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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Yeah, I can't see it not being $60/$40, respectively.

Doesn't matter, will still buy. I do gotta buy some more Pro Controllers though. I have one for Monster Hunter (cause the GamePad dies too quickly for Addiction Hunter 3 Ultimate) and it's an amazing controller. It will be amazing for Smash 4.
I already got mine even though I don't use it for any of the 2 games I have on the Wii U (The gamepad is either required or just generally better to use for rpgs)
If the games come out at the same time, which is admittedly a bit unlikely as Sakurai said they might not, I'd totally buy pack of both of them. Especially if they make it like, $80, or even $90.
I really hope there will be a Smash Bros Wii U bundle with four pro controllers. It's going to be pricey sure, but any amount of savings would be worth it for me.
Betting there will be a bundle with the game
It basically bundles itself. 85% of anyone wanting to get a Wii U after Sm4sh comes out is getting it for Sm4sh. Massive pay out for Nintendo.

Though, I am on board with the pro controller bundle thing. Though not as many controllers... How about just bundle the game with the controller rather than all three (console, game and controller). Though it is very unlikely seeing as wiimotes still work and everyone's got at least one of those nowadays.
Wiimote/Nunchuk isn't a terrible set up. Classic Controller will be compatible I bet as well.

And of course, the GamePad for a player. Whether it changes anything, or allows for something new, is yet to be seen.
Wiimote/Nunchuk isn't a terrible set up. Classic Controller will be compatible I bet as well.

And of course, the GamePad for a player. Whether it changes anything, or allows for something new, is yet to be seen.
seeing as there is only one, it would do absolutely nothing during multiplayer matches. It will likely just mirror the TV. HOWEVER, for other modes that are single player (HINT Adventure Mode/Mini-games) I can almost guarantee that it will be implemented.
there's always the gamepad
i can't imagine that being a particularly poor choice
Screw you guys, I want axes. When's Hector.

Serious note: apparently Mew2King wants to use the clone engine in Project M to make Lyn a playable character. So you might get your wish in one way or another.

I'd rather
he use it on Saki and Isaac first.
Betting there will be a bundle with the game
If there's a wii u bundle I'm caving and buying it.
Especially if it has cool looking decals.

If the games come out at the same time, which is admittedly a bit unlikely as Sakurai said they might not, I'd totally buy pack of both of them. Especially if they make it like, $80, or even $90.
By logic the 3ds version would probably come first, correct? Both because it's easier to finish (less visual effects=less time spent polishing) and because it should generate hype for the "real" version of the game.

Also, has anyone thought about Villager skins? He's kind of begging for (at least):
-Female Villager
-New Leaf Male Mayor
-New Leaf Female Mayor
but, of course, that's a kind of extreme amount of skins. I'm thinking they might just do new leaf female to represent new leaf and female villagers at the same time. They might also ignore new leaf and just make female villager, although I would loathe that since I much prefer the new leaf look.
You're probably getting female villager only.
I think if a character can have two skins, it'll mostly be an iconic look and another (in the case of Wario), or two Genders (like Villager and WFT)

Though I'd also like a Female Pokemon Trainer. Or whatever we're going with this time.

And Maximillian (Well, Simmons pointed out) said that Gamefreak apparently has the final say on who they want from Pokemon in Smash Bros?
That's actually pretty fair evidence/a good sign that Pokemon Trainer (well, at least with the Kanto starters) won't come back if he isn't returning.
Probably just the female villager. Much like swapping Jigglypuff's hats I think it won't really be a whole costume swap though.
As for Pokemon, any trainer except for Shiela is fine by me. I like N,Hoenn trainer, or Serena best to be honest.

I was just pretending to play smash on my 3ds and tried to figure out controls. L-button would be my shield and R-button would be my special. A-button stays as normal attack. Anyone else have a guess on what button layout they'd use?
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If there's a wii u bundle I'm caving and buying it.
Especially if it has cool looking decals.

By logic the 3ds version would probably come first, correct? Both because it's easier to finish (less visual effects=less time spent polishing) and because it should generate hype for the "real" version of the game.

Even if they finish the 3DS version first, it's unlikely they will release it first. Doing so would be murder on the already-guaranteed to be poor in comparison Wii U sales. They have to release the Wii U version at least 2 weeks ahead of time to squeeze out as many sales as they can for people who cave in to the "I want it first" mentality.

And there're unlikely to be smash bundles until a few months post-release, except if it ends up releasing around the holiday season, which it probably won't.
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Probably just the female villager. Much like swapping Jigglypuff's hats I think it won't really be a whole costume swap though.
As for Pokemon, any trainer except for Shiela is fine by me. I like N,Hoenn trainer, or Serena best to be honest.

