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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Don't you facepalm at me good sir.
Seriously though if there's a Gen V rep and it isn't Unova Trainer or Zoroark I'm kicking something.
I'd be fine with Victini though but he's a Pokeball and we all know it

what if vanilluxe
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Smash Bros is one of those games where everyone has such different opinions no one can win. So how about for now we can the who we want/who we don't want back/in thing for now and just discuss what we know.

Like, for instance, how I feel that all the confirmed items are already leagues above Brawl's simply in terms of creative representation.

*Points to the half of thread comprised solely of "when's/what if <insert character here>"*
That fucking Beetle man.
Imagine if you're trying to come back then your opponent grabs one of those bad boys.
And you're just gone

My big question is how does it work? Does it fly in a straight line? Do you control it? When it picks up your opponent, does it just keep going straight? Can it be mashed out of or is it just set?

I think it's a really cool and fun item. It reminds me of Playstation Allstars, representation-wise, as it's a characters weapon as opposed to just a random Deku seed.

*Points to the half of thread comprised solely of "when's/what if <insert character here>"*

Yeah, but those were constructive. They were adding ideas. With the Pokemon Trainer talk, it was a lot of shutting down ideas. That just creates negativity.

That said, if anyone here suggests Goku or Lego Indiana Jones feel free to shut them down.
Yeah, pretty much. I already like the weapons more.
It's almost feeling like Sakurai is putting a lot more charm and personality into the game to make up for how gritty and kinda dark Brawl was.

But yeah, pretty much agreeing with that mindset too
Yeah, but those were constructive. They were adding ideas. With the Pokemon Trainer talk, it was a lot of shutting down ideas. That just creates negativity.

I think they stopped being constructive after the 10th time.

That said, if anyone here suggests Goku or Lego Indiana Jones feel free to shut them down.

Alright, that one's definitely straight-up "your opinion, man"
Everything would be perfectly fine if we had a pokemon trainer with 3 hawluchas. Boom, there you go, stop being little babies.
Look at it this way, we never see Pikachu's trainer.

EDIT: Also I must mention I page jumped from 121. I love your jokes, guys.

Because MB up in this Bros!
Also, someone pointed out that Dark Samus would be a pretty neat new character if they made conscious steps to not-clone her.
And even then, she doesn't have the Screw Attack, Missles, or Bombs.
So that's three out already.

But they also pointed out Prime is super unpopular in Japan.
All things considered we're lucky we got a stage and 2 songs from Prime.
Also, someone pointed out that Dark Samus would be a pretty neat new character if they made conscious steps to not-clone her.
And even then, she doesn't have the Screw Attack, Missles, or Bombs.
So that's three out already.

But they also pointed out Prime is super unpopular in Japan.
All things considered we're lucky we got a stage and 2 songs from Prime.
Well it's sorta huge in 'Murica. Sorta. I just wish Prime 2 got a liiiiitle bit more... Metroid as a whole ;-;
Also, someone pointed out that Dark Samus would be a pretty neat new character if they made conscious steps to not-clone her.
And even then, she doesn't have the Screw Attack, Missles, or Bombs.
So that's three out already.

But they also pointed out Prime is super unpopular in Japan.
All things considered we're lucky we got a stage and 2 songs from Prime.

I always said that Dark Samus could work well if they combined Phazon type attacks with some of Prime's exclusive mechanics.
Like the Boost and Spider Ball.
Seeker Missiles (I know you just said she doesn't have missiles but it could work).
Stuff like that.
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I always said that Dark Samus could work well if they combined Phazon type attacks with some of Prime's exclusive mechanics.
Like the Boost and Spider Ball.
Seeker Missiles (I know you just said she doesn't have missiles but it could work).
Stuff like that.
And her whole moveset would just be "Just dump a bunch of Phazon on it"
Ok no, but yeah, I'd be fine with her.
Really, if you look deep there are quite a few playable characters you could have in Smash Bros, they're not iconic (Well, aside from Ridley), but it'd sure be awesome.
i just want samus to get more of her arsenal
where the power bombs
or the ice missles
or charged morph ball bomb thingy
or the speed booster
or those bitchin' swirly missiles from fusion
Power Bombs would break the game and you know that.

That's why it should've been the final smash and not the Zero Laser.
samus needs all she can get, man
at least make them like
a super bomb
with a bigger boomy blast radius rather than a screen wipe
You could technically have other Metroid characters at least use SOMETHIING similar to Samus' arsenal.
The Smashboards guy who suggested Anthony said he could use the Freeze Ray (Since that's standard issue) and the Plasma Beam
i just want samus to get more of her arsenal
where the power bombs
or the ice missles
or charged morph ball bomb thingy
or the speed booster
or those bitchin' swirly missiles from fusion

Project M has the ice missiles.
Kid Icarus stage confirmed for console. It looks to be based off of That One Town or that one multiplayer map.


