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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Which, again, is why I hope we get a Global release
Hahah, this is Nintendo, Japan comes first.
But was the Pokébank released globally, no it wasn't. Anyway, I hope that leak is real.

"Pic of the day. When Toon Link joins the battle, Alfonzo is in charge of the train."

So I notice Alfonzo has an outline.....FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
He's doing this on purpose, god Sakurai is such a troll. Everyone is wondering on who gets outlines, we think we have it figured out, then the next picture he posts contradicts the previous one. ffs.

And also, being part of a stage does not mean a character cannot be playable. More confusion, yay!
So Ridley fans rejoice! Viridi fans rejoice (as if you have a chance)! Palutena fans cry.
Oh my God.
Now THAT'S Cool!
That basically gives some weight to the idea that Ridley could be a stage hazard when not being played, and have someone fill in for him when he's being played.
Which I suggested not too long ago.
Oh my God.
Now THAT'S Cool!
That basically gives some weight to the idea that Ridley could be a stage hazard when not being played, and have someone fill in for him when he's being played.
Which I suggested not too long ago.
>Grasping at straws intensifies
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>Grasping at straws intensifies

This is actually a pretty hype update, for opening that door.

ALl things considered this week was pretty awesome.
Not much in the pictures, but we got a leak and some cool technical info.

This is actually a pretty hype update, for opening that door.

ALl things considered this week was pretty awesome.
Not much in the pictures, but we got a leak and some cool technical info.

Masahiro Sakurai people, the only man in existence who can make fucking outlines "hype."
I pretty sure the outline just comes down to size (as in Dark Emperor=large so no outline Alfonzo= small so outlined)
*Cries in a corner*
I have to admit that the ledge mechanics got me very excited. No more edgehogging assholes means a funner game for everyone and more strategy involved in off-stage tourney play. Looking forward to it!
I have to admit that the ledge mechanics got me very excited. No more edgehogging assholes means a funner game for everyone and more strategy involved in off-stage tourney play. Looking forward to it!

There's not "no more edgehogging," there's just more thought required for it, considering the new factors affecting invincibility time.
There's not "no more edgehogging," there's just more thought required for it, considering the new factors affecting invincibility time.
The sheer amount of nerfing edgehogging just got makes it considerably harder to perform, and if the off-stage player is smart, they can time their recovery to easily trump the edge-hogger. For me, a very very good off stage player, this literally means no more edgehogging.

Previously, the little bugger could literally just sit there with no effort and completely destroy characters with recoveries that didn't damage (Lucario) or could only barely make it to the ledge (Fox illusion, etc). And with the mechanics making characters get off the ledge faster, lengthening the invincibility duration to try and stay on the ledge longer simply aren't enough to compensate a slight adjustment to one's recovery.

Super psyched.
guys guys

it clearly means that alfonzo is a playable character
Sakurai just stealth-revealed him, obv
This makes me happy. Brawl's stages were pretty devoid of NPCs (Smashville notwithstanding) and was one of the few things Playstation Allstars had over it.

This opens a wide range of possibilities, such as the aforementioned Ridley (though I can't see him being a stage hazard if he is playable at all) as well as things as simple as Rosalina being the background of the Mario Galaxy stage when not played as, or Pit flying around doing battle in his stage.
Wait... I just realized that we all have that friend who can't keep their mouth shut and spoils everything.
Snape kills Dumbledore.
The Titanic sinks.

Romeo and Juliet commit suicide.

Shiek is Zelda.

Samus is a girl.

Darth Vader is Luke's father.

did I get them all
did you hear about teh new Fairy Pokemanz Type
People are complaining because the Spirit Tracks Toon Link and Smash's Toon Link are two different characters so they should be on the same train together.

They're actually complaining, saying Sakurai doesn't know his Nintendo.

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People are complaining because the Spirit Tracks Toon Link and Smash's Toon Link are two different characters so they should be on the same train together.

They're actually complaining, saying Sakurai doesn't know his Nintendo.

Wait... how is that... I... K...
People are complaining because the Spirit Tracks Toon Link and Smash's Toon Link are two different characters so they should be on the same train together.

They're actually complaining, saying Sakurai doesn't know his Nintendo.

We don't even know what toon link that is... Sakurai never confirmed that it's the windwaker/phantom hourglass link... And even if it was in brawl, he could have changed (like how the pikachu in brawl is pichu from melee.)
Toon Link is actually an animate mound of salt of that took the form of the Link from his favorite Zelda game
I also like how they whine about a nice little touch in the game. Even if it's not the right toon link, it would be shit to try and distinguish between the one you're playing and the one driving the train.
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I'd hate...no, actually, I'd love to see how people would react to Tingle being playable in the game. Because it's very very possible. Unlikely, but possible.
The salt man, the salt would be great.
And I personally wouldn't mind him, I mean, I never hated him.
And he's been in a lot of the games and has his own fucking spin-off.
As I said, people on the Miiverse are complete babies.
They make demands, whine and bitch, and act as if this game is being made for them.
This wasn't MiiVerse. I stopped looking at those comments ages ago.
This was GameFAQS, Tumblr, FaceBook, Twitter and all other social media I am sadly attached to.

That was one complaint. The other was "Why does his NPC model look so bad compared to his player model? Nintendo are lazy because they recycled his DS model!"
... which is good and I prefer. I mean honestly, what's wrong with reusing models? Smash Bros is all about nostalgia as it is.
upon further inspection
it looks like alfonzo doesn't have an outline
it just looks like his jaggy model and some weird shading
Alfonzo 4 Smash
yeah it would have been mighty weird if he did