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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

guys what if - and call me out if I'm crazy here - what if they put in Sonic and Mega Man.
GTFO man, SSB is for nintendo characters.

Also, back on SSF2, chibi-robo got confirmed as playable. My reaction is incredibly placid.
Also, back on SSF2, chibi-robo got confirmed as playable. My reaction is incredibly placid.

  1. 1.
    (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited.
    "this horse has a placid nature"
I'm not even joking, that was the definition from Google.

As for Chibi being in, I'm happy. He's a fun and creative character.
guys what if - and call me out if I'm crazy here - what if they put in Sonic and Mega Man.
Okay, come on. Let's try to be reasonable with our speculation.

Sonic... in a Nintendo game? Don't make me laugh; Sega would never stoop so low as to put their mascot, and rival to Mario no-less, into a game celebrating Nintendo's characters!

And Megaman? He is Capcom's most precious IP! They would never let anyone touch a character so important to them, not even Nintendo!

Now if you excuse me, I am going to play Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games while begging Capcom to make another Megaman game ^_^
Hey guys, remember when people said that Capcom was making too many Mega Man games and that they're tired of the series?

Fuck you X-Play.


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So Little Mac, Ridley and Issac from Golden Sun walk into a bar, which is funny because they can't be on the same stage at once, they're all assist trophies.
oh wait no, sorry Ridley. Forgot you got fired from that position even.

jk I do want Mac and Ridley in

Too bad Nintendo didn't want it on the 3DS. They said it was too biblical and controversial.
Because apparently it's still the 90's and Nintendo's ban on religion still remains.
Too bad Nintendo didn't want it on the 3DS. They said it was too biblical and controversial.
Because apparently it's still the 90's and Nintendo's ban on religion still remains.
Well, going back to "japan thinks westerners are offended by absolutely everything", that doesn't seem too far-fetched.
Of course, they didn't care enough to censor Nowi in FE:A, which is one of the few cases I wish this rule applied...
Or if we'll get a Nintendo Direct this week.
I hope we do.

Either way, back on topic.
I'm hoping we'll get something cool this month aside from Dedede, but next month we're definitely getting either Dixie Kong or Diddy Kong.
Pprobably Diddy
You know what Isaac I was talking about damn it.

Either way, hope something cool's revealed tomorrow.
Your isaac don't mean shit compared to my isaac. What, you've got big magic hands? Well I've got TEARS. LOTS OF TEARS. Bloody tears, urine tears, laser tears. More tears than you can handle.
They censored Nowi from a dialogue sense for the most part

and removed that idiotic "so you like her because looks 10, right" line from Nah
Diddy this month, Dixie next month?
Of course, naturally.

Man, I am so good at this!

Quit fooling around, don't worry Jutsei, we know who you're talking about.


I guess if he's good enough for PSASBR he's good enough to smash, still a strange character choice on your part, but whatever.
Nah, they figured after Annie "Well after her, anything we do is gonna look disappointing in comparison".

(Subtle ad for PUT NAH IN SMASH)
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sakurai said that all the characters from brawl might not return

people misinterpreted that as a smaller cast
I believe the person said it because they would be focusing more on tweaking the character to be more different and unique + balancing.

Though it's nice to hear it was a rumor. I was worried.
And even so, if not everyone from Brawl returns, that doesn't mean smaller.
We already have 4 new characters.
And someone pointed a neat fact out.
We're at 21 characters right now.

Before Brawl was released, the roster was 23.
Then we got unlockables and everyone else.
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There's no way it'll be smaller, in fact, I'm pretty sure that almost all of the cast will return. I think what he meant was is that there'll be less new characters than the jumps from 64 to Melee and from Melee to Brawl.
as long as they cut down the furries

then that's fine
I honestly want to see Falco go.

Wolf is cool. He's an anti-hero villain and the slow and powerful correspondent to Fox.

Unless they totally change up Falco (especially his Final Smash) than I'd like to see him go.

Lord knows how butthurt the Melee fanboys would be though.
But I like Falco : (
All I really want from the Star Fox guys is Wolf to return.
Falco can stay or go, Krystal can come or stay on Dinosaur Planet.
Really, all I need is Wolf.
And his fucking baller-ass theme.
all we need is fox for protagonist reasons and wolf because he's cool

falco is just some asshole who acts all cool and pretends like he pays rent when all he does is ride on fox's coattails
he is literally the vidya equivalent of a bum roommate
falco is han solo but not cool at all

he's the fat guy in the fedora and han solo jacket who thinks he picks up ladies but actually only picks up scoops of ice cream to soothe him crying in the middle of the night
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