I was just pretending to play smash on my 3ds and tried to figure out controls. L-button would be my shield and R-button would be my special. A-button stays as normal attack. Anyone else have a guess on what button layout they'd use?

X = Jump
A = Jump/Grab
B = Normals
Y = Specials
L = Shield
R = Grab/Jump (inverse of the A)
Start = Pause
Home = "Aww fuck sorry bro, wrong button"
Touch Screen = Poke opponents causing easter egg tripping (trollface)
You're probably getting female villager only.
I think if a character can have two skins, it'll mostly be an iconic look and another (in the case of Wario), or two Genders (like Villager and WFT)
It's certainly not ridiculously unlikely to get more than 2 skin choices. Especially since female villager would probably be relatively simple (since the proportions would be nearly identical aside from hair and clothing they could probably get away with just tweaking his animations and hitboxes rather than starting over) and it's kind of obligatory for us to get at least one new leaf style villager skin, what with it being the newest one. I'm almost surprised that the basic villager isn't new leaf style tbh.
It's just that villager fits into both of those categories. He has two genders AND he has an iconic look along with a new one. If anyone gets 3+ skins, it's villager for sure.
Also, where did you draw that conclusion about pokemon trainer? A thousand things could change between now and the next ssb, I mean that's in like 5 years...

Even if they finish the 3DS version first, it's unlikely they will release it first. Doing so would be murder on the already-guaranteed to be poor in comparison Wii U sales. They have to release the Wii U version at least 2 weeks ahead of time to squeeze out as many sales as they can for people who cave in to the "I want it first" mentality.

And there're unlikely to be smash bundles until a few months post-release, except if it ends up releasing around the holiday season, which it probably won't.
You could easily see it as spreading publicity for the wii u release. I doubt the sort of person who can't wait a couple weeks to get it isn't already planning on getting both anyway.
Either way, it's a little strange that they went with a 3ds release at all considering the Wii U desperately needs a console seller like this...
Actually, now that I think about it, I got a gamecube AND a wii specifically for smash bros.
Well, I'm just saying it's a pretty good reason to question Pokemon Trainer (Again, Kanto specifically)'s return.
Gamefreak is essentially a second party when you get down to things and deciding representation from that can't be as easy as it is with everything else.
I mean, if you ask me, Gen 2 Pokemon Trainer is possible since Heart Gold/Soul Silver came out after Smash Bros Brawl.
And I wouldn't be against, say...
Cyndaquil, Bayleef, and Feraligator
chikorita, quilava, feraligatr

it moves them all over one instead of just switching fire and water
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I'd just have a trainer that uses Charizard, Sceptile and Greninja. All popular Pokemon, all from different Gens that are currently the most relevant, (1st Gen for obvious reasons, 3rd Gen because Nintendo keeps hinting at remakes of it at this point, 6th Gen because it's the most recent) and 3 are fully evolved to top it off.
I'd just have a trainer that uses Charizard, Sceptile and Greninja. All popular Pokemon, all from different Gens that are currently the most relevant, (1st Gen for obvious reasons, 3rd Gen because Nintendo keeps hinting at remakes of it at this point, 6th Gen because it's the most recent) and 3 are fully evolved to top it off.
>Hoenn Region
>Doesn't Include Blaziken

I mean, I know it wouldn't make any logical sense to have both Charizard and Blaziken.

It's just...

If you're gonna do ANYTHING Hoenn involving starters, it should always be Blaziken.
Or just don't have Pokemon trainer and use his slot for something more worthwhile.
Or just don't have Pokemon trainer and use his slot for something more worthwhile.

For one how dare you.

But really, the Pokemon Trainer probably is probably the best representation of the Pokemon franchise as a whole because he actually represents what the games are about and is a protagonist, he uses a team of pokemon (like the games) that have their own strengths and weaknesses for any given situation (like the game) and have completely different stats that make some more viable than others based on the situation (like th- well for that one it really depends on your team but it's a thing that could happen in the game).
It was such a smart decision to have him be a stance character and to have a stamina system, at least from a representative standpoint (I imagine it could get annoying if you play competitively bUT MY POINT STILL STANDS).

I dunno man, I have a wicked hard on* for good character representation and aside from his Final Smash it was such good representation.
Fix that and the assbutt amount of time it took to switch between pokemon, maybe add a hitbox to protect Pokemon exiting the switch to keep people off, and it's pretty much the best way you could represent the Pokemon series.
As a whole.

