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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Maybe it'll be Ridley!

Well, with how joining games works on 3DS and WiiU, it won't be that hard to come together right now over me.

The 3DS and Wii U versions will have link-play online?


Btw, nice Beatles reference.

OT: If I had to guess, I would guess that they will reveal two characters. Specifically, they will do so in a trailer that reminds us of the ones that have already been announced, than go NEWCOMERS over the next two, who I think will be Miis and a second character that no one could possibly see coming (another "Wii Fit Trainer Reveal", kind of deal).

A strange guess, but the strangest guesses always look the coolest when they actually turn out to be right :P
If the E3 predictions come true, Lil Mac and Pacman will be newcomers. That might be the VGX reveals.
I really hope pacman isn't in.
I really hope we don't get /just/ six newcomers.
That'd be kinda lame, especially with the energy and awesome movesets Sakurai is giving them.
But eh, guess we'll see.

I think it'll be Miis & Lil' Mac.
Or another Third Party character, like you said
Pretty much.
If SSB 4 doesn't sell Wii Us (Or 3DSs), something's terribly wrong with the balance of the universe!

Yeah and his name is Sean Malstrom. (I seriously need to get over that asshole but I really do blame everything that is wrong with industry on people like him)
Yeah and his name is Sean Malstrom. (I seriously need to get over that asshole but I really do blame everything that is wrong with industry on people like him)
Oh fuck that guy.
I do hope Wii Us sell because of the SSB 4.
I mean there is some incentive to own both, at least.
Separate stages is ingenious.
The 3DS and Wii U versions will have link-play online?
Er, no. What I meant was both of their respective ways of getting online are easy to use. Like, you see your friend playing Smash, click 'em and hit join. The only connection is an undetermined customization feature on 3DS that can be transfered to WiiU. That's been confirmed, but what it is, hasn't, other than it deals with "directionality", whatever that means.
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Guise! Less than a month until SSB4!!!

OMG 2014 here I come!
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Oh come on, don't joke like that.
Though I do think it'll be out by September 2014.
Likely. That's usually when a lot of games come out anyways. He looks to have everything planned and the majority of it in progress for completion. Perhaps even Summer if we're lucky.
Er, no. What I meant was both of their respective ways of getting online are easy to use. Like, you see your friend playing Smash, click 'em and hit join. The only connection is an undetermined customization feature on 3DS that can be transfered to WiiU. That's been confirmed, but what it is, hasn't, other than it deals with "directionality", whatever that means.
Shoot, my bad. Still, so long as the online play runs better than in Brawl, I guess that is still pretty cool.
Likely. That's usually when a lot of games come out anyways. He looks to have everything planned and the majority of it in progress for completion. Perhaps even Summer if we're lucky.
It's also apparently Nintendo's Birthday then.
Shoot, my bad. Still, so long as the online play runs better than in Brawl, I guess that is still pretty cool.
With the amazingness that is Mario Kart Wii and 7's online, as well as Kid Icarus which is basically Smash Bros in 3D (like, both visual 3D and gameplay 3D) running smooth as warm butter down a baby's back, I'm sure it'll be great. Brawl was one of Nintendo's first attempts at online on console and it shows, badly.
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With the amazingness that is Mario Kart Wii and 7's online, as well as Kid Icarus which is basically Smash Bros in 3D (like, both visual 3D and gameplay 3D) running smooth as warm butter down a baby's back, I'm sure it'll be great. Brawl was one of Nintendo's first attempts at online on console and it shows, badly.
That's a good point. I didn't play much of it, but Kid Icarus Uprising's online play ran pretty darn well for a portable game. So long as SSB4 runs that well on 3DS, it will be good.
as long as we can still have Crouch Parties I'm fine

daddy needs his crouch time
I thought you said Couch Parties, which is what I refer to as bringing bros over and playing (the sadly dying art of) local multiplayer.

Couch Parties are best parties.
I'm totes picking up 3D World and having noe.
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Well darn, I wanted to show you my moves.
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I'm wondering how the GamePad and Bottom Screen will function. Like, it can't be a huge feature on WiiU cause only one player will have the GamePad, but on 3DS everyone will have one. Hmm.

I could see like, Adventure Mode getting a map or something. That'd be neat.

As for other features, I'm wondering if it'll be as freakin' huge as Brawl. I'd be fine if Masterpieces doesn't come back (though it was a pretty cool feature) and Chronicle was fairly useless (though for some reason made references to Hamtaro which still destroys my mind) but I want to see Stage Builder back, hopefully with less limitations. Maybe a new way to get Trophies would be cool, cause while the minigame was fun it was a time sink.
Everything seems scaled back, seems like a slightly larger Melee.
Which I'm not against with.
No matter how you look at it, it's gonna be smaller with the removal of SSE.
But that might be for the best, because, once again.
It took up a Lion's Share of the disc and seems like it was shoving everything else to the side.
Regardless I'm going to play and love this game.
These games.
The 3DS one exists. I always forget that but when I'm reminded it's awesome.

As a kid I had dreams of a portable Smash Bros with Mega Man. And it's happening.

It's beautiful.

Also, GamePad. I can Smash on the Toilet. 10/10 Nintendo is innovation.
I thought you said Couch Parties, which is what I refer to as bringing bros over and playing (the sadly dying art of) local multiplayer.
Crouch Parties is when you get 4 Ganondorfs and crouch repeatedly
because it makes a clinking noise

daddy needs his crouch time
I'm getting my Mayflash Gamecube nunchuk adapter :P
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I'm getting my Mayflash Gamecube nunchuk adapter :P

Pretty much this. If Nintendo doesn't capitalize on the amazing opportunity they have to drain even more money out of Smash fans and make their own GC skinned Wii U Pro controller/GC controller adapter, I'll just find a 3rd party one. GC controllers are too good to give up.
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Sadly I don't think Gamecube controllers work anymore... For Wii U at least.
But hey, worth a try.

No it is 100% compatible with Wii U. I've seen it work.