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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Fans have managed to make some movesets for the Skull Kid too, and each one's belivable.
Stuff like Fairy Sling Shot (In some cases using Tatl and Tael as ammo), using his flute to cause enemies hit by the song to be "Lost" (reversing their controls), teleporting, and other trickster-y things.
Yeah but how do you make Wonder Red's abilities work into Smash Bros' gameplay? I'm expecting a stage and assist trophy at most.
Dude! Even if it was just one of those I'd be super pumped since I had zero expectations of them being in the game so anything would be pretty neat.
Actually a good few of the characters I really want are pretty dang doubtful on making it. I mean I really want to see an Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents rep but I'm 99% certain they won't be playable. Same thing with Chibi Robo, so I'm pretty happy with any recognition for the obscure characters.
I want to belieeeeeve
And don't forget, DLC is a possibility, Sakurai's just not thinking about it right now.
We might get more playable characters later.
Though I would love Elite Beat Agents being playable.
It also confirms Assist Trophies are back. We had no word on that.
Well, they are.
It's a clever reveal honestly. Revealing Assist Trophies through the Skullkid and Majora's Mask. Nice touch.
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You guys just can't be happy with anything XD

"We want Skull Kid in!"
*gets Skull Kid*
"That's not good enough!"
Hey, we may never be pleased, but at least we're not like some gamers.


I'm a positive, optimistic gamer. Honestly, unless tripping is revealed, not much can rustle my jimmies involving this game. And even if it was back, oh well, that's one thing I don't like. No game is 100% perfect. Every single game ever has flaws in some way.
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Captain Falcon happened mostly because his moveset is composed of what Smash Bros was going to be before it became Nintendo characters.

That's not to say he isn't still one of the most amazing characters.
It is.
And again, he made a moveset for, let's see now:
Ice Climbers
and Peach.

Sakurai can basically make a moveset for anyone.
At this point I don't think it matters if they never fought in the game they're from.
Look at Villager, he reconsidered.
Technically Jigglypuff's Final Smash was the only thing he made up. Everything else is based off of moves Jigglypuff can use in the actual Pokemon games.

Same deal with Peach. Final Smash and Side Special are made up, everything else comes from either Mario RPG or Mario Bros. 2. Except Toad, that's just Sakurai having a weird sense of humor.
Sakurai confirms that Toad is kinky.
I also forgot Wii Fit Trainer.

The idea of using Yoga moves and strength training exercises as attacks is still utterly brilliant on his part.

Also, I've been playing Wii Fit U recently (what with the 31 day free trial which is awesome) and I gotta say, I'm excited for her. Some of those poses have potential for crazy awesome hitboxes.
Also I hope brown-hair-green-shirt-with-actual-eyes is a palette in-game.
they need to make ganon not shit before they add anyone else from zelda
Considering a good chunk of the characters revealed so far have been hidden in the past...
Considering a good chunk of the characters revealed so far have been hidden in the past...
Ok maybe not Ganondorf will be hidden.
I mean I really really hope we don't have to wait a long ass time to see if Ganondorf is still a clone or not.
Yeah, basically the argument that "They never fought" or "They don't have enough for a moveset" is moot at this point
Well first of all I think the word your looking for is "null" and not "moot."
But the thing is, it's still perfectly valid as an argument as to why a character shouldn't be included. It's just silly to use it as the end all be all. A character can be included with very little fighting potential, that much is certain, but they should probably avoid making shit up or scraping together a moveset if possible because it can defeat the point of having a nintendo crossover fighter. If the iconography can outweigh the fact that there's not much to work off of, then they can overcome it (which is Peach's case.)
The only real exception here is ice climbers, who are probably the strangest ever character addition to any ssb game and good proof that making any prediction at all about the roster is pointless, since Sakurai doesn't really use logic when he picks these characters. As far as I can tell he just personally liked the game, and that was his only real reason to include them.

Ok maybe not Ganondorf will be hidden.
I mean I really really hope we don't have to wait a long ass time to see if Ganondorf is still a clone or not.
It would be funny if he redesigned Bowser from the ground up and just continued to leave Ganondorf a clone.
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Ok point Ganondorf will be redone.
If he still isn't Sakurai must hate Gerudos or something.

But yeah, point with that too. It's pretty much stupid to use it as an end all argument. Like you said.

