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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I like the randomly exploding items that just appear in the middle of my attack yay SDs
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Naww man. Miia or Suu are way more likely. Much more gameplay opportunities.
Suu would be fun, but come on. Miia, really? We don't need Medusa's daughter screwing everything up.
Ugh. Standard hammer is so much better.

Not too hyped for items in general, considering something was way off with Brawl's items. The only ones I really like are the Pokeball, Smash Ball, and Assist Trophy, since those wreak mass havoc. Bombs and standard hammers were okay, but everything else ranges from meh to useless.
Well it's mostly because you don't know which Golden HAmmer's fake until you actuially try to hit someone with it.
The squeaky toy noises man
I didn't like the Golden Hammer. In theory it was cool, but why make a dud version of an already rare weapon? I always got the squeeky version. At least make it distinguishable like the Poison Mushroom. As for the other items...

Crates and barrels are cool, especially with them being able to be different designs for different stages. Rolling boxes, while fun, are a little too hectic at times, maybe. Maybe make them rarer.

I like the capsule redesign.

Party ball should go. It feels too kitschy for me.

Sandbag Bob (as I've called him since I was a kid) needs to stay and be abused.

Banana Peel should be a Diddy-exclusive item

Blast Box should go. Enough explosive stuff as it is, looks too close to the crate.

Bob-Omb is a classic, as are the shells. Bring back the Red/Green, but maybe Blue also? Hits the guy in first?

Bumper is a classic. I love it.

Bunny Hood needs jiggle physics.

Beam Sword is alright, it's a classic, and can't wait to see it's new design.

Blaster's new look is a lot cooler.

I want the Homerun Bat back, but make it Earthbound based maybe. In Brawl it said it was a "generic item". Why not just slap a sticker of an Earthbound thing on it?

I wonder if the Super Scope is coming back. I loved that for an item, it was Nintendo-based but also cool.

Cracker Launcher felt unnecessary, and hard to use. Wouldn't mind seeing it gone.

I want Urina replace with a Gordo.

Deku Nut, I never liked. It's too small and too easy to hit yourself with.

Dragoon, see previous posts. Don't like.

Fan, while a classic item, I would like to see go. It's a little too Japanese in a really multi-cultural game, the joke of it is lost on everyone not in Japan.

Fire Flower is cool.

Food, I still want it 2D. I think it's hilarious.

Franklin Badge was awesome, but it would be nice if it had some other visual effect, like an aura or something. Same for the Screw Attack.

Freezie is fine, though I might prefer it like the Banana Peel an Ice Climbers exclusive item, mainly for their Neutral B.

Gooey Bomb should go. Mega Man's Crash Bomber is literally it.

Heart Container and Maxim Tomato have to stay, Team Healer, no. I've never found actual use for it.

Hothead, no.

Lightning Bolt was cool, but can it work like in Mario Kart? The person in last gets un-shrunk sooner than the person in first?

Metal Box is gdlk

Motion Sensing Bomb stays, but needs a redesign.

Mr. Saturn, if any of you fucking says he has to go I swear to god I will rip you a new one.

Pitfall was great.

Mushroom/Poison Mushroom, yes. I like how it's just barely noticable, just gotta look at the eyes.

Smart Bomb, I like, but no or a lot fewer duds please.

And Smash Balls, Poke Balls and Assist Trophies are already confirmed and totally awesome.

That's a lotta items.
Yeah, the X-Bomb should replace the Smart Bomb, honestly.
As for the Sub-Machine Gun (I can't stop that pun is amazing) I wonder if it'll replace the Super Scope? And from what I gather it works like Snake's Side-B, the NIKITA.
May I take the time to mention something about my past Smash Bros days?
I feel it's appropriate.

