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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

No No, people already found out there was no image like that.
The experts think it's legit.
Let's leave it for now, ya?
Actually, yes there was an image like that. However, it was on the WiiU version and it was Mario looking up at Rosalina's rack face. It could mean that the 3DS doesn't have the resources lying around to add in little details like that. That's probably why we don't have little leaves floating around battlefield in the 3DS version either.
well there should be a Direct this week, but i can't imagine we'll get another newcomer so soon after Rosie, but fingers crossed for Little Mac
Hopefully it's another Direct, if we don't get one this month there's gonna be one in Feb.
I don't know if we're getting one in February at all due to it being such a short month
it's like missing the toes off one of your feet
it's not a HUGE handicap, but it's still a handicap
SWEET MERCIFUL SKULLS could make a good win quote for Robo Fortune.

On topic, I hope Peach gets some of her Super Princess Peach powers.
If you guys want, I've downloaded basically every promotional picture from Smash Bros thus far (cause you know, I need them for my Music to Smash to videos) so if you want I have all the files so far here. Give it a download if you'd like.

I was thinking about console stages for Pokemon, and remembered this game: PokePark Wii. While the first game itself was pretty meh, it would be awesome to see this as a stage, cause it was a console Pokemon rep.
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"Pic of the day. Rosalina's down special move, tentatively called the Gravitational Pull, sucks up items and weapons. Weapons will be disabled when using this move, of course. You have to shake the Wii Remote to perform this move in [...]"


"...in Super Mario Galaxy, but you won't need to do that in this game."

Ohhh you cheeky bastard u nearly got me there
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Wow peach match UPS are going to be in rosalina's favor with that move
Remember that it deflected Mario's FLUDD as well.

I feel as though this will totally null all projectiles, almost like an item-only counter. We'll have to see if it does damage as well, like Fox's reflector.

Her match-up with Mega Man will be interesting too. Can she null and then pick up his Metal Blades?
maybe items going fast enough can bypass the field
or at the very least projectiles with large hitboxes (charge shots, bombs, etc) will still be large enough to hit her
How are y'all getting projectiles? She just can't use the items after she uses it. That's what I'm getting from it.
How are y'all getting projectiles? She just can't use the items after she uses it. That's what I'm getting from it.
If you recall, when Marth throws a PokeBall at her in the trailer, it drops and doesn't open. What I'm getting is that items stop being "activated". Like, a Bob-Omb would defuse and go back to being it's regular form, a thrown beamsword stop spinning, and just becomes an item to pick up and not a projectile.

That's what I get. She can use items, but if they're thrown at her it's not an attack anymore.

Of course, we'll have to see when it comes out.
Remember that it deflected Mario's FLUDD as well.

I feel as though this will totally null all projectiles, almost like an item-only counter. We'll have to see if it does damage as well, like Fox's reflector.

Her match-up with Mega Man will be interesting too. Can she null and then pick up his Metal Blades?
I wouldnt worry since he can just follow up with normal megabuster shots. If she tries that move she'll just get shot for trying, and depending on timing she may be hit with the metal blade as well.
i wonder how it deals with attacks from the top as well
Fludd went around the field, while still going in the same direction.
There can be some crazy stuff with the physics of that move. I can't wait to see how it's used competitively.

Or for fun. Like have Mario's FLUDD go towards three Rosalina's who all use their Down-B to make an entire water rollercoaster.
So summoning Luma IS her normal b. People were being all dumb like "She bends down when she waves her wand SEEEEE".

Glad it's cleared up.
I think it's more due to the whole Kirby thing and they wanted Gravitational Pull to be it rather than the Luma.
Kirby's Rosie copy is probably like olimar

It's possible for Kirby's copy of Rosalina could be summoning a weaker Luma and it acting the same it does with Roaslina, where using attacks will have the Luma attack simultaneously.
The only other thing would be to have the Luma appear, charge (or some other attack depending on what neutral B does after a Luma is spawned) and disappear.
But I like the first idea better.
Well the show IS called Kirby of the Stars.
Well the show IS called Kirby of the Stars.
Kirby Annie crossover fanfiction incoming?
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Does kirby suck up annie and disappear for an indeterminate amount of time?
Is the rest of the episode people going "Where's Kirby?" or "When's Kirby?"
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it did, believe it or not
no particular censoring, if i recall
We should get back on topic and not talk about that scene in the anime.

Though, I'm still hoping we'll get a Nintendo Direct this week. However crazy that may be.
There's apparently a Nintendo Investors meeting on the 30th, so make of that what you will
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We should get back on topic and not talk about that scene in the anime.

Though, I'm still hoping we'll get a Nintendo Direct this week. However crazy that may be.
There's apparently a Nintendo Investors meeting on the 30th, so make of that what you will

The investor meeting is where Nintendo reveals their new business strategy going forward due to the failure of the Wii U.
I expect an ND very close to the meeting with some big reveals, so either Wednesday before the meeting or Thursday after the meeting.

We need Bouncy Tiff from the Kirby Right Back At Ya as an assist trophy

How did this air on 4Kids lol.
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The investor meeting is where Nintendo reveals their new business strategy going forward due to the failure of the Wii U.
I expect an ND very close to the meeting with some big reveals, so either Wednesday before the meeting or Thursday after the meeting..
Well, it's not a complete failure. I'm sure there'll be some Wii Us sold once Mario Kart drops.
There's at least 8 or 9 awesome games dropping on Wii U this year. But yeah. That's the most likely thing what the meeting is. Hoping it won't be too bad. I doubt they'll just drop the Wii U completely, anyone who thinks Nintendo will do that is dumb. Sega did that and then the Dreamcast died and they bowed out of consoles completely.

But yeah, if that's the case, I expect an ND this Wednesday or Thursday.
you have to remember that a lot of people get their information from sensationalist gaming journalism sites

we must pity these uninformed masses
because they cannot make the judgement calls
you have to remember that a lot of people get their information from sensationalist gaming journalism sites

we must pity these uninformed masses
because they cannot make the judgement calls
Raiden is in PS All stars he can't be in this one :/

I'm hoping that the brawl and melee fans will come together and not hate each other's existences, both were fun and enjoyable (except Meta Knight Mirror Matches)