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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I laughed.
You guys have to realize this will be shuffled like a deck of playing cards next month, and then the month after that they'll shuffle it again.
Whenever you see a tier list for smash 4 in like the next 6 months remember that in 2008 mew2king said that Mr.Game and Watch is the best character in brawl.
stuff like this is exactly why the early tier lists are completly worthless. if anything they prolly hinder certain character growths because poeple won't wanna play them because they think they're low tier.
Goddammit, guys
tier lists aren't the ultimate source of all evil in the world.
Some characters are objectively better than others in ideal situations with ideal players.
I don't think any tier lists that come out anytime soon should be trusted because it's way too early to tell, and I don't think anything E tier and below is automatically garbage considering how well the games been balanced.
But tier lists are still based on actual facts and mechanics.
Goddammit, guys
tier lists aren't the ultimate source of all evil in the world.
Some characters are objectively better than others in ideal situations with ideal players.
I don't think any tier lists that come out anytime soon should be trusted because it's way too early to tell, and I don't think anything E tier and below is automatically garbage considering how well the games been balanced.
But tier lists are still based on actual facts and mechanics.
tier lists are important and it's obvious some characters are better than others and some signifigantly better than others, but tier lists that are made super early in the games lifespan have serious flaws because all the facts and mechanics aren't found yet so who's best or really good isn't relaly that obvious yet.
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tier lists are important and it's obvious some characters are better than others and some signifigantly better than others, but tier lists that are made super early in the games lifespan have serious flaws because all the facts and mechanics aren't found yet so who's best or really good isn't relaly that obvious yet.

yeah I agree with that.
I'm just kinda tired of casual elitists talking about how stupid the tier lists are and just play who you like why do you hate fun.
to be a little more on topic about smash 4 gameplay,
someone earlyer mentioned how dark pit's side-b beats everything. However I found out that it trades with peach's side-b.

I never said E-Arm beats everything, it just beats way more than it has any right to.
I mentioned this in the analysis, but it's worth repeating: Side-b is SUPER unsafe on shield. If you're having trouble against DP, just shield grab. As a Dark Pit player, this is the most annoying thing ever, and therefore you should use it to remind all the DP players in the world (all five of them) that side-b isn't the only move in the game.
If you are the Edgy Pit player and you find yourself constantly being shield grabbed, REMEMBER SIDE-B ISN'T THE ONLY MOVE. Dark Pit has amazing approach options. If you only use one of them, you become predictable. Short-hop Nair, short-hop fair and, occasionally, RAR'ed bair are some other approaches that are marginally harder to counter.

On the topic of E-Arm, something funny I found is that if you use it against a Ganon charging a Warlock Punch, not only will you do your damage, but you will end up on the other side of him, leaving him wide open for a punish.
yeah I agree with that.
I'm just kinda tired of casual elitists talking about how stupid the tier lists are and just play who you like why do you hate fun.
I'm cool with that in a casual setting though. That's how I got to know pichu. Because in like 2005 I knew how to wavedash and shffl around because I'm a total fucking munchkin and looked that shit up on the internet but I used to play with a bunch of people that didn't and they got pissed at me when I played decent characters. And that meant I got to beat the shit out of them with pichu which at the time was ultimate disrespect (although poor Alex mained fucking Kirby.)
Ironically that's also how I started out with jigglypuff because "how could a pink creme puff be a good character?" Fucking middle school man.

Side-b is SUPER unsafe on shield.
There are so so so few attacks that ARE safe on shield in smash 4 though. I mean, tons of character's jabs are unsafe on shield.
I wish they could patch in blockstun for this game. Would make it a ton less defensive.
There are so so so few attacks that ARE safe on shield in smash 4 though. I mean, tons of character's jabs are unsafe on shield.

You don't even know, dude. When I say super unsafe, I mean it. Like, it's probably not a full second of end lag (
haven't timed it myself), but goddamn, does it feel like it.
I concede though, that lack of block-stun is a very major problem for offensive play. I don't see Smash 4's competitive scene going the way of the Dodo like Brawl's did, but if it does happen, that's what's going to do it.
Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.
I wish they could patch in blockstun for this game. Would make it a ton less defensive.
I'm actually getting mad at melee fans now because for the first time ever nintendo advocates smash bros as a competitive game and they're easily able to patch the game. If the competitive players could just band together and tell nintendo that they want shieldstun and rebalanced DI and less landing lag and shit I'm sure they would be willing to listen and work with the suggestions, but right now they're just getting really pissed at the very notion that smash 4 could ever be considered for evo 2015. I got like 30 downvotes on reddit just for saying what boils down to "keep an open mind about competitive smash 4."
Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.

