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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Okay, Zelda maybe wasn't that great an example, BUT WHAT ABOUT
The picture kinda makes it looks like she has three breasts under the armor to me for some reason
Real men don't forget 64 Samus HUBBA HUBBA
Come on guys, we all know the real sexy beast from Melee

I mean damn
That's no boob.
Yeah but that's no boob.
great smash discussion guys

The Peach one doesn't count. Get outta here with yer mods.
This is probably the most mature discussion I've ever been a part of.
I kind of want to screenshot it for posterity.

Um, right,
I really do hope the Palutena leak turns out to be real if only because it'll had more females to the roster.
Cause let's be honest here, every smash roster thus far have been ginormous sausage fests.

I mean, the fests were huge, n- not the sausages.
64 had only one definite female character.
Melee had 4.
Brawl had 5 IF you count ZSS as a separate character.
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Honestly, the whole gender-ratio thing in games was never a selling point or detractor, I mean, we all look the same as a pile of gibs, but in terms of gameplay, I am excited for Palutena.

The other Smash games had a few too many physical fighters. Up close attacking is always important, yes, but none that were built upon keeping them away as a better option. Mega Man seems to be a good start, with his forward Smash being a projectile and all but a few also being. Palutena, I hope, would be a trap character, or something similar to Dr. Strange in UMvC3. Lots of projectiles but not in the way Mega Man has them.
I surprisingly slept through last nights update. Was a nice surprise.

That said, I don't think it'll be anything big. We had a few vets in a row. At most it'll be a new stage, item, or confirmation of something from the WiiU version already shown on the 3DS, such as an item or assist trophy.
The other Smash games had a few too many physical fighters. Up close attacking is always important, yes, but none that were built upon keeping them away as a better option. Mega Man seems to be a good start, with his forward Smash being a projectile and all but a few also being.

Pretty much every attack of his is a projectile, I think only a couple of tilts and aerials.
Pretty much every attack of his is a projectile, I think only a couple of tilts and aerials.
Up Tilt is Mega Upper, the Shoryuken
Down Tilt is Slide
Dash Attack is Top Spin
Forward Air is Flame Sword
Back Air is Slash Claw

Source: This site, which compiles all the info which I love so much
Up Tilt is Mega Upper, the Shoryuken
Down Tilt is Slide
Dash Attack is Top Spin
Forward Air is Flame Sword
Back Air is Slash Claw

Source: This site, which compiles all the info which I love so much

Yeah, tilts and aerials.
I think Sakurai goes over all his moves in the Director's video.
i kinda wish they made his down tilt the charge kick
i mean the slide can't even damage things in megaman
it's a weird little detail but it would have been cool
i kinda wish they made his down tilt the charge kick
i mean the slide can't even damage things in megaman
it's a weird little detail but it would have been cool
The charge kick is the lamest weapon ever though.
And while the slide never did damage, that's cause all the games had Mega Man get collision damage from enemies. Since this game doesn't, it makes sense that it would work differently.
The charge kick is the lamest weapon ever though.
And while the slide never did damage, that's cause all the games had Mega Man get collision damage from enemies. Since this game doesn't, it makes sense that it would work differently.

Siding with Ruin on this one.
Even if they didn't change at all, and just added the little effect, it would have been more representative of the series than just the slide.

But it's not that big a deal.
Slide should have been his forward roll.
Either way, this'll be a great Smash Bros, no doubt.

I'm sure Online will be all Megaman Battles at first though.
Me though?
I'm gonna be playing Arcade, Adventure, and (probably) All-Star until I unlock everyone.
What's everyone gonna do when they first get the game?
get naked and just rub it all over my body for a few hours
I meant what specifically xD
Well, assuming that by get the game you mean when I physically take it into my hands, I'll probably stuff the receipt into my pocket. If I've already done that, I'll walk out of the store and to my car; If my sister came with me, she might drive, but otherwise I'll drive to my house.
Oh Horseman you so crazy.

Though I'm hoping that everyone will have the common courtesy of not posting spoiler secret characters in here.
Didn't someone take on the responsibility of posting how to unlock the characters without spoiling who they are in here?
I'll probably tackle whatever adventure mode is present in the game with every character.
Then I'll look up how to unlock all the characters.
And then I'll unlock them and play through adventure mode with all of them.
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I wanna fight Crazy Hand again, he's like the... hmm... I can't remember the word I wanna use.
Me and my sis will play some VS matches together, unlock the simple ones (like how you got Luigi after like, 5 matches or whatever) and then look up how to get the rest online and get them.

then just play, man
I was confused cause you changed your picture. It scared me.

But yeah, I think we could totes organize some matches and stuff. And on Wii U at least, I can record them and then put them up on YouTube for money for views for all to see!
But yeah, I think we could totes organize some matches and stuff. And on Wii U at least, I can record them and then put them up on YouTube for money for views for all to see!
Please do that. I am actaully thrilled to have the world and my friends see how terrible I am at video games!
...But then again I beat MGR with no trouble. And the DLC...
Ok maybe not that bad at video games.

Still though, when SSB 4 comes out, let's not have spoilers.
I think listing HOW to unlock every character is fine though.