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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Or, they simply could have made a lucky guess partially informed by the fact that Wii Fit is one of the best-selling games of ALL TIME.
Do you really think that sales has that big of an influence over the characters that are picked for smash? Is that why rob, mr. game and watch, or ice climbers got in? Is that why ness and lucas and marth and roy got in even though they were entirely unheard of in the west?
Games like wii fit that aren't really a big part of the nintendo fandom despite their massive sales aren't picked for smash most of the time. Not only are there usually no fighters in them (I mean I love WFT but it's not like you would ever play wii fit and be like "yeah I could totally see her in a fighting game") but your not attracting customers for either product- wii fit players aren't going to buy smash bros because oh gosh I finally get to play as the wii fit trainer, which is really the only thing wii fit's sales are going to factor into once everything's done. And smash bros fans probably aren't gravitating towards wii fit because of her inclusion, so you really just have to want her in for other reasons since that stuff doesn't matter..
Really I consider her the least predictable character in smash bros history. IMO she knocks rob, mr.game and watch, ice climbers, etc out of the park.
Exactly. The fact that EVERYONE, including WFT was "predicted" from the same person makes it seem waaaaaaay too real to not be a leak.

Besides, it's a good roster. No new character feels like a clone (well, except maybe Chrom, we'll see) and if all or even most Brawl characters come back, we have a really good roster.
He's on the front of the boxart for BOTH games too, what kinda shit is that?
and why do we got 2 zeldas?

we don't need more than 1.
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So based on the evidence we've seen so far, what is the probability that the Gematsu leak is true? 90%?

Highly likely. If I had to give a percentage, it'd be well over 50%. Unfortunately now I'm also pretty sure those 3 leaked newcomers are the final 3. I know people will say "BUT ROSALINA!", but when you think about it, those 3 make a total of 12 newcomers, and combined with all the remaining veterans that puts the character roster somewhere in the high 40s. There's not much room to add more from there. Maybe we'll get lucky though.

and why do we got 2 zeldas?

we don't need more than 1.

They completely got Metroid's gender wrong though. Get your act together Miyamoto.

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Girlfriend? You guys are crazy, Metroid doesn't even have any relationships, and he's a robot regardless.

Nah man, you gotta post the whole thing.
It's another one of them fancy leaks.

A guy I know who works for the marketing department of Nintendo has given me a little bit of info about the game as a result of promotional materials he has seen, and while I can't completely confirm or deny the Sal Roman leak with what he has, he said that Shulk is definitely in and Lucas is definitely out, which lines up with Sal's info. Additionally, Mewtwo is playable and King K. Rool is a boss on a new DK stage based off of the Gangplank Galleon stage. As for credibility, obviously I have none, so he said to say that Falco is supposed to be revealed this week. So, that basically gives him a very small window of opportunity to be proven fake.
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Gangplank Galleon, and K Rool as a boss, huh? Yep, fake as can be. Like Sakurai would choose to represent a DKC game that ISN'T Tropical Freeze.
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Anyway, back on topic.

Apparently Gamefaqs thinks we'll get a Veteran Reveal this week, particularly Falco.
But then again, since when has Gamefaqs been right about anything?
Captain Falcon.
Captain Falcon
Blue Falcon

Dyna-Mutt confirmed
Captain Falcon
Captain Ralcon
Captain Raicon
Captain Rainon
Captain Rainbon
Captain Rainbow confirmed!
Gangplank Galleon, and K Rool as a boss, huh? Yep, fake as can be. Like Sakurai would choose to represent a DKC game that ISN'T Tropical Freeze.

Uh, excuse you, he also represented Donkey Konga.
Uh, excuse you, he also represented Donkey Konga.

We also know that Mashed Potatoes Samurai likes to represent RECENT entries in the series represented in each Smash. *Snaps in Z formation.*

I'm sorry please don't hurt me.
But then again, since when has Gamefaqs been right about anything?

they've been right at helping me prove the internet is full of idiots

he, hehe

And I don't think we'll see Falco before we see Wolf. Call it a hunch.
"Pic of the day. Here's Link in an outfit based on his ordinary clothes in Skyward Sword! The art style looks a little different, but the actual clothing model is still his usual tunic"
surely that couldn't have been an alternate costume
I can't be alone in saying that there's only one Link costume I want to see rendered in glorious HD.


Bonus points for alt dialogue that's comprised entirely of various enunciations of, "Well excuuuuse me, princess."
I can see them giving Toon Link a blue tunic with the lobster design on it, as well as a black one with conductor-ish stuff.

This confirms more than 4 colors.

This is good.
"Pic of the day. Here's Link in an outfit based on his ordinary clothes in Skyward Sword! The art style looks a little different, but the actual clothing model is still his usual tunic"
View attachment 3464
It's like in Project M. Some characters get alts (Little Mac, WFT), while others get a mix of pallette swaps and alts.

I can see them giving Toon Link a blue tunic with the lobster design on it, as well as a black one with conductor-ish stuff.

This confirms more than 4 colors.

This is good.

TBH, I think that was a Demo-only thing.
Well, not necessarily, we could in theory still have had only 4 colors plus/for each costume. For instance, until Link's SS civie color just now, we'd still have been able to go thinking that while Wireframe Mac was a no show in the demo, it was the only other costume we knew about that wasn't in the demo and could've been the only other look he had beyond his default and demo colors.
I've read that like 12 times and still have no idea what you said

I mean, yeah, I forgot about Wireframe Mac, but that was a costume so it was kinda excusable I guess? This is a new color (an advanced color if you ask me) sorta confirming it a bit more.

Now when's muh Red Sonic

Basically, when everyone's saying that the characters having only 4 colors is disproved by Wireframe Mac, well, Wireframe might have been a special thing instead of just a color. As far as we knew, everyone could've had only 4 colors save for costumes/gender switches/Miis.
Bonus points for alt dialogue that's comprised entirely of various enunciations of, "Well excuuuuse me, princess."

It's sad that Skullgirls has exactly this, but link himself will never get this...
Basically, when everyone's saying that the characters having only 4 colors is disproved by Wireframe Mac, well, Wireframe might have been a special thing instead of just a color. As far as we knew, everyone could've had only 4 colors save for costumes/gender switches/Miis.
I don't know about that. Pikachu and Jigglypuff have always had the same amount of palettes as everyone else even if theirs are a "special thing." Same seems to go for villager. Why would wireframe mac and casual skyward sword link be extra? They're just texture swaps, same as every other palette. Even villager and pikachu have more than a retexture on theirs.