But people will still say Pikachu is better because he's more iconic or something.

*Am I allowed to say that?
What MightyBox said.
I say keep the Pokemon Trainer concept, because it's fucking awesome and does definitely nail the Pokemon Games perfectly.
But use a different team of Pokemon.

Again though, this is more or less Gamefreak's call, though I am sure Sakurai is allowed to make suggestions to them.
After all, shortly after E3 Pokemon guys were asked about Mewtwo being in SSB 4 and Sakurai enthusiastically yelled "We'll try!"
Gotta agree with TheMightyBox.

I'm actually fine with Pokemon Trainer remaining unchanged from Brawl. Maybe a fix here or there, such as making Squirtle's Water Gun into Bubble or something actually useful, but otherwise I'm fine with Squirtle/Venusaur/Charizard.
I still think the stamina thing is a bit of a dumb move and just becomes annoying.

Also if he does return, they need to fix the change times so they're uniform rather than loading them which ends up causing different recovery times. That's the biggest fault in their stance system currently.
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For one how dare you.

But really, the Pokemon Trainer probably is probably the best representation of the Pokemon franchise as a whole because he actually represents what the games are about and is a protagonist, he uses a team of pokemon (like the games) that have their own strengths and weaknesses for any given situation (like the game) and have completely different stats that make some more viable than others based on the situation (like th- well for that one it really depends on your team but it's a thing that could happen in the game).
It was such a smart decision to have him be a stance character and to have a stamina system, at least from a representative standpoint (I imagine it could get annoying if you play competitively bUT MY POINT STILL STANDS).

I dunno man, I have a wicked hard on* for good character representation and aside from his Final Smash it was such good representation.
Fix that and the assbutt amount of time it took to switch between pokemon, maybe add a hitbox to protect Pokemon exiting the switch to keep people off, and it's pretty much the best way you could represent the Pokemon series.
As a whole.

But people will still say Pikachu is better because he's more iconic or something.

*Am I allowed to say that?

Well yea, it may be the best representation of the Pokemon franchise, but it's not very practical for Smash. Pokemon Trainer is 3 characters shoved into one, meaning he specifically takes up more dev time (and space on the disk) than any other character. Plus he's kind of generic, and playing as the starters wasn't that great.
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Well yea, it may be the best representation of the Pokemon franchise, but it's not very practical for Smash. Pokemon Trainer is 3 characters shoved into one, meaning he specifically takes up more dev time (and space on the disk) than any other character. Plus he's kind of generic, and playing as the starters wasn't that great.
Alright, that one's definitely straight-up "your opinion, man". I know plenty of people who love playing as the Kanto starters.
Again, we just don't know.
I liked Pokemon Trainer and his concept, but again, apparently it's up to Gamefreak who they want playable.
But I swear to fucking Christ if Genesect is playable I'm punching something.
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Well yea, it may be the best representation of the Pokemon franchise, but it's not very practical for Smash. Pokemon Trainer is 3 characters shoved into one, meaning he specifically takes up more dev time (and space on the disk) than any other character. Plus he's kind of generic, and playing as the starters wasn't that great.

Like, the starters, I don't care it could be any 3 pokemon, and the trainer themselves could be any of the trainers,
and it could always be pulled off better, PT could be given more personality and stuff,
but if they cut PT I will be legit upset.

Besides, and I hate to keep beating a dead horse along with everyone else who talks about this game, but the removal of SSE clears up a lot of development time for them to make weird complicated characters like PT.
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Besides, and I hate to keep beating a dead horse along with everyone else who talks about this game, but the removal of SSE clears up a lot of development time for them to make weird complicated characters like PT.
This guy gets it and I like him.
Like, the starters, I don't care it could be any 3 pokemon, and the trainer themselves could be any of the trainers,
and it could always be pulled off better, PT could be given more personality and stuff,
but if they cut PT I will be legit upset.

Besides, and I hate to keep beating a dead horse along with everyone else who talks about this game, but the removal of SSE clears up a lot of development time for them to make weird complicated characters like PT.

That's offensive to some horses in this thread.

This guy gets it and I like him.

Don't you facepalm at me good sir.
Seriously though if there's a Gen V rep and it isn't Unova Trainer or Zoroark I'm kicking something.
I'd be fine with Victini though but he's a Pokeball and we all know it
Smash Bros is one of those games where everyone has such different opinions no one can win. So how about for now we can the who we want/who we don't want back/in thing for now and just discuss what we know.

Like, for instance, how I feel that all the confirmed items are already leagues above Brawl's simply in terms of creative representation.
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