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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread


So a new Steel Diver gun is revealed. I was technically hoping for a stage for that too but hey submarine gun. This should be fun.
I'm all for new items being from actual Nintendo games as opposed to random generic ones. I like it.

plus it's a submachine gun hahahahEHEHEHE

get out
marth looks really tiny there
or samus and the SMG are just huge
marth looks really tiny there
or samus and the SMG are just huge
It's called perspective and relative distance. Coincidentally, the gun and Samus are closer to the camera and thus they look LARGER than Marth who is farther. It's amazing I swear. /facetious
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the main choices for the next character are pretty much A. Yoshi, B. Captain Falcon, C. Earthbound rep, D. Zelda, or E. A brand new character?
Zelda has a high chance this month due to LBW's release in Japan on the 26th.
But we might get more than one character, Sakurai's already been quite generous.
We got a stage, an item, Assist Trophy reveals, and a lot of other fun things.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the main choices for the next character are pretty much A. Yoshi, B. Captain Falcon, C. Earthbound rep, D. Zelda, or E. A brand new character?
Trick's on you it's Zero Suit Samus.
New Project M stuff (hyping for the 3.0 release later tonight)


Pirate Wolf, a mix of Starfox 2 and 64

New Kirby hats!

Pirate Pikachu too! Yarr.

The Pokemon get more colors!
Wintersaur, Shiny Blastoise-Squirtle and Shiny Mega Charizard X!

All the Yoshi colors too!

Putting the Rumble in Rumble Falls!

The Mother duo's alt costumes! Masked Man Lucas (from his brief period in costume) and Pajama Ness! LOOK AT THOSE SLIPPERS.


It's the electric sword!

Some costumes are a little more subtle, like a mix of a color and a costume. Fire Peach has a pony tail!
Update: To go with Melee Fox and Melee Link, Melee Falco joins the fray!
Woah man, I think I got too used to Brawl Falco. I can't really place it but he looks really weird to me.
It could just be weird seeing him in HD.
Cause he looked like this in Brawl

And this in Melee

There is a clear physical difference in the head shape, but the body is more similar to Brawl's with the reflector and pants with actual texture.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the main choices for the next character are pretty much A. Yoshi, B. Captain Falcon, C. Earthbound rep, D. Zelda, or E. A brand new character?

F. Sakurai does whatever the hell he pleases because his release schedule looks like this:

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F. Sakurai does whatever the hell he pleases because his schedule release schedule looks like this:


Red on the outside rings being an item, green on the outside rings being a stage, black being a "funny" screenshot, white being a semi-informative one, green in the bullseye being a veteran and red bullseye being a newcomer.

Also he throws WiiMotes instead of darts.
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Red on the outside rings being an item, green on the outside rings being a stage, black being a "funny" screenshot, white being a semi-informative one, green in the bullseye being a veteran and red bullseye being a newcomer.

Also he throws WiiMotes instead of darts.
GASP! But that would mean.......

He doesn't wear his wrist strap! SAKURAIIIIIIIII!
Really digging some of those alts. When did pikachu ever wear a pirate hat though?

Any who, they added a new item in project m. Can you guess what it does?
Really digging some of those alts. When did pikachu ever wear a pirate hat though?

Any who, they added a new item in project m. Can you guess what it does?


Also, I think that's the Turbo Mode item. They replaced Super Spicy Curry status with Turbo status, so by grabbing that you can turbo people in regular battles. To access Turbo Mode, you go into what would be Curry Brawl in regular Brawl.

I could've sworn that was a Kirby's Air Ride item, can't find it on the wiki but the art style is so similar.
It's kind of bugging me.
Well that explains why I've never seen that pikachu.

Goodbye got it on the mark. That new item grants you temporary turbo mode powers.

Original concept Meta Knight confirmed.
Shoot, I was right about to post that, too.

The PMBR should certainly take as much time as they need to in order to make sure that this launch goes smoothly... but AAAAAAGGGHHH I want it so much!!!
Huh. Beta Knight. Interesting,
I'm willing to bet my left shoe that everyone has the same ones they previously had. Only ones we don't know are Villager and Megaman's probably.
Bowser's got a new look, his FS is probably different.
Yeah, I can't imagine a cartoony Giga Bowser. I'd imagine it'd be something involving Bowser's Inside Story, be it huge Bowser or him sucking the characters up.

He honestly feels like a totally new character, and I love him more for it.

Another character I expect to have a new FS is Pit. So much has happened in Uprising it's hard to pick one (though there is a certain Great Sacred Treasure that I'd love to see).
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if villager's final smash isn't bees i will smack someone
Villager's Final Smash:
Museum appears in the background and opens up. Blather's has a device in his hand. He presses the big red button and the dinosaurs come to life and attack the stage and the tank in the back explodes and SHARKS AND WHALES FALL ONTO THE STAGE

also bees
Yeah it's gotta be something like that.
Alternatively, you could also have Scorpions and Tarantulas, since those knock you out.
But I think those will scare kids, so none of those.

Either Bees, Museum, or Tom Nook putting them in debt.