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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

But they replaced the Wario Cycle with the Wario Elbow! Isn't that move more iconic to Wario?

Also, why wouldn't they add Roy and Mewtwo back? They didn't replace any of the existing characters to add those two back.
But I can't EAT the Shoulder Charge
I felt that running people over then eating my bike was an integral facet of Wario's deep playstyle

also while mewtwo was legitimately a neat thing
I honestly, honestly don't understand the Roy obsession the fanbase has at times
he's an advertising character
a mediocre one at that
for a middling to okay-at-best entry of Fire Emblem
and he's legitimate one of THE worst Lords in the series
his one saving grace is the Sword of Seals
which is firmly in the "too cool to use anywhere but the final chapter" category
people only like him because he was in melee and not because of his actual importance or notability within his series
and that bugs me
Roy did suck, but I like how in Melee and in Project M he's more of an aggressive character than Marth. Feels a little bit moer suited to my tastes, personally.

If they simply re-skinned him and called him Hector I'd be in heaven.
No no no.

People are obsessed with Roy because...

But I can't EAT the Shoulder Charge
...Have you tried?

If they simply re-skinned him and called Hector I'd be in heaven.
Or at least eliwood. Since that would take like half the effort. How do you even reskin Roy the sword wielder into Hector the axe wielder anyhow? Not that I don't love hector, that just sounds inaccurate.
that's why i want Robin from FE:A
they can have

and a sword too i guess
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Mostly because I think the "sweet spot towards the center" thing suits Hector more than anything else, being the hotheaded Lord and all. Realistically I know Hector would need to be made a completely separate character, but they could make him practically a Roy clone and I'd be fine with it.
it's her AR card model, apparently
and you can pick out the little inconsistencies in her model and outline between the two pics, namely the outline around her hand in the first pic and her nose in both pics.

it's got more effort put into it than most fakes, but it's still fake, unfortunately.
I still want Pally in smash though
Already proved that was false. The hand position, colors, and hair prove that it isn't the AR card.

However, shops can easily change the color, so I really don't know what to think at this point.

I'm so conflicted.... ;A;

Edit: Further proof:


Posted the leak on FaceBook. One of my friends legit said "No Hades, no buy".


I hate when people are like so willy nilly over one character.

As for someone suggesting that it's an assist trophy, this is what I had to say:
Most assist trophies face forward, looking at the screen, unless they're like Little Mac or Grey Fox (the ones who have movesets and behave almost like playable characters). I can't imagine Palutena running around and attacking like Saki or Goroh, that is not her character at all. If she was an Assist Trophy, she'd be a lesser version of Pit's Brawl Final Smash.

edit: Yeah those are two very different models. Look at the hair decs.
More than likely fake.

Also guys, apparently there'll be a Nintendo Direct either this Friday, or next week.
Because a company called "Renegade Kid" (Who made Mutant Mudds, Moon, and Dimentium) keep hyping that they have a "Big reveal" at a "Nintendo Press Event", and recently they mentioned this Friday.
Keep your eyes peeled.
This game is going to sell a bazillion copies, just like brawl did, just like melee did. And then in another ~5 years they'll announce another smash game, and it will sell another bazillion copies. And all the melee extremists will buy it for both consoles and play it for 100 hours and go on smashboards to complain anyway.

There aren't a bazillion Wii U's sold for it to sell that well. Might do decently on the 3DS though.
More than likely fake.

I dunno, those are two very different models. I'm starting to believe it's more and more real each time I look at it.

Regardless, as for the next Direct, I don't think it'll be Friday, personally.
Maybe this time they'll confirm Wonder Red.
I'm trying to think of plausible reveals over the next few Directs.

Palutena (because leak)
Little Mac (Stage is pretty much the Punch Out ring without a name yet, they're saving it)
Wonder Red or The Wonderful Ones (Newest IP, easy moveset potential disregarding size)
Ridley (Speaking of size; they're probably going to drag this one out as long as possible)
Chrom (We all know he's probably going to be in, have to accept it)
Robin (Still leaves possibility for a fourth rep, considering Awakening's massive success)

Beyond that I'm not sure what's possible and what's me dreaming.
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I dunno, those are two very different models. I'm starting to believe it's more and more real each time I look at it.

