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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Is anyone else playing sucker to all of these "rumors"? The one with the Ashley being confirmed freaks me out the most.
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I read that one, and I'm basically down for and would believe all of it except for a few thing:

1. The Male Wii Fit Trainer would NOT have a different move from the female, even if the animation is just changed.

2. I really don't think Snake or Pac-Man will be back or in.

wait if a cage drops down you literally cannot lose
Stamina match, bro

or, like, throw a briefcase in there or something
when's that new folding chair item, sakurai

Well, uh, give him points for creative thinking?

Does anyone play Brawl anymore?
I've been playing it a bit recently. Vanilla, not Project M. Mainly just going Random 1-on-1's with random stage. It's fun. Though since I transfered my Wii data to my WiiU, I have to use Nunchuk, cause I don't have a classic controller.
I should have written something up for this before, but... Speaking of platformy fighters...
Megabyte Punch is great.
It's like metabots meets smash bros. You play as a robot, you kill other robots, and when you kill them they drop some of their parts. You can then attach those parts to you for passive stat boosts, different special moves, etc. No online multiplayer unfortunately but it's still great, and it does have an extensive SSE-like singleplayer with co-op so that's a major plus.
And it's like 5 bucks in this week's indieroyale deal! Insanity!
100 pages of SMASH, guys!

Hulk would be proud.

This is literally the highest thing I have ever achieved
Now you have to try to be at the top of page 101!
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars!"
honestly I wouldn't care if Miis are in smash if I could beat the tar out of people with my own unholy creations

i mean you could have your Batman Mii or whatever smack someone with a kendo lightsaber or some shit.
I would love that shit man
I think Mii's would make a good addition, but only if they had their own moves. Miis seem to be at just the right level of customability. I think of Soul Calibur 5 when it comes to too much, because you never wanted to play as the actual characters.
Also do you think it would be a good idea for personal Mii's to be set to names? Have the option between favorite or go into the Mii select?
I think Mii's would make a good addition, but only if they had their own moves. Miis seem to be at just the right level of customability. I think of Soul Calibur 5 when it comes to too much, because you never wanted to play as the actual characters.
Also do you think it would be a good idea for personal Mii's to be set to names? Have the option between favorite or go into the Mii select?
That's why they'd be annoying to program into the game. Having to exit the normal game mode to load up all the miis for you to choose.

And then there's the issue of online play and you opponent not having the mii you're using so it'd end up having to be a generic mii. Point is, if Miis have ANY chance of getting in, they would have to cut off everything that makes the Mii customizable for programming purposes. It would have to be a set weight and height.
So, now that this week is over, time to hype up the next and be inevitably disappointed!

Also I watched Other M: The Movie last night.
I expected a train wreck, it was not nearly as bad as everyone says it was.
Anthony Higgs definitely was a highlight though.
Wouldn't mind him playable or as an Assist Trophy.
Dude's lovable as fuck.
So, now that this week is over, time to hype up the next and be inevitably disappointed!

You get DAILY PICTURES. Why the FUCK are you disappointed? You realize the majority of games in development don't show you anything AT ALL right?

Can't believe the nerve people have...
It's been said too many times for me to believe you.
i get mad every week that little mac doesn't get revealed
i suspect i'll be mad for quite some time
Don't get mad, get something else to think about.
I don't recall such falseries

explain yourself, villain
I do not recall such things

enough with your confusing bamboozlements, villain
So, now that this week is over, time to hype up the next and be inevitably disappointed!

Also I watched Other M: The Movie last night.
I expected a train wreck, it was not nearly as bad as everyone says it was.
Anthony Higgs definitely was a highlight though.
Wouldn't mind him playable or as an Assist Trophy.
Dude's lovable as fuck.
I think the only major problem with Other M is that its placement in the timeline is WAY too far into Samus' established lore.
I think the only major problem with Other M is that its placement in the timeline is WAY too far into Samus' established lore.
I personally only found three things profoundly bad (And/or poorly executed)
The "Thumbs Down" scene, The whole Ridley debacle (And even then I'm giving it a pass, not a fucking month goes by a Samus' biggest enemy comes back after literally being on death's door 10 times), and the whole Android thing.
I literally burst out laughing when the "Twist" was revealed to be an android, and even then i gave it credit for being semi-creative.

Still though, can't blame people for not liking it, at least Sakurai acknowledges it
it has good aesthetic assets aside from chibi ridley and the Zero Suit's stiletto heels
not like Samus's moves are all gonna be punctuated with ADAM or THE BABY
hey man, nothing wrong with stilettos.

Stilettos and peanut butter (obligatory best friends referrence), 2 things no one would expect a killer to have.
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One of you people wanted Takamaru.
I would be perfectly ok with takamaru

I wasn't the one to say that tho
I would be perfectly ok with takamaru

I wasn't the one to say that tho
One of those many "leaks" (Seriously, there's so many fake ones you can't tell the "real" ones anymore) said Takamaru was in it.
I doubt that though.
But I wouldn't be against him
the game REALLY needs an eshop rep.... like, Mallo, or Patricia Wagon....
The story wasn't that bad, but Samus was characterized pretty poorly. With her strange clingy nature towards Adam and THE BABY, and the fact that Other M came near the end of the timeline giving Samus no excuse for being THAT freaked out over Ridley's rerereturn.
My main problem was the lack of real exploration, it was very
straight path-y.