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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Isn't there gonna be a direct on the 6th or something?
I know nintendo is supposed to be doing something on the 6th, if I was informed correctly
I really hope so.
I don't really care about the awards, but the REVAELS man, they are hype.
And last year they had Samuel L
Jackson for interludes.

So let's hope for some Smash stuff!
Reggie is just announcing a sequel to the best Metroid game, Other M 2
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Man, I picked up Other M for $5 hoping that all the negativity towards it was just Ninten-hatin', but goddamn is it just...

just watch
plug plug plug plug

That said, I do like the upgraded version of Other M Samus in this Smash 4. It looks much better than any other version in my opinion. Though in Other M itself it looks a bit... weird.
I dont get the hate for Other M i loved the game, loved the story and the game play
Oh my god, detective Pikachu...it reminds me of that one set of platforms on Pictochat of the open mouth guy with the hand sticking out.
Well knowing Nintendo whatever they announce in their Nintendo Direct on the 6th is going to undermine what they announce on the 7th..cause that's just how they roll. Though I wouldn't expect any Smash reveals, at best maybe new footage for one of the already announced 2014 titles like MK8, Yarn Yoshi, Kirby 3D, etc.

The crap is that I wonder?
Straight from Sakurai on Miiverse:

"A red-black effect now appears when you're hit by a strong blow. It'll only appear when you have high damage, so when you see this you're in trouble--and you're probably about to get KO'd!"

So it's a visual gameplay mechanic pretty much.
You know what, I missed two music of the days.
Enjoy them all.
(yes, I know I wrote 3D WORLD)

As for today's pic, it's an awesome effect that you might not even notice in battle. But I will say one thing, Sakurai knows how to make hard hits feel hard.
For a second there, I thought Fox was getting his shield broken.
Yeah, really, this feels like such a step-up in terms of effects.
I think Brawl was mostly trying to play it safe.
SSB 4 is adding all this cool visual flair and shit and they still have the audience!
And back to Mario Galaxy! I've hit every stage but Battlefield. This is my favorite Mario remix of all time, it's just so damn good! SEGA knows how to mix.

Hurrah! More gimmicks! Much like Peach's side smash, it looks like he pulls out 1, 2 or 3 turnips to attack with at random. Probably won't be using those moves often :P
Randomness really doesn't bother me. It's part of how he plays.
Plus, how do we know it doesn't just change how it looks, not how it plays?

(also, Peach's side smash follows a pattern, it's hardly random)
Randomness really doesn't bother me. It's part of how he plays.
Plus, how do we know it doesn't just change how it looks, not how it plays?

(also, Peach's side smash follows a pattern, it's hardly random)
Is it really? I've got 3 golf clubs in a row, a tennis racket, club, then finally a pan. Not much of a pattern there especially since there's also been 2 pans in a row at a separate instance. Might just be imagination though...

And making it purely aesthetic isn't how Sakurai rolls either. Knowing him, they'll have different mechanics for each bundle of turnips. Like the faces on Peach's turnips. Having the funny faces on them was enough, but to give each one a different set of damages and knockbacks was a whole other level. That's just what Sakurai does.
Is it really? I've got 3 golf clubs in a row, a tennis racket, club, then finally a pan. Not much of a pattern there especially since there's also been 2 pans in a row at a separate instance. Might just be imagination though...

In brawl it's impossible to get the same thing twice with peach's forward smash, i feel like melee would follow the same thing but idk. otherwise it's random, but it's only 50-50.

3DS gets a Find Mii stage, including the boss ghost. Cool stuff.

Edit: Just realized this also means we're probably getting Find Mii music...which is better than you might think for people who haven't played it.
I'm guessing that's from Find Mii 2? 'Cuz I'm still in the middle of fighting the Ultimate Ghost in the first one.
What is find mii? I thought it was a boss
I'm guessing that's from Find Mii 2? 'Cuz I'm still in the middle of fighting the Ultimate Ghost in the first one.
Yeah. This is the boss after the final boss after the "Final" boss.

Just think of it like a Kingdom Hearts game or something.
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Yeah. This is the boss after the final boss after the "Final" boss.

Just think of it like a Kingdom Hearts game or something.
Oh god that's just too perfect XD
But the stage, it can't possibly be... Dillon's Rolling Western?
It's the top of the Tower in Find Mii II, with the final boss for that Streetpass Game scaring the Wii Fit Trainer.
The final part takes place there, it ain't Dillon (though I still think there will be a stage for him eventually)

And on the plus side, we might get to hear this top tier Chrono Trigger-esque boss theme

I am TOTES down.