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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I really wonder when we're going to see more of the DKCR stage. We only have the brief footage of Mario FLYING through it from the trailer. That, and confirmation of the Find Mii stage (I'm still iffy on if it IS a stage) and the Animal Crossing Island one (that one's a little more concrete)
Remember that the trailer isn't completely final. It's possible that the stage may have been from a single player mode that doesn't exist anymore, or was just a demonstration of how large the stage itself is
Remember that the trailer isn't completely final. It's possible that the stage may have been from a single player mode that doesn't exist anymore, or was just a demonstration of how large the stage itself is
Eh, they were likely going for showing the stage in full so altered Mario's jump height to massive proportions to show it :P
So I was listening to this with all this snow:

And I was thinking if there was an Epic Yarn stage, a cool thing could be if some platforms or walls had that little button where you would pull it and it would come apart. Apply the same thing to some stage hazards and you got one fun stage.
So I was listening to this with all this snow:

And I was thinking if there was an Epic Yarn stage, a cool thing could be if some platforms or walls had that little button where you would pull it and it would come apart. Apply the same thing to some stage hazards and you got one fun stage.
The soundtrack of Kirby's Epic Yarn alone would be enough to validate the existence of such a stage.

Plus, we would finally be able to revive the "it feels like --- pants" meme that did not deserve to die like it did.
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Yeah I think Yin-Yarn or that fluffy prince guy would be lucky to even be Assist Trophies, sadly.

The soundtrack of Kirby's Epic Yarn alone would be enough to validate the existence of such a stage.

Plus, we would finally be able to revive the "it feels like --- pants" meme that did not deserve to die like it did.

I want to know what this meme is. Someone enlighten me, please.
I think it's more because it'd be REALLY hard to replicate Epic Yarn's style in Smash Bros.
You can do 2D with Mr. G&W, yes, but wouldn't Prince Fluff look weird on a non-yarn background?
I want to know what this meme is. Someone enlighten me, please.
It is the first thing Kirby thinks to himself when he enters Patch Land for the first time. Kirby never wears pants, making the quote kind of meaningless, and the thought is just strange in general.

OT: Regardless of his being yarn, I think Prince Fluff would fit fine in SSB4. I don't actually think he will be in SSB4, nor do I believe he is more deserving of a slot, especially given how many Kirby characters they already have made from Brawl, but if he was in, I think he would be fine.
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I want to know what this meme is. Someone enlighten me, please.

The Midnight Club begins anew tonight

I can't wait for a freshly picked selection of Sakurai-brand disappointment!

... is what I don't want to say. If anything, I want it to be like

"Pic of the Day. How was everyone's holiday? To celebrate, here's a newcomer: Custom Robo."

but that won't ever happen
it'll just be zelda or something
the next likely reveal we're getting is a Kirby reveal to go with Triple Deluxe (but that's just a guess)
"We gave you Zelda and Rosalina this December. No new characters in January. See you all next month"

I'd secretly love if this would happen.
"We've heard your voices and have decided to add our very own Reggie Fils-Aime."
"Watch as he repeats that one memetic phrase that you wanted his inclusion entirely based around."
I really think Reggie would be fun, but he'd either be a last minute inclusion, or DLC

I don't know if I've said it here or not but I could get behind Reggie's inclusion if and only if they use to give representation to smaller series' that couldn't get representation otherwise. Kind of like how Villager has a Balloon Fighter special.
Games like Duck Hunt and Mario Party immediately come to mind but I'm sure there's a lot more.
For Reggie he could pull out a NES Zapper and use it for a small projectile.
Or he could use some other Gamecube/Wii/Wii U peripherals

Every time I come back to this thread, I'm just like "are we really considering THIS" and then I remember Wii Fit Trainer and my mind shuts it's face.
Man, all of the newcomers in this are way more hype than like, anybody that was in Brawl's initial 4 newcomers.

Like, I wasn't excited for Pit or Snake cause I never played Kid Icarus or MGS (though post release I made it my goal to play every characters original game) and Zero Suit Samus, while hot, never excited me. Meta Knight was close, cause he's such a cool character.

Let's see how it goes, though. I'm betting on a Dedede reveal and Kirby Stage this week, but I won't, ya know, cry if there aren't any.
Yeah, basically.
I'm hoping any future characters we get will be just as hype too.
I mean, I'd be hype for fucking Impa/separate Shiek, even.
Guess we'll see.

Though I do hope we get some Kirby stuff this week (or next)
I do want an Epic Yarn stage. There'd be a lot of cool stuff that could happen on it.

Imagine if like, the stage can be sewn together if you hit a button, or characters with sharp stuff can cut strings. There's a lot of potential.

And it would look hella ballin' dawg
The stages this game are pretty hype too.
I mean Jesus Christ.
Pilotwings tho.
That sold the Wii U version to me immedaitely.

And 3DS having Rainbow Road is also good.

Seriously though, we're either getting Meta Knight, King Dedede, or Bandanna Dee for Triple Deluxe.
Dedede is most likely because he's playable, has a minigame, and on top of all that he's in the story, wile Bandanna Dee is semi-unlikely because we just got Rosalina last month.
I don't think we're getting another Newcomer that soon.
I still really want Bandanna Dee but know in my heart he won't be in

I'm guessing Dedede. Or, as the Japanese apparently say, DayDayDay. For the listed reasons. Though I wonder if he'll be downsized a bit, like how he's basically Kirby sized in Return to Dreamland and Triple Deluxe.

I wonder if Kirby's getting slight moveset changes like he did from Melee to Brawl. Will he have the Yoyo Ability Dash attack like Brawl, or something else now? Will he incorporate new moves from Return to Dreamland/Triple Deluxe? Will his Super Inhale/Super Sword become a new final smash?

He'll probably be the same size.
And still voiced by Sakurai.
Most likely.

And I hope Kirby gets some new moves. And I REALLY hope he gets a different final smash because the Cook one isn't that good.
You know what though? Another thing I'm just excited to see is the COLORS. Like, Brawl's grimdarkness was kinda cool, but imagine this in MORE HD AND EVEN VIBRANTER COLORS

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Again, I only request that King Dedede have a Masked Dedede song, final smash, or trophy.
Something has to reference that moment or song

We already basically got a stage, the boxing one. And yeah, Masked Dedede is just so awesome to NOT be in.
You know what'd be awesome? An event for it. Like, you know how Dark Link in Melee was an unplayable character but appeared in Event Mode? Imagine an event where your character of choice can fight King Dedede wearing the mask with a bunch of new and too OP for use otherwise moves. That'd be awesome.

Though it could also be a final Smash, but I'd miss the Big Gay Dance...
I really wouldn't mind the dance leaving.
It was kinda an asspull, but Masked Dedede makes sense.

But him being an Event Only boss also fits.

Though I still think that Boxing Ring is Little Mac's stage.
It could be used for said event though.
Every time I come back to this thread, I'm just like "are we really considering THIS" and then I remember Wii Fit Trainer and my mind shuts it's face.
Reggie has a legitimate chance if you count him being the default mii as him getting into the game.

I'm kind of excited to see jigglypuff, actually. Him sucking in brawl was some bs, he needs to be god tier again in ssb4. That was the best part of melee; that fucking jigglypuff is one of if not the most powerful character.
I wonder if Sakurai will try to do some of the things he did with Bowser with Dedede (Besides masked final smash)