According to this post, I am an edgy as shit, level-headed OG Royfag who wants to marry a Fire Emblem character.

This survey fucking KNOWS me.
Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.

Holy fuck they got me pegged on Game & Watch, Pac-Man, Little Mac, and soon to be Jigglypuff.

And you would not believe how many times I've heard the exact Link line they proposed. Oh, and great Lucario description, screw Lucario and anyone who plays him. Ness description is spot on too. Nobody hates a Ness player.
Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.


And then I read Robin's description and y'know what that's fucking accurate too. But EXCUSE YOU SIR. I am not in it for the waifu, I just think male Robin's VO is boring. He does have the better colors though...
Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.
As a Jigglypuff main, this is accurate.
Also, screw Lucario.
Ironically that's also how I started out with jigglypuff because "how could a pink creme puff be a good character?" Fucking middle school man.
I still can't believe how many people were left in salt and disbelief when they saw me using Jigglypuff and winning back then. Even in highschool during the Brawl days, it was like nobody I played with even tried it out to know how to properly fight against it.
I don't put much stock in that Japanese tier list, it is more of an early popularity list than anything, though a lot of the characters they placed high I think will stick around there, though probably shuffled quite a bit.

Right now I'm feeling ZSS, Sheik, Sonic for S tier, probably in that order
Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.
Wow, some of these are actually scarily accurate to me and my friends concerning their mains...
Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.
wrong on both of the characters i use most. though halfish right on one.
the best part of wii fit trainer is giving health tips while beating them up.
also the tips are really super amazing cause appearntly you can cancel her headbutt before she hits the ball and her up-smash has invicibility at the start.
Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.
As a guy that mains random (I main Yoshi technically but I will choose random un-ironically) I love the description given to 'me', but reading through the descriptions most seem applicable to most people (except to the obvious 'trololol waifu fapper lolol' in things like the Wii fit trainer description) so I really wouldn't take it with a grain of salt.
That was a horrible read, wish I hadn't seen it now.
Wow, they have me down pat on Olimar and Charizard. I'm not gonna try to main Charizard this time, I don't even like Charizard itself in the context of Pokemon, but I still know the only reason I would keep playing him is because I miss/want to cling to Pokemon Trainer's complete moveset, switching and all. They even got me on trying to farm for charged Smashes with Ike.

Nice to hear my premiere main Ness had one of the few descriptions that were 100% positive. Ironically, I never even unlocked him in 64 until the VC release, so me being a 64 vet wasn't applicable to him, I had to wait until Melee.
So I've noticed during my online adventures that people either have no idea what to do against Robin, or know exactly what to do against her. There hasn't really been many in between, close matches.
Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.
Almost entirely down pat for Samus. I just don't lecture y'all on Other M (I mean I don't need to, others do it for me.)

Then there's Ness and Jigglypuff...
That's... really weird. Like, are they staggering the release to us first? I never understood staggered release dates in the first place, but this isn't even in the company's home country.
I say the description on Peach is me in general, but more on the idolizing side. On Ness, I do love the series he was in and enjoy playing him. The Rosalina description...not so much. As for Mr. Game & Watch, I love using unorthodox methods for hilarity.
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as a ROB player that is completely accurate
I don't play so that I win
I play so that others will lose
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And a Storm Trooper that dances from Japan.
Seriously though this is amazing.
I think we're gonna get nothign but Wii U Updates from here on.
But now I gotta decide on my buying plan for the next two months.
Shit's gonna be bananas.
Translation team really went all out on the trophy descriptions eh?

Sonic with max speed stats

I didn't just run, I went 3.5 trillion years into the future to the darkness beyond time and saw a golden effigy to the Blue Blur as a messiah.

I became speed itself.
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Oh yeah
here's a thing ya'll might enjoy.
Though be warned, it's from 4chan so, incredibly homophobic language awaits you.
Though as an Olimar main in Brawl, that description is pretty fucking accurate.
So is the Samus one, even though I play Zero Suit.
As a Mario main and an expected Bowser Jr. player (Jr. skin too), this picture knows who I am. I usually just laugh at how inaccurate and biased they are.... But it's fucking true. All of it... I'm terrified.


Pokemon AND Smash Bros on the SAME FUCKING DAY?! I'm so sorry, Wallet... Omfg...
So my friend wants to buy both Pokemon and Smash Bros from Nintendo World.

He waited 6 hours in line for the 3DS version.

That won't be a "line", that'd be a "mob". Or a "Snowpiercer".
It'll be like Black Friday for any store with video games I guarantee it.