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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I want Peach's FS to be her getting mad which summons Daisy, and then Daisy makes Peach automatically. And then Daisy becomes playable

But seriously Peach better not make everyone fall asleep. Her last FS sucked, imo.
Dunno if anyone read this but it's a big deal over on the Smashboards. It's the most legit sounding leak over there right now and it's mostly well received. I'd believe this (not just because of my bias against Ridley) but because of various good choices I think. Anyways, here.

I'm sure none of you know me, I used to hang out on the Brawl boards before release all the time. I never really posted much though, just followed the dojo hype train with everyone else around that time. Anyone that was around then knows there were legitimate leaks, but no one believed them at the time because of how crazy they seemed(wtf ROB?). Well there was a user in particular who leaked correct information that I managed to befriend around that time, this person is no longer active on gamefaqs, nor do they have plans to return.

I didn't befriend them right away, it took a bit of work, but it eventually got to a point where we would talk every now and then over AIM or Skype. I was mostly interested in their line of work, as at the time was aspiring to work in the video game business. After awhile we kinda fell out of touch, but I saw them on Skype today and figured I'd say hello and see if I could find any information out because I've noticed all these "leaks" lately around here and people going back and forth about them.

My friend wasn't particularly interested in sharing any information with gamefaqs, and told me gamefaqs wouldn't believe anything anyway. I agreed and asked if they would just answer a few questions at least, and this is what I gathered:

Ridley is not playable, he's a stage hazard.
King K. Rool is not playable.
Diddy is not partnered with Dixie.
Online will have way more options then Brawl, like being able to host rooms with your own item/rule set ups.

That's all the info I was able to get, I couldn't squeeze one new comer out sorry. I tried to get a Little Mac confirmation at least, but they wouldn't confirm or deny. Obviously I don't know if this information is legit, I could have been lied to very easily. My friend wasn't treated very well by the Brawl board users, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were just yanking my chain. This the first conversation I've had with them in like 2 years so take that for what it's worth.
It's legit sounding cause it's basically nothing other than disconfirming a few popular characters.

though no Little Mac deconfirmation makes me a happy panda
I think that guys guess of ROB was just a lucky guess.
I honestly do not think Ridley would be just a stage hazard.
Especially when you stop and consider that Smash Bros U and 3DS will have different metroid stages
i would prefer Anthony over ridley. . .
after Ridley just has no style
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Obviously, it's still just a rumour, but it doesn't seem completely farfetch'd. It doesn't make any crazy claims and doesn't put in random fanboy's fantasies in terms of a character roster. And being the same guy who predicted right from Brawl gives it slightly more credibility, but I'm not going to change what I believe about the game because of it. It merely strengthens a lot of my predictions.
Meowser with Double Cherries was terrifying

I want it as his FS

Possible, but it's probably too recent.

Personally I think it'd be pretty cool if he got in his Koopa Klown Kar and could drop hazards and attempt to ram people.
Personally, I don't think we'll get Ridley confirmed until the game releases.
Or maybe Sakurai will throw you for a loop.
He's a stage hazard...but only when you're not using him.
If you select him, a different monster serves the same purpose.
The trip to Namco leak was proven false by the guy who posted it.

So no Adam... for now.

If you select him, a different monster serves the same purpose.

There's both Ridley clone and a robot Ridley from Zero Mission. If they make the Other M stage hazard to be the ugly Ridley from that game, give us the Super Metroid/Metroid Fusion Ridley playable instead.
You guys are just... beyond salvation. Too deep into the void.
I do want him in, yeah, but at least I'm not like some people who say
"If [character] isn't in the game I'm not buying it!"

If one character makes or breaks the game for you, please reconsidering your entire existence.

I won't not buy it if he's not.
There's both Ridley clone and a robot Ridley from Zero Mission. If they make the Other M stage hazard to be the ugly Ridley from that game, give us the Super Metroid/Metroid Fusion Ridley playable instead.
Actually, you know the funny thing is that'd make sense.
The Ridley in Other M is a clone.
Not the original Ridley.
Huh. Apparently Brawl was supposed to have battle damage on the characters. Certain ones had textures with damage. That would be kinda neat to bring back, although with how the models look now and the new art style, I could see it not.



