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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Music of the day: A rather obscure theme that needs more love. If the WarioWare themes can be in Japanese, so can this one!

you just reminded me of the awful dub this game received in the west...
we mayay be able to locate anudda enahgee emission from da wadar woom.

So you're saying that when we fin tha meetya, wel find Docta Wahwee in Smash.
Was it ever specifically said to be his Side Special? All I read is that it was a special move.

Up B - Balloon helmet (confirmed)
Down B - Growing a tree (confirmed)
Neutral B - Picking up literally anything (confirmed)

The only other special is Side B and the Gyroid coincidentally shoots sideways in both the air and from the ground.
Looks like it might be a nice approach/spacing tool depending on if you can jump off once you start riding it and still have it connect afterwards.
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Yeah, I really can't wait to play Villager online.
Fuck, if he's got a girl alt costume, I'll use that too!
I'm really liking the prospect of this alt costume thing as it'll allow for female characters to see more use. Honestly, this is an awesome idea on Sakurai's part. Appealing to both the males and females and the males who like playing with girls :P
I'm really liking the prospect of this alt costume thing as it'll allow for female characters to see more use. Honestly, this is an awesome idea on Sakurai's part. Appealing to both the males and females and the males who like playing with girls :P
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He's actually just an assist trophy. I'm sorry. And no I'm not lying TT_TT
Proof:"Pic of the day. Here's a new Assist Trophy--the Skull Kid! I repeat, it's an Assist Trophy, not a new fighter. The characters announced on the website are the fighters!"
My heart skipped a beat.
Then the text came.


I'm saddened. And to be honest kind of salty.
But at least he's pretty.
Maybe Assist Trophies can be playable later as DLC
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Sadface .jpeg I mean really I was hoping for skullkid in brawl....but not like this...I mean it's great he's even in there...but.... T-T
Fucking Assist Trophy is the next best thing. But guh.
I still stand firm in hope that Assist Trophies can eventually be bumped up to playable.
Or at least a boss.
I mean you already got the model done. That's one step.
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It really wouldn't be that hard to bump him up to Toon Link costume, would it?
I mean sure, it's not like he fights like toon link does... I just want it, okay?
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In retrospect this would have been funnier if Sakurai just put up this pic with no description, then just left it sitting through the weekend...

At the very least, more evidence for MM 3D/HD.
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It also confirms Assist Trophies are back. We had no word on that.
Well, they are.

Oh well, again, still could be possible for future DLC.
I mean that's also more promo for MM 3D. If tht's a thing.
Because now I want it more than ever.
God damn I need more Skull Kid(s) in my life.
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I'm okay with this, I mean I'd rather see a new franchise get in(Advance Warssssss) then another Zelda character
Not to say I don't want him in but right now I'm just happy the lil guy is getting some recognition
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It really wouldn't be that hard to bump him up to Toon Link costume, would it?
I mean sure, it's not like he fights like toon link does... I just want it, okay?

Project m2 for wiiu?
Even if it was project M the alt costumes have to be of the same people
I'm scared this guy is even an assist trophy. Do I even want to find out what his attack is going to be?
I'm scared this guy is even an assist trophy. Do I even want to find out what his attack is going to be?
Drops the moon on the field. Everyone dies.
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I wonder how will it work, is it like jiggly puffs final smash?
Probably like the last part of Olimar's Final Smash.
Just on a much bigger scale.
I imagine it's more like Snorlax really.
To be fair, he was significant enough to warrant an appearance, has a role that warrants an assist trophy, but isn't fleshed out enough to be called a fighter.

I wouldn't want to see him as a fighter and I'm glad he's confirmed not to be. Phew.
Eh I think he could be perfectly fleshed out to be a fighter. I mean look at Captain Falcon, he had less to work with and is one of the most iconic and loved Smash characters now.
Although, I can see why they didn't choose Skull Kid to be playable though, even if he would be pretty sweet to play as.

Oh and I just realized The Wonderful 101 is actually a Nintendo IP. This makes me excited.
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Eh I think he could be perfectly fleshed out to be a fighter. I mean look at Captain Falcon, he had less to work with and is one of the most iconic and loved Smash characters now.
Although, I can see why they didn't choose Skull Kid to be playable though, even if he would be pretty sweet to play as.

Oh and I just realized The Wonderful 101 is actually a Nintendo IP. This makes me excited.

Yeah but how do you make Wonder Red's abilities work into Smash Bros' gameplay? I'm expecting a stage and assist trophy at most.
Look at Captain Falcon, he had less to work with and is one of the most iconic and loved Smash characters now.
He also had an anime to draw from.
Yeah but how do you make Wonder Red's abilities work into Smash Bros' gameplay?

I'd imagine he'd be similar to Olimar, except with specials that are usable without extra heroes but get powered up from using them with it.
After playing the Wonderful 101 demo, he's totally, 100% Smash material. It just depends now on if Sakurai deems so.
The anime came litearlly years after the game.
Then disregard that statement. He's just a fucking badass. What can I say?