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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

hello hello i TOTALLY SUCK

what are some things to keep in mind to not suck? I've been using Lucina and Ness.
Pick Ice Climbers
Pick Lucas
Pick Pichu
Play Peach and do side B. People love it.

Don't forget that Ness has his down B, I use that a lot when I play him.
Set everything on fire and hit with your bat. Either that or use PK Thunder to launch yourself into opponents.
Go over to their screen with your stylus and tap someone else's character only allowing them to attack others
Then sit and watch the chaos
Step 1: Replace Ness with Robin
Step 2: Use the same strategy of using Fire on anything and everything except now it works on block.
Step 3: If blocked, Nosferatu. If hit, Smash.

You can now play Smash 4.
i use ness's fire a lot, and do that dash+downA with lucina

the heck do i do to get good

1. Play For Fun a bit just to get the hang of movement with your preferred characters. Classic/All Star is good too.

2. Play For Glory to do some serious battles and see what you can handle and what you can't.

3. For Lucina, use your speed to your advantage, especially against slower foes. If you're against a character without much range, take advantage of your own and keep them within your sword's range but outside of where they can hit you. Typically with Lucina aerial approaches seem to work well, since she can keep the pressure going both in the air and when she lands on the ground due to the low landing lag on most of her moves.

4. Chase opponents offstage to make sure they stay offstage. This is true for any character except like Little Mac and Ganondorf.
Smashes learning curve is generally non-existent in terms of actually forcing yourself to learn things, especially this one.

If you just wanna be good enough for online and against your friends literally just play a bunch. You'll just learn overtime what sucks/whats good, and against which characters to use what. Thats all I do with Melee/PM except in a tournament setting I guess you'd learn at a faster rate.

Ness kinda sucks just use Lucina on a serious level and use him for fun, Lucinas like okay I think.
Protip for the "Get 2/4 Cruel Smash KO's!" achievements:

Use Little Mac, spam Down-B until your meter gets to max and then use it on them. I got 5 KO's in like 3 tries.
I'm thinking of maining Palutena competitively... What's the tier list looking like right now?
(Or Bowser Jr. Picture it: Most hated/loved fighter using the most hated/loved character!)
The game just came out. There shouldn't be a tier list yet.

There is, from Japan.




A, B, C and D are "tourney viable" while E is "so terrible can't ever win"/

Which is BS IMO cause Kirby, Ike, Shulk, Wii Fit Trainer and Samus all ROCK.
The game came out not to long ago there, I'm sure that list will change in due time.
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Thats a pretty accurate tier list imo, some characters might change positions within the letters but they pretty much got a lot of it right. Yoshi is the only one I see drastically changing if they fix the glitches he has.

And lower C and D are not viable. Upper C and up are pretty much your options if you wanna see results, and like any game it'll gradually decrease over time.
There is, from Japan.

A, B, C and D are "tourney viable" while E is "so terrible can't ever win"/

Which is BS IMO cause Kirby, Ike, Shulk, Wii Fit Trainer and Samus all ROCK.
So ness and Palutena are bad? I'll fix that right up! I never lose with Good Ol Ness! Sure, My Shiek and Fox do some damage, but Ness'll never be bad! ...unless he's been mega-nerfed... I'm getting the Wiiu one, most likely, so I don't know from experience. I'll totally use Shiek at BITF, though (If I can make it.)
That list has gotta be wrong.

Yoshi is higher than F tier.
Nah I just don't like Yoshi.
I wish I lived in your world where Ness is a good character in literally any Smash game. O well.
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I wanna live in a world where the Ice Climbers made it.
And a world where Dark Pit and Bowser Jr never made the cut, a world where Lucas and Wolf were never removed.
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I wish I lived in your world where Ness is a good character in literally any Smash game. O well.
Nah, I'm just good with Ness! (Should I say "Perfect"?:FUK:)
Do you guys think the new 3DS will be able to handle the Ice Climbers?
I was thinking the same thing... too late, though. They wouldn't make a character JUST for the New 3ds, right?
It might, actually. If it can then holy shit I hate everything.
And lower C and D are not viable. Upper C and up are pretty much your options if you wanna see results, and like any game it'll gradually decrease over time.
if you wanna see results you gotta be a play who can make them, I think it's more important to try and get to that position than to worry about the results of your character. which is a place i'm not at yet.

