to 48-49 if we subtract Snake, Squirtle, Ivysaur and potentially Ice Climbers.

For some fun, let's assume the 5 Melee cuts actually got a new lease on Smash. The totals for that would be 40 with the current roster, 54 with everyone from Brawl back, 50-51 by subtracting the potential Brawl cuts, and back up to 53-54 by adding the "leaked" characters on top of that.

Hope you all enjoyed this little lesson, because I sure didn't. :PUN:

DISCLAIMER: While Squirtle and Ivysaur are the most likely cuts, I added Snake into that list because as a 3rd Party character, he has (in a certain manner of speaking) the least number of bargaining chips for returning. In addition, the reason why I only counted Ice Climbers halfway is because even though it's been said that the 3DS would have trouble getting them in, it's never in a light that suggests they are a guaranteed cut. Finally, even as I say all of this, I don't want to see any characters cut from the game, especially Ivysaur since she was the main PT mon I liked to used. Not to mention I too still hope some lost Melee characters come back, most of all Pichu <yes i'd put Pichu in before Mewtwo and Roy, wanna fight about it?> :PUN:
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Pic of the day. Here's Donkey Kong's third standard special attack, Storm Punch!! Thanks to the customization options, each fighter is stocked with 12 different special moves. The number of attacks is pretty appalling.

We've made it so that customization options, including special attacks, will be disabled when you're playing online in With Anyone mode. After all, we have to think about game balance, and it's crucial for anonymous players to be able to use reliable tactics against one another. When you're playing in single player, battling with friends online, or playing locally, you're free to play however you want--with or without customization.

All character customizing banned from Anom Online and HOLY SHIT DK CAN SHOOT TORNADOES OUT OF HIS FISTS!
I guess this means Palutena is also gonna be neutered on move selection online. Sounds like we need to pay close attention on what her default loadout will be.
Oh so THAT'S why!
It's not Miis being offensive, it's because you won't be able to tell what they're doing beforehand, and that's not fun.

According to this interview: http://www.computerandvideogames.co...ked-online-to-prevent-copyright-free-for-all/

Sakurai seems to be wary of copyright concerns (okay......) and thinks players fighting a character they won't recognize isn't fun. Typical. Still probably a bunch of execu-speak to cover not wanting to see a million Hitlers and penis dudes online.

I'm still hopeful Sakurai allows default mii avatars with a predetermined default moveset for random online. Whether ya like 'em or lump 'em the miis are three characters, characters that people who enjoy their playstyle will want to play.
Soooooo, I don't know how they got it so clear, but here's the Smash 4 Multiplayer Results theme AKA OH MY GOD YOU GUYS THIS SMASH 64 CHARACTER SELECT REMIX IS HIGHLY AROUSING! (:PUN:)

That's goooooooooooood.

I hope this is a secondary option for character select too.
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That's goooooooooooood.

I hope this is a secondary option for character select too.
Please let this be a thing.
I'm still hopeful Sakurai allows default mii avatars with a predetermined default moveset for random online. Whether ya like 'em or lump 'em the miis are three characters, characters that people who enjoy their playstyle will want to play.

This is Nintendo we're talking about, let alone Sakurai. We all got excited about Brawl's online "features" when that came out, and look where that got us...

Here's a safe way to set your expectations. Think about the type of online multi-player experience you expect out of a current generation video game. While you're at it, also consider the basic design choices behind the functionality, user interaction, and player customization/choice that go into developing said multi-player experience. Now imagine what that would have looked like 15 years ago. That's what you should expect.
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I'm still hopeful Sakurai allows default mii avatars with a predetermined default moveset for random online. Whether ya like 'em or lump 'em the miis are three characters, characters that people who enjoy their playstyle will want to play.
Regi, Sakurai, Miyamoto, Toru Iwatani, Naoto Oshima, Yuji Naka, Akira Kitamura and Keiji Inafune as default Miis.
This is Nintendo we're talking about, let alone Sakurai. We all got excited about Brawl's online "features" when that came out, and look where that got us...

But but...Kid Icarus had good online HOPE IS ALL I HAVE LEFT DON'T TAKE THIS FROM ME

also 15 years is being generous
But but...Kid Icarus had good online HOPE IS ALL I HAVE LEFT DON'T TAKE THIS FROM ME

also 15 years is being generous

Uprising has amazing online, I find myself constantly going back to it. I think Sakurai's learned, so I have faith in these games' online.
Hopefully I'll be able to strategize and play with the same level of finesse in SSB4 online as I was with Uprising.

*Pulls out Magnus Club and starts swinging like a wild man*
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Hopefully I'll be able to strategize and play with the same level of finesse in SSB4 online as I was with Uprising.

*Pulls out Magnus Club and starts swinging like a wild man*
My Flintlock Staff loadout would like to disagree with you. As dumb as the Magnus Staff is, it's not uncounterable.
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My Flintlock Staff loadout would like to disagree with you. As dumb as the Magnus Staff is, it's not uncounterable.
-Turns on bumblebee-
So uhhh
apparently this was a picture in an old interview Sakurai did with an old magezine



Guys I think he might actually be a huge ass JoJo nerd

Wii Fit Trainer's signature technique involves breathing deeply to harness the sun's power, which is exactly how the original Jojo fought with his Hamon/Ripple technique. In Brawl, Luigi stopped time within a radius of his body with inverse colors, just like the Jojo series' most iconic villain. And several characters like Zelda and Rosalina resemble Stand Users. The Nintendog assist trophy? It's Iggy.





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In Brawl, Luigi stopped time within a radius of his body with inverse colors, just like the Jojo series' most iconic villain.
yet another reason why Negative Zone should have stayed