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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I don't know about that. Pikachu and Jigglypuff have always had the same amount of palettes as everyone else even if theirs are a "special thing." Same seems to go for villager. Why would wireframe mac and casual skyward sword link be extra? They're just texture swaps, same as every other palette. Even villager and pikachu have more than a retexture on theirs.




Pikachu has always only had 4, Jiggs and Sonic have 5, and everyone else has 6 in Brawl.
Here's hoping he gets at least a few more. Bowser upgraded from 4 to 6 from Melee to Brawl.
That said, they are "special cases" due to them needed accessories instead of colors. Sonic's looking to have actual colors this time, however. And no character has ever lost colors, number-wise.

also please don't have this new Link color overwrite Dark Link cause that color was awesome.
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This is a stupid argument. WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY COLORS A CHARACTER WILL HAVE. Nothing about what we have seen so far makes ANY sort of indication as to how many alt palettes and costumes each character will have.

If it's anything like the last few games then characters will have different numbers of alt colors. Hell, Wario has like a million alternate colors/costumes in Brawl while some characters only have 4 or 5.
I realize all this this, I don't actually think that it was all we're getting, i'm just pointing out how someone could say that given proper context.

Speaking of, I never did like that quite a few characters (especially from Pokemon) only get the 3 team colors plus the default as a bare minimum. Hopefully character colors not being dependant on team color will change that.
My favorite alt will always be bumble bee Ness, if they scrap that in favor for something else I will cry.
I mean, yeah, I forgot about Wireframe Mac, but that was a costume so it was kinda excusable I guess? This is a new color (an advanced color if you ask me) sorta confirming it a bit more.

Correction: Wireframe Mac is a colour just as much as Link's Tunic in this PotD.
on the upside
palettes that aren't just different colors but also different patterns
which have been around but
they're here too!!!!!!!!
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Basically, when everyone's saying that the characters having only 4 colors is disproved by Wireframe Mac, well, Wireframe might have been a special thing instead of just a color. As far as we knew, everyone could've had only 4 colors save for costumes/gender switches/Miis.
All of the characters in Brawl had at least six colors. They're not going to drop that number any lower.

EDIT: Sonic, Lucario, Pokemon Trainer and Jigglypuff only have five. Pikachu had four. Nintendo hates Pokemon color palettes :P
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Sonic, Lucario, Pokemon Trainer and Jigglypuff only have five. Pikachu had four. Nintendo hates Pokemon color palettes :P
...Sonic is a pokemon?

"Pic of the day. The all-time classic Balloon Fight returns to the modern age, now playable with four players. This is only a small piece of this jam-packed game."

So, this new Balloon Fight game looks pretty cool. :PUN:
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Oh snap, they stealth-announced a new Balloon Fight game huh? Looking forward to it.
So with the new Link costume, I saw some awesome posts on Tumblr that show off exactly what has to come next



edit: also toon link with a red hat but black/dark navy tunic
gotta get that conductor thang on
Someone posted a fake pic of the day

if only
Pic of the Day. Here is a preview of the Glitzville stage for Smash Bros Wii U, In this stage every fighter will be stylized.
That would be so much effort though... Even the game and watch stage didn't do this. It would be the equivalent of doubling the roster by making a clone of every character.
Regular Mario doesn't even use a hammer where did that come from?
Regular Mario doesn't even use a hammer where did that come from?
Oh, it's cause before, he posted this


Something looks a bit different about Mario, I'd like to announce that Paper Mario is officially in Smash Bros!

It's from the pretty fucking hilarious fake Sakurai Twitter
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Oh yeah, it's totally unbelievable

But I still want a TTYD stage. I would (and can, and WILL) sell my kidney for one. That game is like, perfection.
Good, because it just so happens that sakurai collects kidneys.
Cough it up. Literally.

Regular Mario doesn't even use a hammer where did that come from?
They stealth revealed paper mario in that pic, of course.

Wrecking Crew, Donkey Kong, and Super Mario RPG,
In smash he doesn't though.
If we were to get a Paper Mario stage, it'd be from that abomination called Sticker Star, sadly.
It'd be from what?

Sorry, I didn't hear that. I mean, pfft, what? There was no other Paper Mario RPG after TTYD. Nope, there was Super Paper Mario, but we're no longer allowed to discuss that game here after the Bleck Wars of 2014 claimed twelve lives, so I mean, what possibly could you be talking about?

I mentioned it which must not be named, shit.

Are you even human.
to call me human is to call a hot dog a fine sausage
I am above the rest of existence
I am the ultimate being
So it's settled, the Slammer Guy kingdom mid to post destruction should be a Smash Bros. stage, glad we could clear that up.
So it's settled, the Slammer Guy kingdom mid to post destruction should be a Smash Bros. stage, glad we could clear that up.
Slammer, you say?

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So it's settled, the Slammer Guy kingdom mid to post destruction should be a Smash Bros. stage, glad we could clear that up.
I would actually be okay with that.

Especially if it had a Termina-esque thing where THE VOID kept getting bigger and bigger until it envelopes it, and then some deus ex machina fixes it

Slammer, you say?


I would actually be okay with that.

Especially if it had a Termina-esque thing where THE VOID kept getting bigger and bigger until it envelopes it, and then some deus ex machina fixes it

And one of the Slammer Guys can be the stage boss, it goes away when you either beat it up or the entire reality is destroyed.
don't worry
i'm sure some poorly written OCs can save the day
don't worry
i'm sure some poorly written OCs can save the day

See, I initially made that comment just to get your goat,
but now I don't care anymore and actually want to see it happen.
Even though I fully admit that TTYD is the most iconic of the Paper Mario games and probably deserves the representation more than Super.
See, I initially made that comment just to get your goat,
but now I don't care anymore and actually want to see it happen.
oh see I don't actually care
I've gotten almost everything I wanted out this smash bros
i can handle some shit getting thrown in