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Yeah, the X-Bomb should replace the Smart Bomb, honestly.
As for the Sub-Machine Gun (I can't stop that pun is amazing) I wonder if it'll replace the Super Scope? And from what I gather it works like Snake's Side-B, the NIKITA.
The Genius thing about the Sub-Machine gun is that it's both original and references Steel Diver
Only thing that I didn't like about Brawl was how every Free For All was a taunt party. The moment you hit someone then everyone starts gang bangin' your ass.
Hey hey hey, I was a part of those gangbangs. Luckily some were more creative than just taunting. Like playing catch with Mr. Saturns.
I'm sure there'll be things that deter from that now. Brawl was a test for the online that Nintendo failed. Kid Icarus was the retest which they aced. Let's hope they can transfer that to this game.
I'm sure there'll be things that deter from that now. Brawl was a test for the online that Nintendo failed. Kid Icarus was the retest which they aced. Let's hope they can transfer that to this game.
Sweet lord let's hope so eh?
so did no one else have crouch parties
because if Ganon still is all armored and clanky
we having crouch parties

i know i already posted this but goshdang is it still funny to me
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so the luma is basically a tiny Ryu
he's got the tiny shoryuken
his star bits are his tiny hadoken
and the charging move is his tiny tatsu
how cute
I'm sure there'll be things that deter from that now. Brawl was a test for the online that Nintendo failed. Kid Icarus was the retest which they aced. Let's hope they can transfer that to this game.
For the record, it's incredibly different programming online for a shooter like uprising than a fighting game.
Shooters are allowed to cheat with hitscan weapons that use vectors instead of rendering a real projectile (and that applies to a good 90% of uprising weapons iirc), and you probably won't notice if the hit detection is a little off. In a fighting game players will notice even the slightest goof from the hit detection system and probably unleash a flurry of swear words attributing their loss to the netcode or the latency.
So yeah, don't think that because kid icarus managed to have good netcode that smash bros. will, even if they have the same programmers.
why the fuck would lucas summon a starman
his game didn't even have them

Regardless, these weren't in Mother 3, so I'm curious as to why Lucas would have it.
If it's true,which I highly doubt, they most likely mixed up Ness and Lucas.
Is there even a Nintendo direct this week?
Did some searching, there hasn't been any announcement that I've seen.
why the fuck would lucas summon a starman
his game didn't even have them

That's the one detail that bothers me, though considering Sakurai and how he gave Lucas all of Kumatora's powers and Duster's kicks, I wouldn't really put it past him.

Did some searching, there hasn't been any announcement that I've seen.

Remember, Nintendo Directs are never announced any earlier than the day before, unless it's like a Pre-E3 or huge Summer/Winter recap one.
Remember, Nintendo Directs are never announced any earlier than the day before, unless it's like a Pre-E3 or huge Summer/Winter recap one.
That's kind of what I meant :/
I can't imagine another newcomer this early after Rosalina, it was from July to December for the last gap in newcomer reveals, and now it's barely been a month.
This mystery man is free to prove me wrong, though. It finally answers the age old question of "when's little mac?".
To be fair, Brawl newcomers were sparse for a long time, and then we got a whole bunch quickly. Ike, Pokemon Trainer and Diddy were all revealed a week and a half after each other in August.
we'll just have to wait and see, I guess

I take anything off gamefaqs with a grain of salt, but you never know

plus we all know my feelings regarding little mac so the faster he's revealed, the better
I do like the idea of him having a Star System that powers up his up-smash and up-special. It both makes sense and is a cool mechanic.

I just
I really want to star uppercut everyone
Is it too much to ask?
Hey guys, can someone answer a question regarding the boxing ring stage? I was rewatching the Rosalina trailer and noticed Rosalina was behind the ropes and controlling Luma. Am I seeing things wrong, or can you jump out of the ring?
plot twist

sakurai's actually going to apex 2014 and he's going to bring a demo and reveal a newcomer
Yeah, it looks like the ring itself isn't the entire stage, but you can walk out onto the floor also.
To what extent has yet to be seen, but I think it would be cool to do the entire walk-up like when Little Mac faces Mr. Sandman.