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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I don't think we'll be getting clothing damage.
It would seem Sakurai's going back to bright and colorful/fun, and battle damage is basically really on the serious side like SSB Brawl was.

And I knowGoodbye, I heard about that the other day
i don't understand all this stuff about having Lucas gone. . .he is the least cloney of all semi-clones
I think he's actually the most cloney of the bunch.

b moves are pretty much the same as Ness, except with differing properties (true to a clone).
forward smash works the same with different properties.
dash attack is similar
ledge, floor, and trip attacks are pretty much the same
Up, Neutral, and down air are extremely similar, but have different properties
Down tilt is similar
Almost all their throws are pretty similar in look and function (down is the most different; different enough to be an exception)
pummel attack is the same
Same final smash with different properties
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I think a bit part of the problem is that they look so similarly too. Like, to the point when I first saw him, I thought he was Ness with his hat off. The other clones are at least very different in looks. And if not, at least in size or shape.
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Yeah, pretty much, I always felt the same way.
I kinda don't want the MOTHER 3 representation to go away, but maybe someone other than Lucas?
I kinda felt Lucas' inclusion was to get a piece of MOTHER 3 in SSE because he basically goes through the same character arc (From crybaby to badass)
still think they should have embraced Lucas's white mage aspects
maybe some of 3's more unique spells too
like Love and Ground
And the Straw Grasping was really just Straw Grasping.
Today's Smash Bros picture is merely more stuff about Rosalina's moves.

Though it at least confirms you can detach the Luma from her, like everyone thought.
"Today is the 15th Anniversary of the launch of the first Super Smash Bros.There may be"

...more perhaps?
"Today is the 15th Anniversary of the launch of the first Super Smash Bros.There may be"

...more perhaps?
I'm glad he at least noted that yeah, a lot of the younger people playing Smash Bros 1 back in the day now get to play it on Wii U

Also, it cut off
It says "There may be some players out there who played it on the Nintendo 64 as kids that have grown into adults" yo.
what other character to best celebrate smash bros than Rosalina
she's only the most important nintendo character in 75 years
what other character to best celebrate smash bros than Rosalina
she's only the most important nintendo character in 75 years
I can honestly say they did a good job designing her and her story. Everyone loves stories about the stars and adventures through the sky and SPOILER and I have great respect for Nintendo for making her serious enough to hold her own individual reputation, but goofy enough to fit into the Mario universe.

Rosalina's just awesome.
Also hah.
There was another "Leak" on Smash Boards.
A guy apparently went to Namco Bandai and had some pictures (That weren't the same dimensions)
ANd it seemed nice, because it had Isaac and Shulk.
But it also had one fatal flaw that kills it.
Playable Adam (From Other M)
There is literally no way that would ever happen.
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Playable Adam (From Other M)
There is literally no way that would ever happen.

Pre-Smash 4, if you told me Wii Fit Trainer was in, I wouldn't believe you. Adam is not too crazy in comparison. He'd play most likely the same as Issac from Dead Space, with different federation style guns.

It could easily happen.

Do we want it though?

No fuck that Ridley PLEASE
Why Adam though?
Why not have the infinitely more charming and memetic Anthony Higgs?
I don't see Adam happening, the whole thing felt like troll bait, really. Especially since it deconfirmed Ridley and other popular characters.
Point being, that though while the leak had pictures of Namco Bandai's office, Smash Boards quickly found holes in the story (The pictures were all of different dimensions, probably cropped), and they found the person's Photobucket (no sane person would use their real name and photobucket for something they could get sued for), and on top of that, they found his account in other places, and none of them mentioned a trip to Japan or Namco Bandai's office.
Reminds me of the rumors I heard of General Pepper being playable back when Brawl was still in development. I don't buy it for a second.
For everyone else

I was a recent guest at Namco Bandai studios. I'm not going into much detail as to how or why.