It's at least not as dumb as the "Too Big" argument.
i don't care if they make him Pigman Ganon
he just needs to keep the chokesplosion
i love ganoncide
I do rather like the choke grip he had in SSBB though, let him keep that and maybe modify it.
Also I'd rather it not be TP Ganondorf, I liked that one but compared to say... Wind Waker or OoT Ganondorf it doesn't quite measure up. It's the weakest one.

Friendly reminder that Project M 3.0 drops in 3 days
Pretty much THE reason I fell off the SSB4 Hype Train. A new character reveal for SSB4 would more than likely change that, but Project: M's addition of Kirby, Yoshi, Ice Climbers, Olimar, Samus (all balanced for their return), Roy, Mewtwo (both of which will be much better than their Melee iterations), Turbo Mode, Alt. Costumes, two more stages, Character Balancing and whatever else they haven't told us yet...

I can't help but be a bit more excited for the Brawl mod.

No wrist straps can safely contain MY hype.
I won't really say how I feel about Project M.

But speaking of new characters, I kinda almost hope they have some more new unusual/fun movesets, because so far, all three new characters have been very different and very fun
Ganondorf was "hidden" (Japanese leaks notwithstand) on the Dojo for a long ass time.
A lot of characters were. Prerelease we only got 25 out of 37 (23 out of 35 without ZSS or Shiek). Hidden ones included Marth, Luigi and Toon Link, who we already have confirmed, but also Falcon and Ganondorf, the latter of which was revealed after ROB who no one saw coming.

I could see Yoshi, Zelda, Falcon and Ganon, who a majority of people believe will return (albeit maybe with a new design) not being revealed until near/post-release, depending on if we're getting simultaneous release.

Pretty much THE reason I fell off the SSB4 Hype Train.
Why does riding a hype train have to be exclusive? I hear this all time time for P:M and I get confused.
I'm excited for 4 SMASH BROS AT ONCE. We got WiiU, 3DS, P:M and Super Smash Flash 2. Why not hype for all of them in their own separate ways?
I dunno, I just think that if people support Project M and NOT Smash 4, two things will happen:
  • We might never get another Smash Bros game again
  • Nintendo will bring down the ban hammer and C&D on P:M
Honestly, I'm excited for all of them. I'm going to get all of them. Just some fruit for thought.
But I'm not sure if we can trust that now.
Because yeah, we've had not one, but TWO former unlock characters shown before so. Sakurai may be throwing all that to the wind.
But for all we know, he'll shown Ganondorf just to show us that he's not a clone anymore.
I guess I was kind of exaggerating about falling off the Hype Train. I am still looking forward to the reveals for SSB4, but just not with the same geeky fanboyishness that I would except of myself for a game that will have MEGAMAN fighting MARIO and SONIC!

Edit: Thank you, Goodbye18000, for reminding me about Super Smash Flash 2. I completely forgot about the game, but I am starting it up now that I remember it. :)
Thank you, Goodbye18000, for reminding me about Super Smash Flash 2. I completely forgot about the game, but I am starting it up now that I remember it. :)

No probs! The newest version will be out in January, where they're redoing some older characters like Mario and Link to be more faithful to their Melee versions, as well as some new characters and stages. At the point that it is right now though, it's still a freaking fun game.

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I just expect a good collectors edition or something for this game
No probs! The newest version will be out in January, where they're redoing some older characters like Mario and Link to be more faithful to their Melee versions, as well as some new characters and stages. At the point that it is right now though, it's still a freaking fun game.

I needed a good laugh to cap off this week.

Though now I wonder...
We're all gonna be playing Smash Bros 4 Online when it comes out, across 3DS and Wii U, right?
Who's gonna organize all this shit?
Well, with how joining games works on 3DS and WiiU, it won't be that hard to come together right now over me

All we'll have to do is friend each other. Now, no point in doing it right now on 3DS, cause once Miiverse comes to it it'll be a thousand times easier than fucking friendcodes.

Oh, but if any of you have a WiiU right now and wanna friend me up, I'm "TannerOfTheNorth". Let's friending so I can crush you like a sparrow egg between my thighs.
My WiiU is Jutsei.
...I'm so creative.

But yeah, I guess the most obvious thing to do (Obviously NOT RIGHT NOW) is either use a different thread, or make a new thread just for it.
Least we're taking care of this ahead of time.
I'm sure once it comes out, we'll have a butt-ton of people wanting to fight, so yeah, another thread would be fine.

Ohhhh man though I'm hype for all four.

it might just be Bayo2 or DKCTF but still

Well, nothing to do now but get back to Wii Fit U. That trampoline game is hype as hell.