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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Good god I hope Pacman isn't in this D: That would be terrifying...

As for Ganon's sword, I'm on the edge. I really don't care too much. Just being skeptical.
I don't want him either, but I think he's pretty likely.
If we get another 3rd party at this point, I think we all know that Simon Belmont is fucking perfect, so if they're still in contact with konami... It just needs to happen okay?
konami is made out of penises now so I can't imagine them doing something cool like putting Simon in
we'd probably get his Death Note design if he did

and pac-man would be gross too
Well damn. It rustles my jimmies when really bad characters for Smash have a high chance of making it in.

<insert DK pic with jimmy rustling gorilla shopped ontop>
we'd probably get his Death Note design if he did
Doubt it.
Considering the stance they took for megaman, unless konami absolutely insisted that they use that design or they don't get to use him then there's no way.
Ok so I'm monitoring the evidence in the attempts to determine the Palutena pics validity and they have gotten to the point where it is impossible for them to disprove. Everything there is consistent with other things we already know about the game for sure. The only thing they don't have is direct confirmation that it is indeed true.

I'm totally believing the Palutena thing is for real.
with Rosie and Pally both in
we got the double goddess tag team
wrestling confirmed
So now we'll have a fighting game that adds mega man and pac man... And these characters won't be a sad mockery to the fans or just plain dumb mecha mokujin bs.

Man, the joke is strong on capcom HQ.
Ok so I'm monitoring the evidence in the attempts to determine the Palutena pics validity and they have gotten to the point where it is impossible for them to disprove. Everything there is consistent with other things we already know about the game for sure. The only thing they don't have is direct confirmation that it is indeed true.

I'm totally believing the Palutena thing is for real.
Yeah, I noticed that.
The fucking expert on finding fakes found no strong evidence it was fake.
That speaks utter volumes.
with Rosie and Pally both in
we got the double goddess tag team
wrestling confirmed
I mean all these females is just crazy! The sheer amount of estrogen is too much man.
Zero Suit Samus (but she was technically already in Melee and 64 as Samus)
Ivysaur (the PMBR referred to it as female, but I don't know if that counts)

...shoot, technically, they didn't add ANY female characters in Brawl! I NEVER noticed that!
I would be fine either way! I like the extra representation that female Nintendo characters are getting in SSB4. Now we just need one of them to up being the new broken tier character to replace Metaknight :P
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Oh well.
Maybe next week.

Also, that leak sounds way too good to be true.
But if it is true? Awesome, it has credibility and everything I'd ever want. Except Waluigi and Bandanna Dee.
But then again, no Leak is 100% accurate

It better not be. I will be pissed if Shulk from Xenoblade at least isn't this. (Not holding my breath for Dillon or some of the other characters I want outside of Little Mac)

I think it's basically a perfect solution, all things considered.
Make his Bare Hand stuff less Falcony, and put the Sword in there as an option.

Am I the only one who wants his old-school back instead? Why does it have to be a sword?

If we get another 3rd party at this point, I think we all know that Simon Belmont is fucking perfect, so if they're still in contact with konami... It just needs to happen okay?

I'd personally rather have Ryu Hayabusa instead.
It better not be. I will be pissed if Shulk from Xenoblade at least isn't this. (Not holding my breath for Dillon or some of the other characters I want outside of Little Mac)
Which is why I like PARTS of this supposed leaks, not all of them.
It's got some good things, but as I said, any "leak" isn't going to hit every fucking nail on the head unless it's close to release.
Meta Knight will be back.

That said, if you mean tier-wise, I can see Mega Man at this point being broken. Or Rosalina and her Stand Combos.
Honestly, I've been predicting that Megaman, come a year of experimenting with the game, will be pretty low tier. Not sure how I've come to that conclusion, but I have a gut feeling, and it kinda stinks having it.

I really hope Rosalina becomes the "hard to use, amazing when mastered" broken tier character I predict she will be.
Honestly, I've been predicting that Megaman, come a year of experimenting with the game, will be pretty low tier. Not sure how I've come to that conclusion, but I have a gut feeling, and it kinda stinks having it.

I think the better way to put it is a "Skill-Gate Character" (WARNING, TVTROPES LINK). Essentially, it's hard for new players because he can spam all his different projectiles and keep everyone away. But, for experts, they're easy to dodge due to him telegraphing his attacks and using some air dodges, allowing them to rush him and easily knock him out.
I can imagine mega excelling more in free for alls rather than 1v1
all those projectiles at once might be a little silly, but we haven't see the degree to which he can shoot his pewpews
God, I'm not buying this game because it appeals too much too women.
What is this, the 2000's?
Jesus Christ man, I'm joking. I didn't even say it had anything to do with appealing to women.

I'm saying it because I love playing with women and damn it'll be a stretch to play with them all. But I sure as hell will try ;P

...Troy Baker's a lovely man with a lovelier voice.

Anyway, I think we'll get Diddy or Dixie next month.
Or King K Rool but that's a stretch.
And let's not forget unlockables.
I think the revealed cast includes some unlockables

weegee being there from the start just goes against tradition
I think the revealed cast includes some unlockables

weegee being there from the start just goes against tradition
Well, we're not gonna get surprise unlockables.
I know for a fact Sakurai won't show us the REAL WTF character until the game launches (It's gotta be something like ROB or Game & Watch, Master Hanafuda?)

Plus one flamboyantly gay man each for both of them to voice.
Wait, you know I just realized...
Were there any Female characters added to Brawl?
I don't think there were.

They added boobs to brawl.
They added boobs to brawl.
Okay, first off, why you hating on Melee Zelda's boobs?
Okay, Zelda maybe wasn't that great an example, BUT WHAT ABOUT