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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I know about that, that's why I said Minor.
Usually though, they give physical goodies.
I think if you Preordered Pokemon Black and White you got a Giratina Statue.

Since when is a statue minor? Or a full game download for that matter. Most companies only offer those types of things in "complete editions" which cost like $30 more.
It was a tiny plastic figure of Giratina.
It was a tiny plastic figure of Giratina.

It was an AWESOME tiny plastic figure of Giratina which was a lot smaller than I thought it was.
I also lost it a long time ago and am beginning to regret that.
If anything...

It was one of those and it was years ago, you can't blame me.
Though I don't think we'll get some stuff for Super Smash Bros Pre-orders.
I mean what could they even give you?
Maybe a poster.
Maybe the AR trophy keychains somebody mentioned?

Something like that damned skylanders except with trophys instead.
Guess we'll know once we get a release date.

Also I'm staying up late for Smash Bros updates until Wario gets revealed.
What time do they reveal the news?
Wasn't Captain Falcon revealed long after Goroh? I'll have to check the old dojo later.

And even so what the fuck ever.
I can always just pretend I didn't read the dojo update and look at it again in the morning.
What time do they reveal the news?
Anywhere from 1:30 AM to 2:15 AM
On Miiverse, at least.
The site doesn't update until later
Thanks for the heads up. :)
Yeah, I'm actually more likely to alternate (Stay up late and catch the update, and sometiems get up to catch it)
But given that a teaser for Rosalina's reveal was literally a night before the Nintendo Direct last month, you gotta be vigilant.
Today's pic: huge dudes, banana Mario for scale
THE big guys. I think they're a bit larger than last game. Either than or Mario's shrinking with age.
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Rosie and Sammy are about the same heights as well it seems.
Mario is just mid-small i guess
Some people are speculating that this means that there'll be no more "big" characters, but I have a few things against that.

One, there can be only four characters on screen at once.

Two, Sakurai posted a picture with "the girls" on it. It was Peach, Samus and WFT. Obviously, there are more girls than just them.

Regardless, Mr. Deed's got bigger it seems. Awesome.
Some people are speculating that this means that there'll be no more "big" characters, but I have a few things against that.
One, there can be only four characters on screen at once.
Two, Sakurai posted a picture with "the girls" on it. It was Peach, Samus and WFT. Obviously, there are more girls than just them.
Regardless, Mr. Deed's got bigger it seems. Awesome.
If he put emphasis on "THE" big guys or said "The Big 3" then I can see where those people are coming from, but he didn't so that's dumb.
Needs more events this time around. For whatever reason, those were fun. Can't blame me, I like random conditions thrown into otherwise normal battles. Perhaps a section in the single player events that uses the gamepad screen/touchscreen for something? Could be fun!
I did like how they had three different difficulties in Brawl, and some having rewards of music or trophies tied to them. It made me want to play them.

But man oh man, will the final battle be Mario + Sonic + Mega Man (and maybe a fourth third party if there is)?

That'll be harder than Brawls simply because of Mega Spam.
Simon Belmont confirmed!
no way man it's gonna be Pistachio-Ice-Cream-Pope-Wreck-It-Ralph-Goku San.
But yeah, I'm pretty sure events and whatever's replacing SSE will be funner this time around.

I will never shut up about how the Absence of SSE is a good thing for this game.
As much as I enjoyed SSE (oh my god, I'm a minority) I will agree that it was a huge resource sink. I just hope we get SOME Adventure Mode. How awesome would it be to just play the first level of a bunch of games as the different characters?

Put in some enemies too, and it would be amazing.
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I will never shut up about how the Absence of SSE is a good thing for this game.
For the sake of making deadlines and more content that isn't SSE, yeah, I'm good with it.
But assuming unlimited time and resources I still think there was something cool inside SSE. They should have just made it re-rendered versions of famous sections from various games that are represented in SSB. I didn't need some long ass epic story thing, I mean it's a fucking nintendo crossover not lord of the rings.
I liked SSE, but yeah, the goddamned thing is probably the single reason it took so long.
And why it was so dark compared to other Smash Bros.

Just make sure the Adventure is fun like it was in Melee, throw some improvements on there, maybe some minigames related to the game the stage is from, bam.

Also this means more Trophies to UNlock.
Which I'm fine with
The adventure was kinda cute though. No lie. Even though it was completely flawed and made very little sense, I dun care. The story? Meh. The actual levels and gameplay? Pretty fun (and infuriating at harder difficulties).

Perhaps they'll be doing adventure mode like they did in Melee.
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Yeah, like Melee's, but less... original.

I mean like, look at the first section, based on Mario. Have you ever looked at it, objectively?

It's terribly designed and has a lot less to do with Mario than many would like.

Instead, I say just take Level 1-1 from Mario (or the first level of New Super Mario Bros, or Mario World, etc) and add more enemies and a few secrets, and use that. Maybe branching paths, like one way takes you to space (Metroid, Mario Galaxy, F-Zero, Kirby) while another stays on the ground (Sonic, Mega Man, Zelda).

Maybe character specific paths, too. Like, a switch only projectiles can hit, so Marth or Sonic can't go that way.

I dunno, I think it would be cool to have like, Guts Man's stage in 3D or running through Windy Hill Zone with Captain Falcon.
Things I didn't like about SSE:
Random settings that have nothing to do with nintendo franchises.
Random enemies that have nothing to do with nintendo franchises.
Somehow managing to spend a shit ton of money on cutscenes about some stupid story with minimal character interaction, which is pretty much the point of having any story in a crossover- I want to see how sonic and mario get along having to work together, not how master hand is really controlled by Manhattan from watchmen with butterfly wings.
Limitations on what characters you got to play, which is the part of the game that the story decided to ruin since they decided I needed detailed context for every stage.
Literally the worst final stage of any game I have ever played. Who designed this shit?
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