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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Jesus christ. This article probably gave me an ulcer.

Edit: You guys are being way too hard on @Jutsei. Especially you, @Rellek.
If this all snowballed from me saying that he's "painfully optimistic" I apologize. I never intended that as an insult. You guys, on the other hand, need to stop. Don't stoop to that level. Keep it classy and don't get too personal.

Aye, Cap'n. Pullin up the sails on the ol' S.S. Critical.

It's hard for me, I guess, to be honest with people without being too honest. It just ends up hurting people and I'm like *scritchscritch* "Was that too mean?"
The usual.

Ridley and Palutena.

I think we should stop having the usual for a while.
i'll have the bacon wrapped enchilada sundae hash browns
just to mix things up
Dude, you're a Skullfan. Waiting should be in your blood.
Oh please, I'm extremely patient.
It's my best trait.
I'm just more weirded out we haven't gotten a single bit of news yet
Aside from that apparent Renegade Kid thing.
Which was a week too early.
Excuse me?
We were talking about Simon Belmont.
I actually would be 100% fine with Konami's rep being replaced with Simon Belmont.
I mean, given the Wii U's struggling, Snake promoting a game on other Next Gen consoles wouldn't be too hype.
Eh, Belmont wouldn't make much sense either. He was in Lords of Shadow 3DS, but other than that he's as relevant as Snake Nintendo wise, with LoS2 on other consoles.

Edit: at least he'd make historical sense. Then again, Snake did debut on the NES...

Speaking of Palutena, that picture of her statue has a tassle or a rope of some kind hanging off of her shield, but those "leaked" pictures don't have it at all.
Simon Belmont was in 2/3 of the games on the Nintendo Console though.
It wouldn't be promoting Lords of Shadow either, especially since that's a different continuity all together.
If they used his LoS design though I'd be pretty salty.
I don't hate Lords of Shadow, I just wish they'd get back to making the real Castlevania games again.
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The Smashboards did some comparisons.

Basically, in Kid Icarus Uprising, Palutena had features on her not on the statue. Even though she had the belt trinkets on her character, they were not on the statue. The same can be said for the leaked screenshots. Character model has trinkets, statue doesn't.

And I don't like Lords of Shadow simply because it's a God of War cash in. What next, a shooter? A free to play mobile puzzle game? Just stick to your guns. You have a goddamn genre named after you: METROIDVANIA.
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Yeah, I was gonna mention that too. The statue doesn't have the trinkets.
Chances are the statue is more directly based on her KI:U deisgn, and the playable character (if it is that) has the extra shit.

And pretty much, that too.
I want Metroidvania, fucking Hell when was the last time we got a real Metroidvania game?
The last one we got as Order of Ecclesia in like 2008.
There was that downloadable Castlevania game, but even then it was Metroidvania light.

There's a lot of Kickstarters for them. It's a genre that should be revived.
Before we get off topic.

Yeah, I do want Simon, but every day it seems more likely Pac-man's gonna be the one
But who the fuck knows?
We might also get Simon too.
I'm pretty sure Sakurai is saving the other /new/ Third Party characters (Again, if any at all) for later to reveal.
The Smashboards did some comparisons.

Basically, in Kid Icarus Uprising, Palutena had features on her not on the statue. Even though she had the belt trinkets on her character, they were not on the statue. The same can be said for the leaked screenshots. Character model has trinkets, statue doesn't.

And I don't like Lords of Shadow simply because it's a God of War cash in. What next, a shooter? A free to play mobile puzzle game? Just stick to your guns. You have a goddamn genre named after you: METROIDVANIA.

It's funny because 3D Metroid games are FPS.
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I was implying a Castlevania shooter.

Metroid Prime worked really well. Retro knows what they're doing, despite the cries from people saying that they suck for some odd reason.

Actually, I just had a terrible thought.

What if the 3DS Metroid stage is Prime Hunters based?

Or worse.


Curiouser and Curiouser.

What even is that thing?
Looks like a rope or something that keeps the shield on her.

I don't know, but I really hope she has an attack where she throws it and pulls it back a la Rygar
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Curiouser and Curiouser.

What even is that thing?
Looks like a rope or something that keeps the shield on her.

It's the wiimote strap.
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I can just imagine Nate Bhildorf running up to Sakurai, whispering in his ear and then they both laugh maniacally at the baka gaijins trying to figure out if the leak is real or not

while swimming in money

and lotion for his tendonitis
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Eh, Belmont wouldn't make much sense either. He was in Lords of Shadow 3DS, but other than that he's as relevant as Snake Nintendo wise, with LoS2 on other consoles.

Edit: at least he'd make historical sense. Then again, Snake did debut on the NES...
Snake didn't debut on the NES. The first metal gear was on PC platforms and eventually got a shitty NES port.
Castlevania... hasn't been nintendo exclusive for a while, but has nearly always been inseparable from their consoles, and most of their games end up on them. Similar to megaman. And I believe that Simon Belmont has never appeared on a game that isn't on a nintendo platform. Either way, there were some Sega castlevania games, playstation 1 castlevania games (SotN), dracula of war, et cetera, but aside from a few instances the main games have always been nintendo games. All of the classic style action sidescrollers were nintendo, a good 90% of the metroidvanias were on the GBA or DS, even in the generation that they made SotN the game that they thought would become the new main games for the franchise, Castlevania 64, was released for a nintendo console even if it was a big flop. The franchise is historically for nintendo.
But it's the fact that, when you go back to classic nes games, among Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Megaman, etc. Castlevania always pops up. It's just one of those games that's always going to be associated with classic nintendo. That's what got Megaman in, that's what got Pit in, and it's why Simon deserves a spot.

Before we get off topic.

Yeah, I do want Simon, but every day it seems more likely Pac-man's gonna be the one
But who the fuck knows?
We might also get Simon too.
I'm pretty sure Sakurai is saving the other /new/ Third Party characters (Again, if any at all) for later to reveal.
How the hell would a bamco character being in cut a Konami character? If they're still on good terms with Konami about ssb, Simon Belmont is a somewhat likely newcomer. I don't think there's a cap to how many 3rd party characters we can get if the characters are relevant to nintendo, so I don't think pacman's candidacy threatens Simon's...
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Here's a thought:

If Punch-Out never had a portable release, what does Little Mac do for a stage?

And I wouldn't mind Simon's Super Castlevania IV look.
Horseman raising valid points about Simon.
I'm for him, definitely. Simon though HAS appeared in a few non-Nintendo console games, but only one of them really mattered.
Castlevania Chronicles (which was SUPER Super Castlevania IV), and Harmony of Darkness (As 8 Bit Simon Belmont, no less!) So I really do think he's possible

The relationship with Konami is another reason I think he's kinda likely. He's far more likely than any other Konami character that's been on Nintendo.
Sorry guys we're not getting Contra Guy.