And thus, the Palutena discussion/leaks/confirmations/trolling commences once again.
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Kid Icarus stage confirmed for console. It looks to be based off of That One Town or that one multiplayer map.


And thus, the Palutena discussion/leaks/confirmations/trolling commences once again.


Omfg, Sakurai is a master troll. And here I thought he'd just ignore the leak.
That statue doesn't have the same trinkets that the leak Palutena did. Leak deconfirmed.

It's totally real
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That statue doesn't have the same trinkets that the leak Palutena did. Leak deconfirmed.

It's totally real
The Statue is obviously based on her KI:U design
While the "fake"/real one has more of the trinkets.
It's really that fucking Starman trinket on her sash.
That's too Sakurai to be fake.
Ahaha! That's fuckin awesome! I have very little doubt that Palutena's gonna be a newcomer. I can fucking feel it in unmentionable parts of my physique.

Sakurai knows how to play his cards. When life gives Sakurai lemons, he paints them orange and invites us to a nice snack session.
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Ahaha! That's fuckin awesome! I have very little doubt that Palutena's gonna be a newcomer. I can fucking feel it in unmentionable parts of my physique.

Sakurai knows how to play his cards. When life gives Sakurai lemons, he paints them orange and invites us to a nice snack session.

Uh let's keep it more Sakurai relevant.

Hades: When freaky aliens hand you lemons, make freaky alien lemonade.

I think we may need to make a checklist of what franchises still need a stage for each version now.

Mario: Mario Galaxy on the WiiU, New Mushroom Kingdom and Rainbow Road on the 3DS
Donkey Kong: Nothing revealed yet
Zelda: Skyloft on the WiiU, Spirit Train and Gerudo Valley on the 3DS
Metroid: Pyrosphere on the WiiU, still needs a 3DS stage
Kirby: Nothing revealed yet
Star Fox: Nothing revealed yet
Pokemon: Nothing revealed yet
Fire Emblem: Still needs a WiiU stage, Ferox Arena on the 3DS
Kid Icarus: Palutena's Temple? on the WiiU, Reset Bomb Forest? on the 3DS
Pikmin: Forest of Hope on the WiiU, still needs a 3DS stage
Sonic: Windy Hill Zone on the WiiU, still needs a 3DS stage
Animal Crossing: The City on the WiiU, Animal Island on the 3DS
Wii Fit: Gym on the WiiU, still needs a 3DS stage
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Castle on the WiiU, Still needs a 3DS stage
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I like how the different stages on each version each give different aesthetics to the stages.

For instance, Kid Icarus on 3DS is dark, while on console is bright.

I can imagine the Metroid 3DS stage, most likely based off of either Metroid Fusion or Zero Mission, will be brighter.
Especially if it's something like one of the research rooms.

And of course, this means console will be getting a Fire Emblem stage, which I think will be more of a generic one like Brawl, or something based off of Radiant Dawn.

It will be interesting to see, however, if characters who's games have been console exclusive such as Olimar will have a stage on 3DS. Maybe they'll just port over Brawl's Pikmin stage?
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It will be interesting to see, however, if characters who's games have been console exclusive such as Olimar will have a stage on 3DS. Maybe they'll just port over Brawl's Pikmin stage?

Well only one of Pit's games ended up being on a console and I'm pretty sure the Kid Icarus stage in the WiiU version is based primarily off of an Uprising location again. So for all we know, the Pikmin stage on the 3DS will end up being from Pikmin 2 or something.
Yeah, pretty much.
I'd be fine with a Zero Mission or Fusion stage, pretty much.
BUt only if Fusion's stage was creepy as fuck.

I still think Palutena will be playable, but that statue in her exact pose from the leak is still making me laugh
I think you all are forgetting about Tron Bonne and her stage in MvC3...
The point is sorta hidden in a stupid post in how even though Tron was in the background she was still playable.

[And Ridley's been in each damn Smash Bros, shut up about him getting in! :P ]
Man, I just want to see more stages. They're awesome too.

Like, Earthbound on console and Mother 3 on 3DS would make sense.

F-Zero on console will look gorgeous and on 3DS it would be cool if it was based on the anime-based games. Show a little more civilization.
Pfffffft, Sakurai totally fuckin' knows. Honestly, this could have only been done by a master troll.
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