Here is some general information:
  • I played the game on Friday, Januray 17th.
  • I played a recent build but it was NOT FINAL. The guy was very specific and said there will be a lot of changes.
  • I am not a native speaker of Japanese, and my guide wasn't going to ask many questions for me. I was only sure of the above bullet.
  • When I asked if I saw the final roster, I was answered with grins. Again, not a lot was answered for me.
  • I asked how far into development the game was. Answer: "It's developing."
  • Two developers were showing me the build, along with my guide.
  • I played 2 four player matches. It was me, my guide, and the two developers.
  • One developer was using the Gamepad. The screen was only mirroring what was on the television.
  • I used the pro controller, as did everyone else.
Besides the announced cast, here is who I saw on the character select screen:
(Note: I did not take a picture, I am going from memory. I was so overwhelmed I could have forgotten someone).

  • Wario
  • Yoshi
  • Mr. Game and Watch
  • Meta Knight
  • Falco
  • Ness
  • Lucas
  • Captain Falcon
  • Diddy Kong
  • Ice Climbers
  • Mewtwo
I did not see Snake, Jigglypuff, PKMN trainer, etc. on the character select screen. Yes, I did not see Ganondorf on the screen. He's my main Brawl and I was disappointed I didn't see him. I did see Mewtwo.
It should be noted that none of use played as Zelda or Samus. I don't know about Sheik or ZSS, but I don't recall seeing Sheik sharing the portrait with Zelda like in Brawl.

  • Chrom
  • Issac
  • Shulk
  • Adam (from Other M...)
  • Dixie Kong
That was all that was on the character select screen.

Before we get into gameplay, here are some tibits:

  • I did not see any other screen besides the character select, stage select and victory screens. We did not even change the rules, so I didn't see any rules screen.
  • We played a 2 minute match twice.
  • The character select screen was very close to Brawl's. The portraits used the character renders that you would see on the website.
  • One interesting thing I noticed is that instead of the names being above the characters, they are now below.
  • A new orchestral version of the music that played during the E3 trailer was the music used on the select screens.
  • There was no announcer.
  • I saw about roughly 20 stages on the screen. However, we immediately went into Battlefield.
  • I did look at the pictures on the screen as the stage loaded, here's what I saw:
  • I saw what appeared to be a glimpse of a Fire Emblem stage. It sported a castle, but not one from Zelda.
  • Speaking of Zelda, I saw the pirate ship from Brawl on the screen.
  • There was also a Kirby yarn themed stage I caught a glimpse of.
  • Battlefields day and night cycles seemed quicker.
  • We also played on the Skyloft stage. It was much like Isle Delfino. The stage stopped onto of the bazaar, which I don't think has been seen.
  • Another version of that E3 theme played on Battlefield.
  • A new version of the theme that plays when you fly through the sky played on Skyloft.
  • ^That right there.
  • It is closer to Brawl than it is to Melee. I couldn't wavedash.
  • Falls were quicker.
  • As expected, the B button did special attacks and A did Smash attacks.
  • The right stick acted like the C stick.
  • I chose to play Rosalina in the first match. I forgot who was who but I played against Bowser, Wii Fit Trainer and Fox.
  • Rosalina was silent. Wii Fit Trainer spoke Japanese. Bowser and Fox were reusing their Brawl sounds. (Fox was, oddly, speaking in English for some reason.)
She was more difficult than I expected. Neutral B summoned a Luma. It was green the first time. I'm not sure if color of the Lumas mean anything. I had trouble keeping up with where Rosalina was and where the Luma was. I had trouble controlling the Luma and where I wanted it to go. I was very confused. Her down B brought in a lot of items that I used to throw at people, which was basically my main method of attacking. Speaking of...

  • Gardevoir is back.
  • Waluigi is back as an assist trophy.
  • Torchic is back.
  • That seal starter Pokemon (I forget the name) came out and threw bubbles.
  • Bandanna WaddleDee is an assist trophy and throws spears.
  • The new Nintendog stayed on longer than the old one. Had the same animations.
  • Moltres was back.
  • Bomb Ombs were back.
  • Party Balls were back and they dropped food.
  • Food was back.
  • Heart Containers looked more like TP incarnations than SS.
  • Bumpers are back.
  • The Pikmin rocket worked like Olimar's FS, except on a smaller and quicker scale. It flew up, all around and crashed into the ground.
  • Franklin Badge is back.
  • The new bomb that makes an X shape is deadly. The X spun around rather quickly.
  • I didn't see that Steel Diver item.
  • I saw another new item. Forgot what it does and what it looked like (sorry!)
  • Sandbag appeared, but I didn't see him drop anything.
  • Cracker launcher is back.
  • Bowser got the final smash. He still turns into Giga Bowser.
I played as Marth in the second round. Opponents were Villager, Dedede and Dixie Kong. Villager was silent as well, DDD and Marth reused voice clips from Brawl. Dixie Kong used Diddy's voice clips from Brawl, it sounded like.

