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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

They kept freakin' Toon Link.

If anyone got cut over him, it'd be an outrage.
The only ones I personally can see them cutting/completely reworking are:
  • Ike cause Chrom
  • Lucas (which would make me the saddest panda)
  • Wolf/Falco (one or the other)
  • Pokemon Trainer (Due to 3DS loading issues)
  • Snake (third party partnership over)
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i don't understand all this stuff about having Lucas gone. . .he is the least cloney of all semi-clones
I don't know what the business with Lucas was.
Was he added first before Ness, was Ness before him in Brawl, or what?
His inclusion is a bit nebulous at best, you never know.
Apparently he was going to be in Melee replacing Ness, but then that game was put on hold for years. It's all a bit messy.

I like both Mother kids. I want to see them both in it again, maybe sporting some new stuff. Like, getting rid of both of their useless Down-B's.
Apparently he was going to be in Melee replacing Ness, but then that game was put on hold for years. It's all a bit messy.

I like both Mother kids. I want to see them both in it again, maybe sporting some new stuff. Like, getting rid of both of their useless Down-B's.
its not that useless really. . .it gives them pretty decent spacing as well as a pretty decent protection
I've never in my entire Smash Bros playing experience actually found a use for it in a heated battle. Maybe it's cause I'm not some professional player by any means (I like my items like I like my women, turned on) but I think there's a lot more you could do with it. I liked Lucas' Offense Up in Project M. That would be really cool to have brought in for a new Down-B.
add Ninten to complete the trilogy
add Mt. Itoi as the Wii U MOTHER stage
I think Lucas' final smash should be starman
Ninten's final smash can be EVE

she runs around fucking shit up then explodes
and the melody plays
then creys forever
best final smash
no crying until the end
If Mt. Itoi becomes an adventure stage, it will probably have pretty lethal enemies just like in the NES/Famicom game. It might even be That One Level.

I just thought of the perfect character for Smash.

Oliver from the Fire Emblem Tellius games. He's bootiful.
Dude, Mario's already in the game, it's cool.
I already know what it's gonna be
its probably going to be a reveal of a very important veteran. . . say one who wasn't in brawl

its Pichu
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I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Resetti returned as an assist trophy or making an appearance if you reset the game.
What if it's Daisy Annie Daisy Falco? I really hope he comes back, I don't want him or Lucas to get cut.
In a perfect world, no one from Brawl would be cut (except maybe Snake, if only due to licencing)

Speaking of, this one song in Brawl was made before they got permission to use it, and when they didn't, they just hide it on the game disk. Shame, it would have been my number one track on the Pikmin Stage. Here's hoping it comes back for Smash 4 this time with permission.
Originally I thought that too, both being a fast, melee oriented character, but now that we've seen more of WFT, it's clear she has some projectiles and just all around different attacks. Little Mac would be the opposite of Mega Man, a pure melee character. He does have a lot of potential.
I like both Mother kids. I want to see them both in it again, maybe sporting some new stuff. Like, getting rid of both of their useless Down-B's.
But you're still missing one!
Ninten for ssb4! It makes about as much sense as Daisy.

In a perfect world, no one from Brawl would be cut (except maybe Snake, if only due to licencing)
That doesn't sound like a perfect world to me. That sounds like an optimistic but still somewhat realistic one.

Speaking of, this one song in Brawl was made before they got permission to use it, and when they didn't, they just hide it on the game disk. Shame, it would have been my number one track on the Pikmin Stage. Here's hoping it comes back for Smash 4 this time with permission.
...you do realize WHY that got cut, right? It's from super mario RPG. They would have to negotiate with Squeenix. Beware the forest mushrooms has as much of a chance as Geno.
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My friend thinks Little Mac is a lame idea because apparently Wii Fit Trainer fills his role.
I'm laughing really hard.
Your friend needs to shut up before I go ghetto on em.
It makes about as much sense as Daisy.
You're damn right it does, pal.

b-but it's the only sport I can actually play

But you're still missing one!
...you do realize WHY that got cut, right? It's from super mario RPG. They would have to negotiate with Squeenix. Beware the forest mushrooms has as much of a chance as Geno.

Yeah, I know, but the whole Super Mario RPG ownership thing is weird. Nintendo owns some parts, like Mallow, the characterization and some enemies, but other parts, like Geno and the Smithy Gang, are owned by Squeenix. The music is partially Nintendo, partially Squeenix. Not to mention Geno appearing in Superstar Saga, with permission from Squeenix.

That game is just a legal minefield.
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I always imagined Little Mac as a dodge and counter kind of character, myself
Which is why Geno has fallen from most requested character.
All about that Ridley and King K Rool baby
Geno is the greatest tragedy of the 21st century.
Well, that and post movie Spongebob.
Huh. Apparently Brawl was supposed to have battle damage on the characters. Certain ones had textures with damage. That would be kinda neat to bring back, although with how the models look now and the new art style, I could see it not.



Huh. Apparently Brawl was supposed to have battle damage on the characters. Certain ones had textures with damage. That would be kinda neat to bring back, although with how the models look now and the new art style, I could see it not.
I would like that, even if just for Meta Knight's mask to eventually pop off at 200-300%.