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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

So, apparently, the Pac Land stage is based off of the Hanna Barbara Pac Man TV show.

I tried to watch it and... dear god. This is pretty bad. Worse than Ghostly Adventure IMO.

it's based on uh
Pac Land, dontcha know

Yeah, and the game Pac Land was based on the TV show in turn.
In fact, the song in the background in the game is owned by Hanna Barbara, making my choice song of the day kinda moot.
.....Does anyone else see a possibility of Bayonetta being in SSB? Its not like they didnt have a character from a M rated game before #SNAKE
Sega owned. I really doubt it. Maybe DLC but that's her only shot.
she also doesn't exactly fit in with the rest of the cast all that much
For some reason, Maximilian has this idea that because Zero Suit Samus has Bayonetta like heels, she's GUARANTEED to be in.

I honestly think there's no chance. And wouldn't ZSS taking inspiration from Bayonetta make it LESS likely? I love the dude, but man, he has some weird idea.
Sega owned. I really doubt it. Maybe DLC but that's her only shot.

Well what about sonic, he is still owned by sega right?
No, the thing is, third parties are really likely to only get one per company. Sonic already took that spot. Hence, another character that's Sega-owned is pretty unlikely.
The fact that Sonic is in makes Bayonetta even less likely, because it's usually one per third party company, or else it would be less a Nintendo fighter with guests as much as a Guest Fighter with Nintendo.
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.....Does anyone else see a possibility of Bayonetta being in SSB? Its not like they didnt have a character from a M rated game before #SNAKE

It's possible, but extremely unlikely. Don't count on it.
For some reason, Maximilian has this idea that because Zero Suit Samus has Bayonetta like heels, she's GUARANTEED to be in.

I honestly think there's no chance. And wouldn't ZSS taking inspiration from Bayonetta make it LESS likely? I love the dude, but man, he has some weird idea.
well to be fair Max has usually no idea what he is talking about
nah man
we need Pac Man 2 The New Adventures

mostly because
So based on the evidence we've seen so far, what is the probability that the Gematsu leak is true? 90%?
So based on the evidence we've seen so far, what is the probability that the Gematsu leak is true? 90%?

I'm on the boat that thinks it's true. It's just too coincidental to be 100% right so far, aside from omitting Rosalina.

That said, that almost makes it better, cause it could mean that there's characters that aren't on it that are in.
I think it's true.
Pretty much a large sum of it has been true.
plus, I want Chrom, Chorus Men, and Shulk.
And on top of that, let's not forget.
It didn't account for Rosalina, so there's most assuredly still some characters coming that aren't on there
i don't really want chrom but yeah it seems legit at this point
I am still skeptical. I'm still not 100% on it. If Chorus Kids make it in, I will definitely call this leak for real.

So far, the choices weren't all that crazy and could have definitely been guessed. We will see about how it goes. In my opinion, Chrom already has a spot and Shulk seems obligatory, so only Chorus Men would do it for me.
Rosalina was not on the Gematsu list.
Rosalina is big and from space.
Rosalina's name starts with R.
Ridley's name starts with R.
Ridley is big and from space.
Ridley is not on the Gematsu list.
I think we all know what this means.
I just want Robin and not Chrom
it work out so much better
you could be a girl toooooooooooooo
Its not like they didnt have a character from a M rated game before #SNAKE
yeah but Snake has a ton of moves that can easily be made into a family friendly presentation of his moveset.

last I checked, Bayo is a lot harder, especially since a lot of her more special moves leaves her with less clothing, last I checked anyway.
I wonder if Villager will get something involving the fishing rod

Thought that might be a bit unfair, considering how overpowered it is

Considering we know pretty much the Villager's entire moveset and there dozens of people playing him at the demo and no one has thusly found or reported anything of the sort
probably not.
Considering we know pretty much the Villager's entire moveset and there dozens of people playing him at the demo and no one has thusly found or reported anything of the sort
probably not.

but sir

custom moves

And yeah, they have to be similar "in function", but instead of pocket he could have RANGED pocket with the fishing rod

And like, it would make Ganondorf even lower tier
Dorf has no projectiles, though, and if he shows up again, I won't be surprised if people refuse to use Dorf loadouts with projectiles against Villager players for precisely that reason.
So far, the choices weren't all that crazy and could have definitely been guessed.
The gematsu leak predicted wii fit trainer. And megaman and villager but... wii fit trainer
but sir

custom moves

And yeah, they have to be similar "in function", but instead of pocket he could have RANGED pocket with the fishing rod

And like, it would make Ganondorf even lower tier

It's not
considering most other custom moves don't use differing assets aside from the Mii Fighters and Palutena, thus far characters generally haven't altered their animations or anything for the variations.
It's not
considering most other custom moves don't use differing assets aside from the Mii Fighters and Palutena, thus far characters generally haven't altered their animations or anything for the variations.
To be fair, we've seen mario's and a few of the other characters. I think some of them may get uniques but it's hard to tell which (especially when mario didn't get some obvious ones like his other power ups, ice fireballs, the mario tornado.) Mii fighters aside, I think it might depend on how easy it is to implement- so, for example, palutena got hers because she probably uses a similar spell casting animation regardless of what move she's using. So, say, megaman getting an alt move that changes one weapon from his games into another would be simple since he always either shoots or throws them in the same way. No new animations or anything hard, just make the projectile and have him shoot it.
Personally I'd really like to see:
Link/Villager with the rest of their items
Samus/Megaman/Pit with the rest of their weapons
The pokemon with alternate moves from their actual learn sets

Also, if ganondorf is reworked around using a sword, then it would be cool if one of his alts on each move was from captain falcon's move set.
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As it feels like they're making the Pokemon closer to their games counterparts with less "original" moves, I can imagine them giving them more moves for the custom moves.

I can imagine, like, Fire Blast for Charizard's nspec, that's like a large, slow moving projectile. Something like that. Give Lucario a Focus Blast for his nspec that's unchargable, hits hard, but is hard to aim and easy to miss.

As for Kid Icarus, I can imagine them giving Pit more weapons of the same type, such as Bows for nspec, arms for s-spec and Orbitars for d-spec. Though, if I recall in the initial presentation, it showed him using a bow that allowed for shots that spin in a tight circle with the Palutena bow. Hopefully that's just a placeholder.

And I'm hoping Link and Toon Link get different equipment from each other. If they get the same custom moves, I'll be pretty unhappy. Same with Fox/Falco.
The gematsu leak predicted wii fit trainer. And megaman and villager but... wii fit trainer
Anyone, ANYONE, pre-announcement would have laughed their asses off if you told them WFT was in. Heck, when she WAS announced, people were so in shock they went into denial. The fact that pre-release, they predicted Mega Man, Villager and WFT... means something's up.

I got the joke Tanner-senpai. Uguu.
You are 150% better than anyone else on my own personal "I like you" board.
Anyone, ANYONE, pre-announcement would have laughed their asses off if you told them WFT was in. Heck, when she WAS announced, people were so in shock they went into denial. The fact that pre-release, they predicted Mega Man, Villager and WFT... means something's up.
Or, they simply could have made a lucky guess partially informed by the fact that Wii Fit is one of the best-selling games of ALL TIME.