Regardless, as for the next Direct, I don't think it'll be Friday, personally.
Well, again, the Renegade Kid Tweets in particular are talking about THIS Friday.
So it's most likely
I'm trying to think of plausible reveals over the next few Directs.

Palutena (because leak)
Little Mac (Stage is pretty much the Punch Out ring without a name yet, they're saving it)
Wonder Red or The Wonderful Ones (Newest IP, easy moveset potential disregarding size)
Ridley (Speaking of size; they're probably going to drag this one out as long as possible)
Chrom (We all know he's probably going to be in, have to accept it)
Robin (Still leaves possibility for a fourth rep, considering Awakening's massive success)

Beyond that I'm not sure what's possible and what's me dreaming.
You're forgettin' that Dixie's a pretty likely choice.
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There's also no Pokemon on the list.

Everyone forgets that we have only one Pokemon Rep and no stages yet. That's a huge piece of representation that is so far totally under wraps, minus Pikachu and Xemnas.
I'm trying to think of ones that would have huge reveals attached to them.

I guess they might have a trailer for Mewtwo the same way Sonic did, but I don't consider that a newcomer. And X and Y didn't really have much in regards to potential newcomers anyway.

Dixie I forgot. I could see her getting in. Alongside maybe Cranky.
I still really hope there's a Kirby's Epic Yam stage. It would look so great in HD with the whole "flat character" thing that they use for G&W. Also maybe Paper Mario.
I'm trying to think of plausible reveals over the next few Directs.

Palutena (because leak)
Little Mac (Stage is pretty much the Punch Out ring without a name yet, they're saving it)
Wonder Red or The Wonderful Ones (Newest IP, easy moveset potential disregarding size)
Ridley (Speaking of size; they're probably going to drag this one out as long as possible)
Chrom (We all know he's probably going to be in, have to accept it)
Robin (Still leaves possibility for a fourth rep, considering Awakening's massive success)

Beyond that I'm not sure what's possible and what's me dreaming.

Shulk (from Xenoblade I think? Some xenoblade rep), Mii, Isaac, and an eshop rep are realistic possibilities.
And we're not getting 2 awakening reps; throw away that pipe dream.
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Yeah you're probably right. :(

Just wish it could be Robin rather than another blue-haired swordsman.

I would be perfectly okay with a blue-haired axeman though
Holy shit guys, I came up with something genius... what if Aegislash is an item?

It doesn't need to be an item, it can still be in a Pokeballl, like Bonsly.
N's Castle with Reshiram and Zekrom in the background fighting, with N on one and the Black, White, Black 2 or White 2 protag on the other. Randomized, of course. Occasionally a Fusion Flare or Fusion Bolt will go through the stage because fuck yeah stage hazards
Naw, have Doublade be an item.
Two swords are cooler than one. Make them play like the Dual Blades in Monster Hunter.
I wanted Aegislash since I thought the shield could have some unique properties... Maybe a bigger shield bubble while holding it? Or it could alternatively change one of your specials in addition to your normals, that would be interesting... like Down B = King's Shield, overwrites whatever your down B normally is.
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something to note is the model from the quote leaked unquote image is that the model has a few trinkets that cannot be found on any other known models for her

the most notable one is the mario-style power star hiding among her little hanging dealies.
Sakurai is the kind of guy to insert little things like that, imo

but whoooooooooooooooo knoooooooooooooooooows
Well I think Cory is legit.

If any 6th Gen Pokemon deserves to be in its


Obligatory Rawk Hawk color alt

Either that or Mienshao from 5th Gen. I always thought it would make a good Lucario replacement.

Don't hurt me
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I got the perfect idea

Hawlucha/Golurk tag team character

little grappler and big shitfuckerupper

final smash is Piledrive Meteor Explosion
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I'm really curious as to how the Pokemon representation is going to be handled.... there are just so many popular characters from such a wide date range. Personally, I don't think it would be a bad idea to have gen 1 being the bulk (if not all) of the playable Pokemon since they are the most popular - but then having most (if not all) of the Pokeball summons being from the later generations.
Suddenly someone mentioned something that makes the Palutena picture seem a little more legit.


Look closely at the bottom left corner where her trinkets are on her dress.

There's a Mario Starman over there.

Adding little easter eggs like that is totally a Sakurai thing to do. This might be one of the few cases where the leak might just be real.

Still unsure, but this might be an exception rather than the rule.