Virtually unchanged from Brawl. I got the Final Smash in the second round. Marth still used his same FS, however it did not kill someone at 16%. I was shocked.
Dixie Kong
I didn't play as her, but she could hover around like in DKC2. Her grab also seemed really strong as her forward throw KO'd me. A lot of her moves seemed original, to me.

The results screen was like the one at E3. It showed the characters render and said "Bowser wins!" and "Dedede wins!"
No one was clapping and there wasn't a final score. No music played either. It went right back to the character screen.

It was fun, but too soon to say anything. I'm glad I had the experience.

If you want a pic of the Namco office, I have some. It doesn't show much though. Just a lot of people in chairs.
I could go into more detail about the actual office, if you'd like. It was fun, I saw a lot of Tekken machines and played against someone.

I should point out that I did not see Sakurai.
Let's see how the game turns out!

Yeah, I'ma call BS on this one. Just a hunch.
Glimpse of a Epic Yarn stage is good enough for me.


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Again, people called the BS on it.

The thing that sucks about all these fake leaks is that if someone actually does leak the fucking thing, no one will guess it's real
like the brawl roster
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When Brawl first came out, people called a picture of the leaked final character screen fake because Wolf was on it, but when the exact one with Bomberman was called real. It wasn't until someone showed actual gameplay of Wolf that people believed it.

You never fucking know.
It's a guessing game.

Though, another "leak" had a semi-realistic roster.
It had "Master Hanafuda" on it, but also Mach Rider and some other ones.
honestly i almost Adam to be legit just so i can go


to people who constantly cry for ridley and how metroid needs more representation and blah blah blah
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that's what makes it so good though
you got this asshole no one likes in over fan favorites

the salt just sounds delicious
And then Adam gets a black alt that makes him look like Anthony

Everyone calls Shiggy racist

Smash never comes to America because muh feels so offended

Wii U doesn't sell

Nintendo goes under

Xbox takes over

Kinect 2.0 becomes Skynet in everyone's house

Fall of Man

Rise of the Machines

Halo 5 comes out

10/10 it's okay - IGN
honestly i almost Adam to be legit just so i can go


to people who constantly cry for ridley and how metroid needs more representation and blah blah blah

confused. Why would Metroid ever not need more representation?
With the amount of reps Kirby and STAR FOX got, Metroid needs more than one.
she has a distinct appearance from samus in addition to a distinct playstyle

not counting her is like not counting Dr. Mario or Toon Link as reps of their own series
You know, I would like ZSS to at least be selectable separately (without a stupid button code) to further show how she is a full separate character.
Like, she doesn't need her own box, but at least do Brawl's Shiek/Zelda thing.
I'd personally like a different transformation method from Brawl's.
Because in the situation that you have smash balls on and only main one of her two forms you end up faced with a stupidly sadistic choice.
I still want Ridly tho.
Ridley definitely.
I dunno what his Final Smash would be though.

  • Omega Ridley Transformation
  • In the background shooting fireballs like Snake's FS
  • Cutscene animation like Captain Falcons where he grabs an enemy, a wall appears and he drags them across it
  • Omega Ridley Transformation
  • In the background shooting fireballs like Snake's FS
  • Cutscene animation like Captain Falcons where he grabs an enemy, a wall appears and he drags them across it
I did suggest that fucking boss Wall Grab, but against the floor as a Side B.

I'm kinda glad that has become semi-synomous with Ridley.
He did it in Other M, he did it in the DOA Cameo.
And it originated from fucking Smash Bros.
And it really is one of the most brutal things I've ever seen in a Nintendo game
Like, with Samus it's pretty bad, cause that armor would get hot and hurt.

But imagine with like, Luigi. OR PIKACHU.

imagine it
Also, I think an easy way to tell if a Leak is fake is "ALl Final Smashes are unchanged" or "Bowser still becomes Giga Bowser"
If Sakurai went through the trouble of making Bowser more like Bowser and less like a monster, why would he keep Giga Bowser?