That shield remeinded me of a neat dark souls mod



they SHOULD add some damage to characters defensive equipment. there's nothing wrong with it
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Sakurai's comments on the pic today is about how the edge tactics have been changed
it's worded weird though
something about trumping grabs
He also added that ""Grab controls will no longer be affected by wether you have above or bellow 100% damage"" And that your invincibility frames on the ledge are different depending upon air time and your damage
For the n00bz:
Below 100% damage = Faster options on the ledge (attack is faster, roll is faster, etc)
Above 100% damage = They take their sweet-ass time and most often put themselves in peril because of it.

But you guys have NO IDEA how fucking BLOODY HAPPY this update makes me. As a tourneyfag (Who doesn't quite place as high as he wants because of dirty tactics like Edge-hogging), this is fucking AMAZING to me. I am so pleased with this. I'm hoping that you can quite literally SHOVE THAT ASSHOLE OFF THAT LEDGE if he's trying to edgehog you.

*ecstatic rave intensifies*
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Am I the only one getting a little peeved at the hostility towards Melee fans?

Edit: OT: Will the amount of time recovering increase or decrease invincibility frames? If it increased invincibly frames, it would stop people from using the popular Brawl trick of abusing edge invincibility for most of the fight (Metaknight was especially infamous for this) and end Edgehogging. If it decreases invincibly frames, it would basically serve as a longer version of the 100% slower recovery system, since larger knockback off-stage would lead to longer recovery times.
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Yeah. Be hostile at Brawl fans instead.
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Calling fake, but REALLY IMPRESSIVE fake.

Not that it matters, I expect her to be in the game anyway.
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Apparently, people examined these, and they're
  • Not using the Kid Icarus or Brawl model
  • The background isn't from any of the pics of the day or trailers
  • Neither is Mario's pose
So it's either a really good fake, or someone modded Brawl to look this way and took pictures, or they're *gasp* real.
Its not the hostility towards melee fans. . .it is hostility towards melee fanatic fundamentalists
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Its not the hostility towards melee fans. . .it is hostility towards melee fanatic fundamentalists
My problem with "melee fanatic fundamentalists" is that a lot want this game to be just one big "tournament viable rebalance".
That's not what Smash Bros is.

When people bash Sakurai for not putting in L-Cancels or Wavedashing, they forget that he didn't put those in in the first place. They're glitches. Almost all of high level Melee play is using glitches and exploits (though not to the extent of Marvel Vs Capcom 2).

Personally, I'm against anyone who dismisses this game because "Oh, it'll never live up to Melee" or "Oh, it'll never live up to Project M."

It's that kind of thinking that is killing Nintendo and killing the chances of any further Smash Bros games.
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Apparently, people examined these, and they're
  • Not using the Kid Icarus or Brawl model
  • The background isn't from any of the pics of the day or trailers
  • Neither is Mario's pose
So it's either a really good fake, or someone modded Brawl to look this way and took pictures, or they're *gasp* real.

I'm going with really good fake. Personal reasons aside, (I've got nothing against Palutena but I think there are far more interesting characters in Kid Icarus to choose from) Palutena's face looks kinda weird from the side. She looks like she's got a tiny bit of man face.

Personally, I'm against anyone who dismisses this game because "Oh, it'll never live up to Melee" or "Oh, it'll never live up to Project M."

It's that kind of thinking that is killing Nintendo and killing the chances of any further Smash Bros games.

::slow claps:: Thank you for saying what I've been saying for at least a year now. Remember that guy I linked to about 80 pages back regarding the Other M stage? He's the biggest example of this mentality going around.
it's her AR card model, apparently
and you can pick out the little inconsistencies in her model and outline between the two pics, namely the outline around her hand in the first pic and her nose in both pics.

it's got more effort put into it than most fakes, but it's still fake, unfortunately.
I still want Pally in smash though
Its not the hostility towards melee fans. . .it is hostility towards melee fanatic fundamentalists

I totally understand that mindset, don't get me wrong. There are plenty of Melee extremists that HATE non-Melee Smash, and hate any change from a strictly made meta-game formula, in a series that was built around having a massive amount of variety and randomness in how it is played.

