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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Well, we still don't know if it's getting a simultaneous release worldwide.

I mean, if Japan gets it first, I could see myself spoiling myself day 1.

And then there's the whole US-Europe stuff...
What's everyone gonna do when they first get the game?

I'm gonna attempt, ATTEMPT to get all the characters without looking it up.

Still though, when SSB 4 comes out, let's not have spoilers.
I think listing HOW to unlock every character is fine though.
Wait, wasn't I the one who volunteered to do that? Crap.
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Well, we still don't know if it's getting a simultaneous release worldwide.

I mean, if Japan gets it first, I could see myself spoiling myself day 1.

And then there's the whole US-Europe stuff...
I'd hope it's a worldwide release.
Pokemon X& Y being a World release was fucking amazing.
And it made the whole credits thing and the entire subtle message about reaching out to other nations and countries very potent.

Though, if not, someone should take the fall and spoil themselves on the new characters, then tell us how to unlock them.

I'm gonna attempt, ATTEMPT to get all the characters without looking it up.

Wait, wasn't I the one who volunteered to do that? Crap.
Oh, you were the one?
It was either you or that other guy.
You two should collaborate to do it
Leaks not withstanding.

And though I'll know how to unlock everyone, I'll probably be extensive about it before I end up resorting to a list telling me how to do it this time.
Eh. Who knows? Maybe I'll just go on Gamespot onto the cheats section, tape a piece of paper over the unlock ____ section, and write it down.
Wait. I went back to the Melee cheats. It was all "To unlock Marth you..." and then the effect: unlock____ section. I'll probably try to do it on another site. (or pray someone else did it for me)
Wait. I went back to the Melee cheats. It was all "To unlock Marth you..." and then the effect: unlock____ section. I'll probably try to do it on another site. (or pray someone else did it for me)
Yeah that sounds pretty good.
I think what I'll do is play some arcade, then some events (like 25), and if by the half-way point I stop unlocking characters I'll cheat and check the chart.
I think I'll just go through Classic and Adventure and whatever else a bunch of times, and only when I'm really stuck will I look it up.

Oh, you know what though? I want this back.

And if the ability to unlock characters gets represented on there too, well that would just be perfect.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind knowing how to unlock some characters.
Especially if there's some cryptic bullshit in there like in Melee (which is likely.)
I mean, finish the course with a '2 after one, play 20 hours of Versus?
Has anybody ever beaten Adventure Mode on Very Hard in Melee? I usually beat it with Peach with one to three lives.
Has anybody ever beaten Adventure Mode on Very Hard in Melee? I usually beat it with Peach with one to three lives.
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Young Jutsei was a weenie and never played it above Easy.
Don't worry. I was once a weenie too.
Trying to get all the bonuses and penalties in Melee is asking for too much.
so what do you guys think we'll be ending the week with in terms of sakurai's pic of the day
a cool thing?
a boring thing?
a neutral thing?
My money's on the boring. I am not trying to get my hopes up.
so what do you guys think we'll be ending the week with in terms of sakurai's pic of the day

I think it'll be something new, but nothing huge.
Like, an item from the WiiU being in the 3DS, or another look at a stage that we haven't seen a lot of.

Also, unrelated, but damn Marth's design is good. Just took a look at him and it makes me appreciate how he looks much more than in Brawl. He looks so much younger too, which is nice.
My money's on the boring. I am not trying to get my hopes up.
Boring's putting your hopes to high. YOU HAVE TO EXPECT NOTHING AT ALL.
Boring's putting your hopes to high. YOU HAVE TO EXPECT NOTHING AT ALL.
I'm not sure what I'm expecting.
I'm also unsure if I should stay up for this update since it probably won't be much special, or catch it tomorrow.
The cycle continues anew.


And omfg, "nerf." roflmao.

Edit: "BIN OF LAUGHING," 10/10
why would sakurai have a duck on his desktop?

medli confirmed







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So on the topic of spoilers...
I'm super-anal about spoilers, and how to unlock characters is absolutely a spoiler. Anything not revealed in pics of the day or directs (not labeled as spoiler directs, obviously...) should always be in spoilers when we're approaching the release of the game. I will murder your family hate you forever if you spoil something for me.
Fine by me. I totally understand.

That said, be careful about other websites. I remember when Pokemon was leaked, I tried my hardest not to see the new Pokemon at all, but it was legit impossible with FaceBook, Tumblr, Twitter, etc etc.
Ah, so not even just the methods to unlock a character without putting it in a spoiler. Got it.
I will remember it as well.
Fine by me. I totally understand.

That said, be careful about other websites. I remember when Pokemon was leaked, I tried my hardest not to see the new Pokemon at all, but it was legit impossible with FaceBook, Tumblr, Twitter, etc etc.

Good thing I don't use any of these sites. I'd say I was actually mostly successful with my XY media blackout, and imo it paid off. It's awesome being able to run into a pokemon I had no idea existed in the wild, or think I have my team set and then run into an even cooler pokemon next route.
Obviously I'm not on complete media blackout for smash-that'd be near impossible-but it'd be nice still be in the dark for anything not officially revealed beforehand. It's also just respectful for others; everyone has a different definition of spoiler.
Alright, so going back to way back where I said that Wavedashing in Melee is a glitch, I have to apologize. It isn't.

Nintendo Power:
"This is one that a lot of hardcore Smash Bros. fans have long wondered about. Was the ablility to "Wavedash" in Melee intentional or a glitch?"

"Of course, we noticed that you could do that during the development period. With Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it wasn't a matter of, "OK, do we leave it in or do we take it out?" We really just wanted this game, again, to appeal to and be played by gamers of all different levels. We felt that there was a growing gap between beginners and advanced players, and taking that out helps to level the playing field. It wasn't a big priority or anything, but when we were building the game around the idea of making it fair for everybody, it just made sense to take it out. And it also goes back to wanting to make something different from Melee and giving players the opportunity to find new things to enjoy."
You guys could just, y'know... turn off your computer if you don't wanna be spoiled. Who am I kidding, I don't even do that.
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Wait... I just realized that we all have that friend who can't keep their mouth shut and spoils everything.