also any tiers for games just out I consider mostly worthless.
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There are a few things about the Shi gaming tier list that I don't agree with:
-Lucina is better than Marth. Tippers have gotten worse over the years, and Lucina's balanced blade has abolished the infamous "Marth Percent", which immediately makes her a better character.
-Ganon is NOT E-Teir. Unlike Brawl, his killing power actually makes up for his speed, and while minor, his side-b killing the opponent FIRST is really nice.
-Jigglypuff, while not the best in the world, has still got godlike gimps, and with the meta trending towards gimps as the standard, I can't see her being anything below C.
-Dr. Mario is just flat out better than Mario. I didn't even know that there's an argument about that.
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So I've been playing Classic mode on 7.0 with Link for half an hour. I need tips in how to beat that strong Ganon AI that I've lost 3 times to.
Its not really "just out" though.

Japan has been going super hard for about a month now, its not really rocket science, the characters will switch slightly over time but nothing drastic. Its pretty obvious to tell even in the first few days of US release that the game has characters that are obviously better than the others while a whole bunch still suck.

Smash as a series, being as "balanced" as it is makes the tiers matter way more than other games. This game seems no different. So its pretty important to see where the curve of the meta is heading, at the very least.
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There are a few things about the Shi gaming tier list that I don't agree with:
-Lucina is better than Marth. Tippers have gotten worse over the years, and Lucina's balanced blade has abolished the infamous "Marth Percent", which immediately makes her a better character.
-Ganon is NOT E-Teir. Unlike Brawl, his killing power actually makes up for his speed, and while minor, his side-b killing the opponent FIRST is really nice.
-Jigglypuff, while not the best in the world, has still got godlike gimps, and with the meta trending towards gimps as the standard, I can't see her being anything below C.
-Dr. Mario is just flat out better than Mario. I didn't even know that there's an argument about that.
Well, my bro'll be happy about the good Doctor! I forgot I use Marth for a moment LOL I'm totally using Lucina! I've said it before, but I think That they're the ultimate pair: Marth for power matchups, Lucina for speed!
some people really don't realize that you literally do not need to pay attention to tiers unless you plan on playing the game on a competitive level

you can even ignore them on a competitive level if you wanna roll like that

just do whatever root beer floats your banana boats
s'just a vidya after all
some people really don't realize that you literally do not need to pay attention to tiers unless you plan on playing the game on a competitive level

you can even ignore them on a competitive level if you wanna roll like that

just do whatever root beer floats your banana boats
s'just a vidya after all
I'm still maining Palutena and WFT.
Its not really "just out" though.

Japan has been going super hard for about a month now, its not really rocket science, the characters will switch slightly over time but nothing drastic. Its pretty obvious to tell even in the first few days of US release that the game has characters that are obviously better than the others while a whole bunch still suck.

lol during brawls start zss was bottom tier and rob was top tier. The tier list will change a lot in time, I disagree with most of it
some people really don't realize that you literally do not need to pay attention to tiers unless you plan on playing the game on a competitive level

you can even ignore them on a competitive level if you wanna roll like that

just do whatever root beer floats your banana boats
s'just a vidya after all
After all, who used Gen, E.Ryu, or Rose effectively before they were mastered? It just takes one person!
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I've said it before, but I think That they're the ultimate pair: Marth for power matchups, Lucina for speed!

This is something of a misnomer that is gathering an unhealthy amount of traction. Lucina is NOT faster than Marth. Many of her moves actually have MORE start and end lag than Marth's. In fact, I think it would be easier to make the opposite claim; Lucina is power and Marth is speed, though I don't believe either comparison is very apt. I think that their main difference comes, not from their speed and strength, but from a deceivingly simple change in hit-boxes.