What I get upset about is when people view all Melee Meta-gamers as unpleasant, whining tourney-players who are unwilling to cope with change.

Too bad the melee players will denounce it because it is not melee

the melee players would denounce a life saving vaccine because it's not melee

Not the "Melee-extremists". All Melee players :(

As I have made clear, I like the meta-game for Melee, and really liked the way that Project: M brought said meta-game back in a really awesome way, giving fans a means to combine Melee's playstyle and Brawl's assets, characters, and mod-based customization, without forcing non-Melee fans to play this way (the difference between playing it modded and normal is literally the difference between popping in an SD Card and popping it out).

I honestly want SSB4 to be as different and silly and wacky and fun as possible. SSB4 won't match a mod built around a tourney playstyle in terms of competitive gameplay, so it will improve in the way that Smash always improves: better character roster, more maps, shinier graphics, more content, more music, and just amping the level of party-game style fun that the series is known for.
i generally tend to refer to those kinds of melee players when I use the term
i don't really care how you play the game but when you start sticking your dick in someone else's oatmeal it just goes sour
those guys that are just condescending buttholes about it just annoy me so hard.
like what right do they have to tell other people how to play a goddamn game

also I didn't mind project M until I learned that they recloned a few characters and went through the motions to add another one back
to which I responded with "WHY'
plus they removed the Wariocycle

that is the greatest sin
But they replaced the Wario Cycle with the Wario Elbow! Isn't that move more iconic to Wario?

Also, why wouldn't they add Roy and Mewtwo back? They didn't replace any of the existing characters to add those two back.
My problem with "melee fanatic fundamentalists" is that a lot want this game to be just one big "tournament viable rebalance".
That's not what Smash Bros is.
You're right, but it's about striking a balance.
At the moment there is no balance- it's "fuck these guys are getting competitive! That's no fun! I'm gonna shit all over their faces for all of this tournament nonsense!"
Melee had a pretty good balance- it's not that the game felt terrible when you weren't playing competitively, but the high level in-depth tactics are there if you want to get into it.
It's not that I want this game to be exactly like melee, it just needs to embrace the competitive side of the game, no matter what mechanics it uses. Don't include something that's there to keep people from playing a certain way comfortably, if they want to play the game some way you didn't expect then let them have their fun, there's no reason to ruin it.

When people bash Sakurai for not putting in L-Cancels or Wavedashing, they forget that he didn't put those in in the first place. They're glitches. Almost all of high level Melee play is using glitches and exploits (though not to the extent of Marvel Vs Capcom 2).
Neither of those are glitches? Wavedashing wasn't intended to be used as often as it is in melee, but it's still there intentionally so it's no glitch/exploit. L-cancelling, on the other hand, was in ssb64 AND melee, and Sakurai knew exactly how people would use it.

It's that kind of thinking that is killing Nintendo and killing the chances of any further Smash Bros games.
You're kidding, right? Melee fans
This game is going to sell a bazillion copies, just like brawl did, just like melee did. And then in another ~5 years they'll announce another smash game, and it will sell another bazillion copies. And all the melee extremists will buy it for both consoles and play it for 100 hours and go on smashboards to complain anyway.
When people bash Sakurai for not putting in L-Cancels or Wavedashing, they forget that he didn't put those in in the first place. They're glitches. Almost all of high level Melee play is using glitches and exploits (though not to the extent of Marvel Vs Capcom 2).
Er, Sakurai knew about wavedashing. He mentioned in an interview how the team discovered it when playtesting the game and they decided to leave it in. Same thing happened with l-canceling in 64; they actually called it "smooth landing" in the Japanese site for the original Smash. They purposely kept in for Melee, just reduced the amount of the cancel.

What they didn't know was how the competitive scene would learn how to use the tactics to make a completely different game altogether.