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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

already mentioned that

that's okay though
i don't care
NOT ONE BIT *sobs*

That said, let's hope for a Direct some time soon so we can get this information out of the way and move on.

and possibly get some info on SMTxFE finally please Atlus/IS
Palutena's my most-wanted character, so it would please me to no ends if this were true.
Rosalina vs. Palutena
Goddess vs. Goddess

This is very interesting...
Not entirely smash bros related, but saw this on the Lab Zero stream for Big Band.





"That's what we do best at Lab R&D!"


"Ya bettah get with a money back guarantee!"
King Dedede, right?
I love this thread so much, lol.
New idea for palette; the rabid Annie fan, DDB girl for Parasoul/Filia/Everyone.
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In Smash News.
How's everyone excited for Trophies?
I just looked at every single SSBB trophy.
Good lord, there were a lot, some better than others, but still fun
Daisy is my favorite trophy. DAISY4SSB4
I just had a scary thought. What if the screenshot is real, but she's actually an assist trophy? It'd be Lyn all over again. ;_;
I just had a scary thought. What if the screenshot is real, but she's actually an assist trophy? It'd be Lyn all over again. ;_;
Do assist trophies ever just stand still like in that first image? Might have been taken in the middle of an action or something, but in this picture in particular she definitely doesn't look like an assist trophy.
I don't think assist trophies have the same black outlines that playable characters have.
The Gameexplain video pointed out we have yet to see any Assist Trophies on 3DS though

Well I mean,
the outline is only there so you don't lose track of the character you're currently controlling.
Following that reasoning it wouldn't make that much sense to have an assist trophy be given the same outline.
well tomorrow's thursday
if we're gonna hear about it, it'll be tomorrow
The Gameexplain video pointed out we have yet to see any Assist Trophies on 3DS though

Look at Luma in the recent Rosalina pic. He has no outline. Also in the trailer I believe an item pops up that doesn't have an outline either. Outlining appears to be strictly character oriented.
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Fair enough.

Guess we'll see.
Also, I decided to watch a video that had every single one of Ridley's Boss Fights (Including SSB)
And really, I think the best Ridley Design is from Smash Bros. Brawl.
Because it basically took the Super Metroid design and made it 3D
Fucking BOOM.
So if he's playable, I hope they use that design.
I can't wait for tonights pic of the day

"Pic of the day: Due to some fucking gaijin jackass, Palutena was leaked, so here's some screens of her. I hope it was worth it, Dave from Accounting."
I really don't wanna imagine the stress real leaks put on Sakurai.
Dude's already working himself to death, how bad would stress like that affect him? Nothing good, that's for sure.
I hate how people keep calling Palutena a "nintendo princess" (like they're disney or something) when she has nothing to do with royalty and only really plays a damsel role kid icarus 1 (and even there she's not really a traditional damsel, instead being your imprisoned commander that happens to be female...)

I really don't wanna imagine the stress real leaks put on Sakurai.
Dude's already working himself to death, how bad would stress like that affect him? Nothing good, that's for sure.
Sakurai doesn't seem like the sort of person who would let that get to him. It's not really a big deal (and all in all, it's really only getting the game free press...)
Still though, kinda makes me worried.
Hope he doesn't take it too hard.
He's at the very least probably frustrated.

Though what if he turned this around and decided to show Palutena much later than he was intending?
Make us think the leak that was real was really fake, then fake us out?
well, Palutena's role in her society is that of a ruler, so she can technically count as a princess. Let Palutena join the awesome princesses of Nintendo.
Fake a fake with a fake out?
I wouldn't put it past him. He puts off revealing Palutena because of the leak for as long as possible, and by then we assume it's fake. Then near the games release he's like "A while ago you may have seen some screen shots of Lady Palutena in Smash Bros, I am pleased to announce that she is indeed playable"
The man is a master of trolling. Again. I seriously wouldn't put it past him.
Though I seriously hope he hasn't already sunk time into a Palutena Reveal CGI...

Well what if the leak is fake, but Palutena really is in the game? Either way he's still going to give her a video, leak or not. If Sakurai doesn't directly address the leak by Friday I assume he's just going to completely ignore it whether Palutena is in the game or not.
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so basically.... no one here has any clue what Sakurai is actually gonna do.